
Whether the house is prosperous or not, mainly looks at the foyer


Angry door, prosperous son and prosperous wealth.

The door of the heavenly medicine is prosperous, and the women are prosperous and the men are blessed.

Extend the longevity of the people who open the door and prosper their descendants.

The northwest, due north and northeast are the gates of great luck.

1 Genmen (northeast gate) is a gas gate

The angry party is good for money. The semi-circular type of the door head is better, the staircase should be semi-circular, width: 1.6-1.9 meters, 2.3-2.9 meters high, golden-yellow, red, silver-gray, can not be green, for the coffin door. The door can not be planted with wood and grass, there can be water in the east, water for the green dragon, there is water on the right (east), the front of the door is flat, avoid unevenness. There can be no water in front of the door, but there can be water in the south of the door. There can be nothing in front of the door, such as grass piles, stinky water, etc., stone lions can be used to ward off evil spirits, and the door can not be in the corner of the wall, which is easy to get cancer. The southwest should be handled well, not high, flat, and can be used as a kitchen and warehouse.

It can be used as a garden, and the pool is planted with flowers and plants, but it cannot be used as a toilet (kun position), and it will be unlucky. Kun can not be used as a toilet, easy to get leukemia, esophageal cancer, stomach fever, easy to get kidney failure, urological diseases. Genmen is afraid to see the mountain, for the grave, there is a river on the left and right is good, and it is better to level it. There is a bridge in front of the door (Nai He Bridge), and people will die.

2 The Sunmon Gate (southeast gate) is the Fortune Gate and the Sun Gate

Located in Wenchang, close to the official and noble. Champion of civil servants. The door is semi-circular, and the road hugs the door to gather gas. Round things can be used to avoid evil. No peach or apricot trees can be planted at the entrance of Xun. Flowering plants are easy to attract flowers and butterflies, and attract negative things. There are big trees at the door, and bricks, stones, grass and other items cannot be stacked at the door. The southeast gate must make a gatehouse, there are columns in the west, red, bright for the wood fire, more bamboo planted in the south of the door, and there are 10,000 books at home.

If flowers are planted, the man leaves the house. When the courtyard gate is Xunmen, the house door faces south, and the wood fire is born, and the courtyard gate is repaired forward, leading the dragon into the house, and it is good luck for the private house. Open the door (northwest) Lihu (southeast), build a small pool in the northeast of the door, elliptical type, raise fish inside, the water flows to the southeast, gather here, call the green dragon to get water (Chen is the southeast, the water method is the reservoir), the northwest is the gate of heaven, it should be high, it is the dragon, you can repair the pavilion, the pavilion is the phoenix, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. It is good to open the door and have water, and attract wealth into the house.

3 Kanmen (North Gate), Wenqu Xingmen

Northern Mercury, the star lord of the Big Dipper, represents the first name of the champion. The first gate of a famous university is the north gate, which must be low and wide in order to produce talents. The north gate can collect the spirit of Qiangen, make a fortune and be promoted. But it is also a yin door, and it should be white, silver-gray is better. Stainless steel columns, can not be used red.

Mingtang likes six, seven, and nine meters, six women are wealthy, seven are good children, and nine are good husbands. It would be better to have bamboo grass on both sides of the door. The host is incredibly smart. It is best to place turtles and dragons in front and back, which is called dragon gate. The fish tank can only be placed in the west, and the descendants will be prosperous. The two dragons in the door recruit officials, and raise fish to make a fortune.

On the left side of the door (west), you can dig a pool, or enlarge the tank to raise fish, mainly wide. It is best to have a river on the left and right. When you go out, you are most afraid of seeing mountains, and you don't like water but mountains. Avoid backflowing water, rainwater can not flow north, this is anti-bow water, lewd water. The water can flow east and south. Feel free to leave the house. The north gate is one of the three major gates.

