
Too many people have died of brain tumors, and the 3 "culprits" that you have ignored have made cancer close to you step by step

author:39 HealthNet

In the corridor of the hospital, Mr. Liu clutched the thin medical certificate tightly and burst into tears.

The doctor told him that his father, Uncle Liu, had a very malignant brain tumor, glioblastoma. What made him even more unacceptable was that the doctor said that Uncle Liu had not much time left, so let them prepare their minds.

Every day that followed, he could only watch his father being tormented by his illness, losing weight day by day, and even the drugs for treatment became less and less effective, and his father's time to wake up became less and less.

Despite his many attempts, he was unable to prevent the tragedy from happening. One morning a month later, Uncle Liu never woke up.

Too many people have died of brain tumors, and the 3 "culprits" that you have ignored have made cancer close to you step by step

1. The high incidence of brain tumors in the mainland has led to the discovery of the three "behind-the-scenes promoters".

Brain tumors have always been at the forefront of common cancers.

In 2016, there were 106,207 new cases of central nervous system cancer (CNS) and 59,120 deaths in China, both of which are the highest in the world.

According to data from a study in the Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, from 1990 to 2019, the incidence of brain tumors in mainland China has been on the rise, and it is predicted that by 2024, the incidence of brain tumors in mainland China will reach 7.707 per 100,000.

Brain tumor, as the name suggests, refers to a tumor of the nervous system that occurs within the brain, and it can be either primary or secondary.

Primary brain tumors originate in the brain or brain parenchyma, such as gliomas, while secondary (metastatic) brain tumors metastasize to the skull from malignancies elsewhere in the body.

To diagnose a brain tumor, imaging tests, such as CT scans or MRIs, are usually done to determine the location and size of the tumor.

In general, benign brain tumors can be cured after surgical resection, while malignant tumors require comprehensive treatment to prolong life.

Too many people have died of brain tumors, and the 3 "culprits" that you have ignored have made cancer close to you step by step

For human beings, brain tumors are extremely terrible killers, and its appearance is inseparable from three "behind-the-scenes".

Genetic factors: Studies have shown that genetic factors increase the risk of brain tumors. For example, people with a family history of cancer are also more likely to develop brain tumors.

Lifestyle: Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise are all risk factors for brain tumors.

Environmental factors: Occupational workers who are chronically exposed to chemicals, such as nitrite compounds, pesticides, petroleum products, etc., are at higher risk of brain tumors.

2. There are 4 abnormalities in the body, or brain tumors are at work

The brain is the "conductor" of our body's functions, and if something goes wrong, some unusual signals will be sent out from various parts, so we need to pay more attention.


Due to the increased intracranial pressure, people with brain tumors often experience headaches for no apparent reason, which is especially severe in the morning and gradually worsens over time.

Decline in the ability of the five senses

When there is a tumor in the brain, it will affect the normal functioning of the five senses. For example, the eyes will have problems with vision loss, visual field defects, and visual impairment; With the compression of the tumor, unilateral deafness or tinnitus also occurs in the ear; In addition, brain tumors can cause loss of smell, loss or olfactory hallucinations.

Too many people have died of brain tumors, and the 3 "culprits" that you have ignored have made cancer close to you step by step

Limb deficiency

When a tumor compresses a motor nerve, it can cause weakness or paralysis in one limb that cannot be relieved.

Become forgetful

When a brain tumor compresses the nerves responsible for memory, it can lead to memory loss or loss. The symptoms tend to develop rapidly and be more severe than the memory loss caused by aging.

In addition, there may be sudden changes in personality, such as becoming melancholy, anxious, or indulgent.

3. Once a brain tumour is found, is it malignant and needs immediate treatment? Experts give answers

Once a brain tumor is detected, is it necessary to treat it immediately?

Ren Junwei, the attending physician of the Department of Neurosurgery of the First People's Hospital of Xiangyang City, said that the first thing to determine is whether the brain tumor is benign or malignant.

If it is found to be benign, immediate treatment is not necessarily necessary. When the tumor in the brain is small, there is no other discomfort, and it has not grown for a period of time, doctors may choose to monitor waiting, regularly check and monitor changes in the tumor.

If they are malignant brain tumors, they need to be treated immediately because they can grow rapidly, with a range of severe symptoms and damage to surrounding brain tissue.

Another type is metastatic brain tumour, which refers to tumours that have spread to the brain from other parts of the body. If you experience symptoms caused by brain metastases, such as headaches, seizures, or cognitive decline, it is recommended to seek medical attention immediately.

Too many people have died of brain tumors, and the 3 "culprits" that you have ignored have made cancer close to you step by step

There is another question that has also attracted everyone's attention: If I have a brain tumor, do I have to go under surgery, and will the surgery be very risky?

In fact, brain tumor is different from other tumors, it is the most critical and complex part of our body, whether to take surgical resection, we need to consider the growth rate of the tumor, the patient's age and health status, surgical risks and other factors, and make a rigorous judgment.

Fourth, brain tumors can also be prevented, and these 4 steps should be done well

Wan Jinghai, chief physician of the Department of Neurosurgery, National Cancer Center/Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital, said that brain tumors can be prevented to a certain extent, and only the following four steps need to be done:

1. Adequate nutrition

Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and avoid too much spicy and irritating foods. You can eat some foods that have anti-brain tumor effects, such as wheat, barley, water chestnuts, etc., as well as foods that have the effect of protecting intracranial blood vessels, such as celery, camelina and so on.

2. Be optimistic

Bad mood can affect immune system function and increase the risk of brain tumors. Therefore, we must maintain a positive attitude, adjust our emotions in time, and don't let ourselves be overstressed.

3. Healthy living habits

Avoid staying up late, get enough sleep, quit smoking and limit alcohol, as both smoking and alcohol abuse increase the risk of brain tumors.

4. Avoid ionizing radiation

Radiation is a risk factor for brain tumors, and prolonged exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation is recommended.


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[2] "Cancer Prevention and Treatment|Ten Symptoms of Early Brain Tumors, Teach You to Identify Them as Early as Possible". Service No. 2024-04-19

[3] "Brain tumors sound scary, but they don't have to be fatal!" Be vigilant when you spot these early symptoms! 》. Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital.2021-03-29

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