
My mother-in-law lived in my house for the elderly, but she gave all the 1.5 million yuan of the demolition money to my brother-in-law

author:Muxue sunset

Dictated: Ms. Wang


In this bustling and noisy city, my family and I live an ordinary and warm life. However, a recent incident at home caused ripples like a pebble thrown into a calm lake.

My mother-in-law is very old, and in order to allow her to enjoy her old age in peace, my husband and wife decided not to hesitate to take her into their homes to care for the elderly.

We prepared a comfortable room for her, and prepared delicious meals for her every day, just hoping to make her feel the warmth of home.

However, just when we thought that everything would continue so beautifully, a decision by my mother-in-law left us in deep confusion and incomprehension.

My mother-in-law's old house has recently been demolished due to urban planning, and as an elder in the family, she has naturally become the main beneficiary of the demolition money.

We were not too surprised when we learned that she had received a demolition payment of up to 1.5 million, after all, it was a compensation for her years of hard work. However, the mother-in-law's next decision made us feel unacceptable.

She decided to give all the money to my brother-in-law. Yes, you heard it right, it's all.

My mother-in-law lived in my house for the elderly, but she gave all the 1.5 million yuan of the demolition money to my brother-in-law


When I heard the news, I was shocked and puzzled. Our husband and wife take care of their mother-in-law meticulously, why would she give this huge amount of money to a little uncle who rarely has contact with her on weekdays and even occasionally speaks coldly to her?

I remember that when my mother-in-law's old house was included in the scope of demolition, she said to us with great expectations: "This house has been lived in for so many years, and now it is finally going to be demolished, and we can enjoy it." ”

At that time, my husband and I thought that the demolition money would be used to improve our quality of life or provide better security for my mother-in-law's retirement life. However, the fact is that she is going to hand over all the demolition money to her youngest son.

This decision shocked and puzzled our family, and the mother-in-law's explanation made us even more sad. She said: "Your brother-in-law, they are living in difficulty right now and need this money to tide over the difficulties. ”

However, in our opinion, the little uncle's family does not lack basic living security, and is even more comfortable than us.

Therefore, my mother-in-law's decision made me feel very aggrieved. My husband and I have been taking good care of my mother-in-law's daily life for many years and have never complained. However, at the most critical moment, the mother-in-law chose to give all the demolition money to the uncle, which is undoubtedly a denial and neglect of our years of dedication.

My mother-in-law lived in my house for the elderly, but she gave all the 1.5 million yuan of the demolition money to my brother-in-law


From a social point of view, the mother-in-law's decision also seems to be counterintuitive. Because, in our traditional concept, it is the responsibility and obligation of children to support the elderly, and the elderly should also leave more of their property and care to those who really care and take care of themselves.

However, the mother-in-law chose another unacceptable way, is it really not worth mentioning in the mother-in-law's heart that we have paid and sacrificed over the years?

From a personal point of view, the mother-in-law's decision undoubtedly had a huge psychological impact on us. We didn't covet the demolition money, but we felt that my mother-in-law's decision was too hasty and partial.

My husband usually respects his mother-in-law, but this time he is inevitably a little angry, but he is introverted and difficult to express directly. And I, with a straightforward personality, said directly to my mother-in-law: "Mom, are you too partial? All the demolition money was given to the younger brother, so should the younger brother and sister-in-law also be responsible for your pension in the future? ”

When my mother-in-law heard my words, her face suddenly became gloomy and she had a big fight with me. She accused us of not knowing how to care for our younger brothers, and said that they were having a hard time and needed the money more than we did. I tried to explain that we just felt that the decision was too sudden and did not mean to disrespect the little uncle, but the mother-in-law's emotions were already difficult to calm down.

My mother-in-law lived in my house for the elderly, but she gave all the 1.5 million yuan of the demolition money to my brother-in-law


The atmosphere in the house was tense for a while, but I felt that I had done nothing wrong, after all, it was her bowl of water that was uneven.

As her daughter-in-law, I respect her decision, but also hope that she will take our feelings into account. We don't want the money, but we want her to treat each of her children fairly.

This incident caused quite a stir in our family and made me think about all kinds of problems in family relationships. Perhaps, in the face of family affection and wealth, we all need to make more rational and wise choices.

So, do you think I'm doing something wrong? In my opinion, I am just expressing my opinions and feelings, hoping that my mother-in-law will treat each child fairly.

Write at the end:

I once read this sentence: "If you want your descendants to be prosperous, the old man must have a bowl of water." ”

Even if it is difficult to balance the bowl of water sometimes, try to maintain your balance, because once the bowl of water is spilled, it will wet the child's heart.

Therefore, the pattern and wisdom of the elderly are the basis for future generations to be able to unite.