
Collect|11 small actions, perfect to prevent running knee injuries!

author:Running Bible

When it comes to marathons, in addition to the coolness of running and the skills of actual combat, the injuries it may bring are also a topic that cannot be ignored.

On this topic, there are already countless relevant popular science and prevention tutorials on the Internet. Today, I'm going to introduce you to the two most common running injuries, as well as some simple and practical tips to prevent them.

Collect|11 small actions, perfect to prevent running knee injuries!

About the knee – patellofemoral syndrome

Everyone must have heard the saying: "Running Baili only hurts the knee".

Although studies have shown that people with regular jogging habits are less likely to have knee problems than the general population, there are still many runners who are stuck with knee problems, also known as "running knees". What the hell is it? How can I prevent it?

Patellofemoral syndrome, an ambiguous-sounding term, is actually the scientific name for "running knee", which is an overuse syndrome. Putting aside the complicated academic explanations, let's take a look at the typical symptoms.

a. Pain in the front of the knee, but it cannot be accurately located

This is an important symptom of the "running knee" – the patient will usually experience a dull pain behind the patella, especially when squeezing the front of the patella, but when you ask him to point out the exact location of the pain, he can often only describe the front of the knee and cannot point out the specific pain point.

b. The pain of going down the stairs is obvious, and sometimes the knees even make a friction sound

The second symptom of "running knee" is that there is basically no discomfort when walking, but when going downhill or down stairs, the pressure on the knee increases, and there is obvious pain, and sometimes you can even hear the knee rubbing sound when doing a large amount of activity.

c. "Theater sign" - discomfort after the knee is at a fixed angle for a long time

The so-called "theater sign" originally referred to the small space between the seats in the front and back of the theater, and people often cannot move their knees when sitting in such seats, and they feel knee discomfort after a long time. Patients with "running knee" are also prone to feel knee pain and soreness after sitting for a long time.

Collect|11 small actions, perfect to prevent running knee injuries!

Precautionary measures

A. Strength training

- 6 movements to help you have a healthy pair of knees

a、深蹲跳(Jump Squat)

Straighten your hands in front of you, sit back with your hips in a squat, your knees in the direction of your toes, and not over your toes; Then jump as high as you can and land lightly. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. Be sure to pay attention to the maintenance of posture and the control of movements, do not deform, and the landing must be light, must be light, must be light, important things say three times!

b、弓步下蹲(Walking lunge)

Take a step forward and squat in a lunge shape, with your knees in the direction of your toes and not over your toes; Then switch legs and take another lunge forward, the essentials of the movement are the same as above. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each, using two lunges (one for each leg and one for each leg).

c、低姿侧弓步(Low side-to-side lunge)

With your hands clasped in front of your chest, take a step towards your left leg and place your weight on your left leg, bending your left knee and sitting back with your hips. Then shift your weight to your right leg and bend your right knee while sitting back on your hips, keeping a coherent flow between the two movements without standing up. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each, using two (i.e., one for each leg and one for each leg) side lunge squat.

d、登山动作(Mountain Climbers)

In a push-up position, bend your right leg, then straighten, then bend your left leg, then straighten. Change legs as quickly as possible while maintaining posture and movements without deformation. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each, using two (i.e. one for each leg and one for each leg) to climb the mountain.

e、侧向弹力带行走(Lateral Band Walks)

Wrap your thighs around an elastic band, keep your legs apart to stretch the elastic band, then move 20 steps laterally to the left and another 20 steps to the right. Do 3 sets in a set of one round trip.

f、反向提臀(Reverse hip raise)

Lie on the ball or bench, try to keep your legs straight, then lift your legs and hips up until they are in line with your torso, notice the sensation of the glutes squeezing, then hold this position and resume the initial movement. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

B. Protective measures

a. Train gradually, don't increase the amount suddenly

b. Maintain a reasonable weight and reduce the burden on your knees


d. Wear protective gear appropriately and run less on hard surfaces

Collect|11 small actions, perfect to prevent running knee injuries!

About the foot – plantar fasciitis

In addition to the "running knee", another "big enemy" of runners is plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is a chronic injury caused by exercise-induced aseptic inflammation of the tendons or fascia of the plantar of the foot.

Sudden increases in exercise, structural problems in the foot (e.g., flat feet, high arched feet, short heel tendons, etc.), and ill-fitting running shoes (e.g., running shoes with too thin or stiff soles) can overload the plantar fascia, which can cause plantar fasciitis. The most common symptoms are as follows:

a. Heel pain or discomfort, the tender point is often near the heel, sometimes the tenderness is more severe and persistent;

b. The pain is obvious in the morning, the pain is aggravated when walking excessively, and severe patients even have pain when standing and resting.

Plantar fasciitis is a rather difficult condition that not only tends to recur, but also gets worse with the normal duration of the disease.

So, the best plan is always to plan ahead – we want you to know how to get away from this "abrasive leprechaun" rather than how to recover.

Collect|11 small actions, perfect to prevent running knee injuries!

Precautionary measures

5 actions to help you protect your plantar fascia

a、提踵运动(Calf raising)

Stand on the edge of the steps with your heels in the air, tiptoe up (the higher the better) and then slowly descend; Then do a single-leg calf raise, and the essentials of the movement are as above. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

b、台阶拉伸(Step stretch)

Stand on the edge of the step with your heels in the air, press your heels down (it must be lower than the step you're standing on) and resume your initial movement. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.


Stand on one foot with your toes curled up to arch your arch, then relax and resume your initial movement. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each of the left and right feet.

d、脚趾伸展运动(Toe spread and squeeze)

Remain seated, use a rubber band to cover all five toes, stretch your toes to stretch the rubber band, and then relax to resume the initial movement; Insert something soft (such as a sponge) between your toes, curl up your toes and squeeze the object, then relax and resume your initial movement. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each movement of the left and right feet.

e、脚趾抓毛巾(Tower Curls)

Lay a towel on the ground, step on it with one foot, grab the towel around your feet with your toes, and then spread the towel flat with your toes. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each of the left and right feet.

Exercise is fun, and running a marathon is even more, but the premise of enjoying this happiness is always to have a healthy body.

Therefore, when you are doing daily marathon training, you should also remember to take some measures to prevent injuries.

The above content is compiled from Chongqing Sports Collection

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Collect|11 small actions, perfect to prevent running knee injuries!

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