
Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

author:Dr. Lilac
Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

If there is anything bad about the south, one is that the cockroaches are big, and the other is that it is too humid.

In February and March, not long after returning to Nantian, the underwear had not been dried for a few days, and it began to enter the rainy rainy season again, and everyone was so tide that they were going to get moldy/grow mushrooms.

It's a bit of an exaggeration to grow mushrooms, but the walls, cabinets, wooden bed boards, and pools in the house are ...... It's really going to be long.

Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer
Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

Image source: Screenshot of Xiaohongshu

Along with the dampness, in addition to the houses with moldy spots, there are also some people's physical "bad luck":

Non-stop coughing, blocked nose, uncomfortable breathing, itchy skin...... There is nothing wrong with it, but all kinds of small problems and discomforts, one after another, just can't find a clear reason.

The problem may be hidden in the spots in the corners – mold.

Invisible microscopic mold

It could be the culprit of your discomfort

As we all know, if the food is moldy, it should not be eaten indiscriminately, it may be poisoned, and even aflatoxins have a risk of causing cancer.

Many people are not aware of the harm of moldy houses to the body.

Most areas south of the Qinling-Huai River on the mainland are prone to mold indoors for most of the year. June, July, and August are also the peak months for mold growth in the north.

In addition to the walls, tables, chairs, cabinets, clothes and pillows, sink drains, air conditioners, washing machines, ...... They're everywhere, and they all work together.

Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

Clothes and shoes

Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

Tables, chairs, furniture

Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

Household items

The gray mildew spots not only look dirty, which greatly affects the living experience, but also brings unexpected effects to some people's bodies.

A while ago, a blogger on Xiaohongshu posted about his unlucky life after living in a moldy house with his children.

Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

Image source: Screenshot of Xiaohongshu

In the comment area, many people resonated deeply and told about their unlucky experience; There are also some people who are surprised to leave a message: My problem seems to have found the reason!

As early as decades ago, some people found that symptoms such as headaches and shortness of breath when staying in certain enclosed buildings, especially in humid rooms, improved after leaving the building, which is known as "sick building syndrome (SBS)" [1].

But there are so many factors that affect the indoor environment that it is difficult to determine who is to blame.

In recent years, more and more studies have concluded that mold that grows with dampness is not innocent. They can harm human health through 3 mechanisms: abnormal immune responses (e.g., allergies), direct infection, toxic stimulation from mold byproducts.

In 2004, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found that indoor exposure to mold was associated with upper respiratory symptoms, coughing, and wheezing in healthy people [2].

In recent years, pathological studies have found that molds produce hugs and enzymes that may cause harm to the respiratory system by hijacking lung cells and disrupting cell links [3, 4].

Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

Image source: References

In the summer when there is no pollen, mold is one of the main causes of allergies. For example, annoying sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, coughing, itchy skin, rashes, ......

Studies have shown that approximately 10% of people have IgE antibodies to common inhalation molds, i.e., the likelihood of mold allergies[5].

For people with asthma, mold can trigger an asthma attack, and finding mold spots in your home is never a good thing. In the US, it is estimated that up to 21% of asthma cases may be related to damp and moldy dwellings [6].

Certain molds, such as Aspergillus fumigatus, can also pose a fatal risk of lung infections to people with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly.

Age statistics of 16285 patients with fungal infection

age Number Occupancy
0~10 282 1.7%
11~20 1.9%
21~40 2000 12.3%
41~60 5678 34.9%
≥ 61 49.3%

According to the statistics of more than 16,000 patients with fungal infections at Union Hospital, nearly half (49.3%) of the patients were ≥ 61 years old, and the site of infection was mainly in the lower respiratory tract (e.g., lungs) (81.7%).

What's more, living in an environment full of mold may also have an impact on mental state.

A study in the American Journal of Public Health in October 2007 found that people living in damp and moldy environments had an average of 34%~44% higher risk of depression than those living in dry, mold-free homes.

Allergies themselves have a depressive effect, and "the brain follows the nose blockage" is the real feeling of many people with allergies. According to the researchers' analysis, symptoms such as recurrent rhinitis, asthma, and headache caused by mold may be related to anxiety and depression.

Seeing this, friends who have mildew spots at home should not be in a hurry to move.

Do 3 things well

Help us stay away from "bad luck"

Mold and spores can be said to be ubiquitous in nature.

