
Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

author:Song Pharmacist

#喝酒为什么会导致脑出血呢?##头条创作挑战赛#在我们日常生活中, drinking alcohol is a common social activity, whether it's a holiday, a gathering of friends, or a business getaway, alcohol always seems to be an integral part of it. However, the health hazards of excessive alcohol consumption cannot be ignored, one of which is that it may lead to cerebral hemorrhage.

Intracerebral hemorrhage is a serious cerebrovascular disease with a sudden onset and a dangerous condition, often with serious consequences. So, why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

1. What is intracerebral hemorrhage?

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) refers to bleeding caused by the rupture of blood vessels in the brain parenchyma, and is the most serious type of acute cerebrovascular disease. The main symptoms include sudden, severe headache, vomiting, coma, and focal neurologic deficits (eg, limb weakness, speech disturbances).

The mortality rate of intracerebral hemorrhage is high, and survivors often have varying degrees of neurological deficits, which seriously affects the quality of life.

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

2. The effect of alcohol on cerebrovascular disease

1. Alcohol causes vasodilation

After drinking alcohol, the alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing blood vessels to dilate. Blood vessels in the brain, in particular, are more likely to rupture when they are dilated. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can cause changes in the structure of blood vessel walls, leading to hardening of arteries, increased fragility, and ultimately increasing the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage.

2. Instability of vasoconstriction and dilation

Alcohol also causes instability in vasoconstriction and dilation. After drinking alcohol, the blood vessels dilate at first, but as the alcohol metabolizes, the blood vessels contract again. This repeated dilation and constriction of blood vessels can cause mechanical damage to the walls of blood vessels, making them more prone to rupture.

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

3. The effect of alcohol on blood pressure

1. Increased blood pressure in the short term

After drinking alcohol, especially heavy drinking, blood pressure can increase significantly for a short period of time. This acute increase in blood pressure increases the pressure in the cerebral blood vessels, which can easily lead to the rupture of blood vessels and cause intracerebral hemorrhage.

2. Long-term alcohol consumption causes high blood pressure

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to chronic hypertension, which is one of the main risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage. High blood pressure causes hardening, degeneration, and weakening of arterioles in the brain, making blood vessels more likely to rupture when blood pressure fluctuates.

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

4. The effect of alcohol on the mechanism of coagulation

1. Affects platelet function

Alcohol inhibits the function of platelets and reduces their ability to clot, which can prolong bleeding. This means that after a blood vessel ruptures, it is difficult for blood to clot quickly, resulting in increased bleeding and aggravating the condition of cerebral hemorrhage.

2. Change the level of clotting factors

Long-term alcohol consumption can also affect liver function, which in turn changes the synthesis and metabolism of coagulation factors, resulting in abnormal blood clotting function. In this case, even tiny damage to blood vessels can cause severe bleeding.

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

5. Other effects of alcohol on the brain

1. Increased risk of cerebrovascular accident

Conditions such as alcoholism, acute alcoholism, etc., can cause confusion and unresponsiveness, increasing the risk of falls and head trauma. Trauma is one of the important causes of cerebral hemorrhage.

2. Induce other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Alcohol may also induce cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy, and increase the risk of cerebrovascular accidents. Abnormal heart function can affect the blood flow to the brain, increasing the likelihood of a blood vessel rupture in the brain.

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

6. Drinking recommendations for the prevention of cerebral hemorrhage

1. Drink alcohol in moderation

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults should not consume more than the equivalent of two glasses of wine or two bottles of beer per day. Women and older people should reduce alcohol consumption in moderation.

2. Regular medical check-ups

Conduct regular health check-ups, monitor blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar and other indicators, and timely detect and control risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia for cerebral hemorrhage.

3. Lifestyle health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, can effectively reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage.

4. Avoid overeating

Overeating can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure, increasing the risk of bleeding in the brain. It is recommended to drink alcohol with moderate food and avoid drinking on an empty stomach and binge drinking.

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?

7. Treatment of acute intracerebral hemorrhage

1. Seek medical attention promptly

Symptoms of intracerebral hemorrhage should be sought immediately. Early treatment is essential to reduce the amount of bleeding, reduce brain damage, and improve cure rates.

2. Medication

Doctors may use medications to control blood pressure, stop bleeding, reduce cerebral edema, etc., to stabilize the condition and prevent further bleeding.

3. Surgical treatment

Patients with massive hemorrhage or hematomas compressing vital structures may require surgery to remove the hematoma and reduce intracranial pressure.

Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage?


Why does drinking alcohol cause cerebral hemorrhage? From the multifaceted effects of alcohol on blood vessels, blood pressure, coagulation mechanism and the brain, it can be seen that excessive alcohol consumption is indeed one of the important risk factors for cerebral hemorrhage. Understanding these mechanisms can help us better prevent intracerebral hemorrhage and maintain a healthy lifestyle in our daily lives. Moderate alcohol consumption, regular check-ups, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are key measures to prevent intracerebral hemorrhage.