
Why do some women crave sex? It is nothing more than these 4 reasons, and men do not need to be afraid

author:39 HealthNet

Xiaoli recently felt that the relationship with her boyfriend could never go back to the past.

It all has to start after they have a relationship, Xiaoli feels that every time she has intimate contact with her boyfriend, the excitement is very low, and every time she is not satisfied, her boyfriend ends it hastily.

Gradually, she began to stop looking forward to the time with her boyfriend, and later heard from her friend that the size of the man would also affect the sexual satisfaction of girls, and she wondered, is this the reason?

Why do some women crave sex? It is nothing more than these 4 reasons, and men do not need to be afraid

1. When living as a husband and wife, is a woman's happiness related to the size of the man?

In the eyes of men, size is not only a symbol of dignity, but also the key to determining whether a woman can be "sexually happy", is this really the case?

In fact, from a scientific and medical point of view, the size of a man is not the key to "sexual well-being".

Large-scale research data show that the average length of men is 12.7-15.2cm, and experts believe that as long as men are 5cm long, they can have normal sex. Moreover, the female vaginal nerve endings are distributed in the outer 1/3, so as long as men ensure normal standing and maintain hardness, they do not need to worry about their size, it is not a real factor that affects the female sexual experience.

For example, the degree of emotional connection, whether there are elements such as love, intimacy and security, etc., are very important for the happiness of sex life!

Why do some women crave sex? It is nothing more than these 4 reasons, and men do not need to be afraid

Secondly, whether a woman is in a good mood or not also has an effect, if a girl is already uncomfortable or depressed, she will lose interest and pleasure in sex.

In addition, the skills and experience of sex life also affect whether or not you can give your partner a better sexual experience.

2. Why do some women always want to "act" all day long?

Some people say that the older a woman gets, the stronger her desires, and many couples are rifts caused by sexual harmony at this time, is this really the case? Why do women get stronger and stronger as they get older?

1. Changes in hormone secretion

The physiological needs of middle-aged women are more intense, which may be caused by a series of physical changes caused by the decline of ovarian function, the decrease in estrogen secretion, the increase in the secretion of male hormones, and the change of hormone levels.

Why do some women crave sex? It is nothing more than these 4 reasons, and men do not need to be afraid

2. Endocrine disorders

Studies have shown that human desire is affected by the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis, and after the pituitary neuroendocrine disorder, it leads to the production of a large number of gonadal hormones and androgens, and the brain and hypothalamus will conduct more sexual desire under the influence of sex hormones.

3. Not being satisfied for a long time

Middle-aged women have stronger physiological needs, which may also be related to the fact that they have not been met for a long time. If sexual satisfaction cannot be achieved every time in married life, women's sexual impulses are constantly suppressed, and after a certain time of outburst, they will get out of control and express stronger thoughts.

4. Disease factors

In addition to physiological factors, sudden increased desire may also be caused by the cause of the disease, such as hyperthyroidism, which will cause various adverse reactions such as hot flashes, excitement, insomnia, etc., according to statistics, nearly 20% of hyperthyroid patients will have increased desire.

Why do some women crave sex? It is nothing more than these 4 reasons, and men do not need to be afraid

3. Women have sex like this, and their uterus is damaged, and it's not too late to know now

In addition to paying attention to the feelings of sexual life, safety and health issues should not be ignored, because incorrect married life can also be harmful to women's health, especially the uterus, and the following 4 behaviors should be avoided.

1. Don't pay attention to hygiene

When having intercourse, we must pay attention to prior hygiene, otherwise the residual dirt in the private parts may be brought into the woman's body with the couple's life, which is easy to induce organic infection of the cervix and uterus, and increase the risk of gynecological diseases. In addition, if you do not pay attention to protective measures during your married life, you are likely to increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV infection.

2. Excessive sexual life

Although sex is good, it is not suitable for excessive practice, and in addition to being hollowed out of the body, it can also cause physical damage to both men and women. For example, men's intemperate sex may lead to excessive prostate congestion, which will harm prostate health and induce prostatitis in the long run. Moreover, it may also cause various sexual dysfunction diseases such as inability to harden and premature ejaculation in the later stage.

Why do some women crave sex? It is nothing more than these 4 reasons, and men do not need to be afraid

For women, excessive sexual activity leads to long-term uterine congestion, which is also not conducive to uterine health, and also provides a breeding ground for pathogen invasion, which may trigger various uterine or adnexal inflammatory diseases.

3. Intercourse during menstrual period

In order to discharge menstrual blood smoothly during the menstrual period, the cervix is open at this time, and if you have sex rashly, various pathogens and bacteria are easy to invade, causing unnecessary gynecological problems, so it is best to avoid the menstrual period and have sex scientifically.

4. Incorrect contraception

So far, there are still people who think that the safe period and external ejaculation can be used for contraception, in fact, this is an unreliable practice, there is a great risk of accidental pregnancy, once unfortunately pregnant and do not want, and face a series of problems such as miscarriage, you must know that the curettage is very harmful to the female uterus, so contraceptive measures must be done well.

Why do some women crave sex? It is nothing more than these 4 reasons, and men do not need to be afraid

All in all, a healthy sex life is more beneficial to the harmony of the sexes, do not cause irreparable damage to your body for the sake of temporary satisfaction, especially for women, once the uterus is damaged, it may also affect future reproduction, so we must pay attention to scientific intercourse.


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[2] "Chinese Men's Health Day|Caring for Health, Starting with a Healthy Sex Life". Peking University First Hospital.2023-10-28.

[3] "Young people have less and less sex, but more and more young people have STDs!" 》. Health Times.2020-07-21.

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