
Don't go, folks, there are epic benefits today

author:Good buy workshop
Don't go, folks, there are epic benefits today

This afternoon, real estate once again ushered in a blockbuster positive.

For example, the down payment ratio is reduced to 15% for the first house and 25% for the second house. There is also a 0.25% reduction in the interest rate on CPF loans, as well as the removal of the lower limit on interest rates for first and second home mortgages......

1. Loss of 30%! What should I do if I am a newbie?

Subsequently, many real estate companies closed the price limit in a straight line.

Real estate and the real estate industry chain directly account for half of the domestic economy, so A-shares are boiling.

Hong Kong stocks have also turned from diving to soaring, and the momentum is very strong.

Operationally, for medium and long-term investors, the current upward trend is still there, and there are many favorable policies, which can be described as endless. Therefore, maintain a balanced allocation as much as possible, and focus on holding and waiting.

Anyway, when I was chatting with a friend last night, I accidentally talked about investment, and she said that she also bought funds, but she didn't want to see it.

I feel that I haven't recovered my capital at this point now, and I still have a lot of losses, and it is estimated that I bought it at the high point in early 2021, or bought a popular tuyere fund.

Sure enough! She bought Zhang Kun's E Fund Quality Enterprise Selection (formerly E Fund Small and Mid Cap) at the beginning of 2021 when the market was hot.

After buying it, it fell all the way down to numbness.

At the beginning of the year, she lost about 40% at the lowest point, and then recovered some as the market picked up, but she still lost 30% now.

Don't go, folks, there are epic benefits today

Image source: Screenshot of the holding fund

Seeing that the fund fell, and fell more and more, she didn't know much about it. In addition, the total amount of investment is not too much, and the total loss is not large.

So he pretended to lie down on the ostrich and lay down completely. I haven't touched the fund account in the past 3 years, and I have neither sold nor replenished my position, and I have been throwing it there all the time.

Then I reassured her that investment and financial management must be learned in the future, and the anchor of national wealth will also be transferred to the financial market in the future.

No matter what you do, you have to pay tuition in the early stage, promote your own learning and growth at the lowest possible cost, and summarize lessons and lessons.

Don't go, folks, there are epic benefits today

Image source: Chat logs

Otherwise, the more money you will save in the future, in case your brain is hot, you will lose a lot.

Many people invest hundreds of thousands, millions, and it is difficult to turn over, because they did not lay a good foundation in the early stage, and they are high-end games when they first get started, and they have no experience.

After looking at the fund holdings, I helped her formulate a regular investment plan for the future.

In fact, Zhang Kun's holding companies are generally leading companies in various industries and fields. Maybe some companies are currently more expensive, their valuations are more expensive, and there may be adjustments, but they are all high-quality brands, and they have crossed bulls and bears for a long time.

What is the performance of Zhang Kun and many tens of billions of fund managers this year?

I made a statistical chart, and 43 top fund managers with a scale of more than 15 billion yuan are among them, which you can use to compare and screen. Need to kick me backstage.

Second, two hidden investment flashpoints

What can we learn from her experience raising a foundation? In fact, throughout her investment process, there are two hidden investment flashpoints.

First, small trial purchases, small trial and error.

For us small and medium-sized investors, we all have no information and no background, and there will naturally be no pie in the sky, only traps.

Therefore, no matter what we do or what we invest, we must try to buy in a small amount and make a small amount of trial and error in the early stage, which is very necessary.

Instead of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of kills at the beginning, there is a lack of room for maneuver, and it is easy to fall into it and it is difficult to get out.

And don't believe any "make a profit, don't lose money" investment statement. If someone tells you that, either he doesn't know how to do it, or he has bad intentions.

Second, stop loss in time or "pretend to be an ostrich" and treat it coldly.

Usually when the investment is lost, chasing many popular funds, when the wind direction changes, the first thing to do is to stop loss, or temporarily cold eyes and then analyze.

Instead of "not believing in evil" and continuing to cover positions, the result is getting deeper and deeper.

This is true of many investors who lose a lot of money.

Originally, it was only a small damage, but even if it was cleared, the damage would be limited. But he "doesn't believe in evil" and wants to get it back, but the more he makes up the position, the more he loses.

Only when it changes from popular to unpopular, or is indeed at a low level and undervalued, can it be replenished and strengthened.

Of course, there are also disadvantages.

It's just that when you encounter a little blow, you will give up on the fund account. Learning to invest and manage money is impossible without paying anything. It is very necessary to continue to try and make mistakes with small investments, accumulate experience and summarize lessons.

In this way, you can lay the foundation for future investment!

There will always be a time when you grow up and have a lot of money, and what if the market rises again. You can't be enthusiastic again, and then chase high again, right?

There are also specific investment directions, pay attention to the hot less touch.

At the same time, diversified investment and balanced allocation, the east does not shine brightly in the west, which can greatly optimize the investment experience.

The core of investment is actually as simple as that.

This article is the original of Haomai Academy, if you need to reprint it, please indicate at the beginning of the article that it comes from "Haomai Academy". Without authorization, no media or individual shall reprint it in whole or in part, otherwise it will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on public information research and does not constitute investment advice. Investors should make prudent decisions and bear risks independently.

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