Everyone has different susceptibility to mold, and ≠ can get sick with mold, and we can't live in a mold-free environment. But cleaning up mold can make your home a little cleaner and make yourself and your family more comfortable.

Combined with the relevant reports of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), I would like to give you 3 suggestions:

Ventilation ventilation ventilation!

A dark, damp, relatively closed environment that is best for mold growth.

It is very important to control air humidity, whether it is in the north or south, it is recommended to open more windows for ventilation.

  • Air circulation helps to regulate humidity and avoid excessive humidity in the room;
  • As mold grows, it releases spores, debris, volatile organic compounds, and more into the indoor air. Ventilation can exchange indoor and outdoor air, diluting these risk substances, even in places with high overall air humidity (e.g., Liangguang, seaside, etc.).

If possible, you can use a dehumidifier or air conditioner to assist in ventilation and help keep your home dry.

Find mold hiding in your home.

Sometimes the house only smells musty but can't find the mold spots, and then one day, the cold gives people a fright.

Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer
Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

Some materials that are prone to mold, as well as hidden corners, are best to check them all. For example:

  • behind furniture and around crevices;
  • air conditioning and exhaust systems inside;
  • walls, wallpaper, suspended ceilings;
  • wooden cabinets and bed boards;
  • Clothes and books that have not been moved for a long time;
  • There has been a leak, or a place that has been soaked in water.

Friends who rent a house, if you find a musty smell when you push the door into the house, don't look for where it is moldy, hurry up and go to the next one.

03 Replace, clean and disinfect.

Musty items should be thrown away – even dead mold and residual debris can trigger allergies.

What cannot be thrown away, disinfect, wash, and keep dry as much as possible.

To remove mold, 84 disinfectant solution is effective. After diluting with water according to the instructions, wipe the moldy area, pay attention to wearing gloves, and open the window for ventilation.

Most of the commercially available mold removal products are based on a certain proportion of 84 disinfectant, adding oxidants (such as hydrogen peroxide), penetrants, etc., to have a stronger mold removal effect.

Things that cannot be disinfected with 84 should be cleaned thoroughly and exposed to the sun, such as shoes and books. If the edge banding glue is moldy, you can choose to remove the mold gel, and if the mold is serious, remove the glue and beat it again.

Clean up electrical appliances such as air conditioners, washing machines, etc. regularly.

If your home happens to be being renovated, mildew and moisture-proof technology should be arranged quickly, such as choosing more water-resistant materials, ensuring smooth air circulation, and waterproofing bathrooms, kitchens, pools, air conditioners, etc.

If you have also found any corners of your home that are prone to mold, or good tips for removing mold, please come to the comment area to tell other friends.

The rainy and hot summer is coming, remember to share and remind your family and friends to check your home and prepare for mold.

I wish you all the best this summer.

This article is reviewed by experts

Wang Xuechang

Rhinology Attending Physician

Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University


[1] Park J H, Cox-Ganser J M. Mold exposure and respiratory

health in damp indoor environments [J]. Front Biosci (Elite Ed),

2011, 3(2): 757-771.

[2] Basic Facts about Mold and Dampness

[3] Wiesner D L, Merkhofer R M, Ober C, et al. Club cell TRPV4 serves as a damage sensor driving lung allergic inflammation[J]. Cell host & microbe, 2020, 27(4): 614-628. e6.

[4] Jia L J, Rafiq M, Radosa L, et al. Aspergillus fumigatus hijacks human p11 to redirect fungal-containing phagosomes to non-degradative pathway[J]. Cell Host & Microbe, 2023, 31(3): 373-388. e10.

[5] Bush R K, Portnoy J M, Saxon A, et al. The medical effects of mold exposure[J]. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2006, 117(2): 326-333.

[6] Zhang Li, Kang Mei, Chen Zhongju, et al.Epidemiological analysis of fungal infection in mainland China: a multicenter retrospective study[J].Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 2023, 14(3):559-565.

[7] Shenassa E D, Daskalakis C, Liebhaber A, et al. Dampness and mold in the home and depression: an examination of mold-related illness and perceived control of one’s home as possible depression pathways[J]. American journal of public health, 2007, 97(10): 1893-1899.

[8] WHO-Guidelines-for-Indoor-Air-Quality Dampness and Mould


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Author: ZYing | Curator: feidi | Producer: Sister Wang

Cover image source: Picture Worm Creative

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Small mildew spots in the home are the most underestimated health threat in summer

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