4 Qianmen (Northwest Gate) is one of the three gates of Yangzhai

The dry door of the house is open, and the waist is full of money. If the door is good and the cemetery is good, you can produce emperors and officials. As far as government organs are concerned, they are real and have power. Qianmen is the door of the two prosperous financial officials. The dry door should be tall, should be high but not wide, generally 1.9 meters× 2.3 meters is the best, for the round door. The dry door should be accepted as well, the high pillars on both sides of the door are erected, there is a coiled dragon on the pillar, called the golden dragon panyu pillar, and the bell is safe on the gatehouse. The dry door opened its mouth to catch the air. The main circle is connected to gas, absorbs gas, and gathers gas. There can be no water before and after the dry door, and there is water for the vent valve.

The door and the river are opposite to the elephant kissing, the pool can be repaired on the southeast corner, the dry door can not be red, the black lacquer gate can be used, and the gold and water are born together. White doors are also available, stainless steel doors are better, do not paint. The door should be semi-solitary, and the steps under the door are semi-solitary (fan-shaped steps), and the screen can be placed in the door, and if it is a larger courtyard door, the shadow wall can be repaired inside. The wall is painted with horses, which means "imaginative" or "horses to success." "Don't paint pine cranes (for the purpose of the house).

5 The earthquake gate (east gate) is called the White Tiger Hanging Waist Gate

The east gate should not be high, and the east gate should be guarded with a stone lion, otherwise it is easy to be injured. There should be high-voltage lines (for fire), transmission towers, and neurasthenia in the main brain in front of the door. There is evil in front of the door, there is a sick person in the Lord, and the child does not follow the right path, and it hurts the children and grandchildren. The east gate is preferably red, and the threshold should not be too high. The opening of the door is unlucky, there are mountains, and the mountains are shaking. It is easy to open the east gate for military attachés, it is appropriate for the public prosecutor to administer justice, and the people working in the army open the east gate. There is water in front of the east gate, and it is easy to have blood. There can be no fire and tigers, avoid more than three big trees in front of the door, and the bamboo forest is not good, attracting yin qi.

6 The gate of the west gate is the gate of the ruined waters, and it should not be opened

Open this door, men and women are not compatible, right and wrong, official positions are not visible, and wealth and fortune are not gathered. It is turbid water, and the door should be opened to the northwest. The color of the gate is black, but green is also acceptable. There is no pool inside or outside the hospital. Raise more flowers and bamboos in the courtyard, and prohibit water. Guard the door with a lion. If you have a house, you should place two elephants, or put them in the door. Put the shadow wall wall inside the door, and then enlarge the belly Buddha, which can solve the door of the water.

7 Leaving the door (south gate) is good for men, and it is forbidden to break through them

There can be no viaducts, and no road rushing. Lu Chong is easy to bleed, not good for women, and easy to be short-sighted. The overpasses collided, and Tarzan pressed the top and injured her husband. The corner of the building hurts the child. It's good for men, but it's too taboo. Avoid the road, not low in front of the door, do not go downhill; But it can't be high, high is an arrow through the heart, flat is the best. There is an anti-bow road outside the door, which is prone to car accidents. The road hugs the house and is afraid of the south gate, so that the long snake spits out the letter, which is prone to cerebral hemorrhage, liver cancer, and is a murderous house.

The door is the noon gate, the door of the official office, the people should not open the noon door, especially the courtyard door can not be opened to the south, and the houses in the courtyard can be opened from the door. The hospital door is open to the south, and there are many cancers, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.

8 Kunmen (southwest gate) is a dead gate, and it is generally not suitable to open Kunmen.

It is easy to get sick when it is opened, men are prone to die young, and women can live a long life. The master of Kunmen stole and did not do her job, and she was imprisoned. Only the practice room, warehouse, and granary can be opened.

Among the above eight gates, Qianxun is the real door, Li, Dui, and Kun are false doors, and Gen, Zhen, and Kan are also true doors. The courtyard gate and the door are auspicious, and the combination of yin and yang is auspicious. If the yin door is yin direction, there will be yin disease, and the yang door will be yang disease.

There are generally four types of offenses:

One is that the door of the house is facing someone else's door;

the second is that the door is facing the toilet door;

the third is that the door is facing the kitchen door;

Fourth, the door to the door.

If the entrances of the two buildings are opposite each other, and there is no large, wide road separating them, the two buildings are in conflict with each other. Most of the residents in the building will cause trouble.