
Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

author:Song Pharmacist

#为什么吵架会引起脑出血呢?##头条创作挑战赛#生活中 Arguments are a common way to vent emotions. However, for some people, a heated argument may be more than just an emotional outburst and more likely to lead to serious health problems, such as a brain hemorrhage.

Intracerebral hemorrhage is a dangerous cerebrovascular disease whose consequences can be fatal. So, why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

1. What is intracerebral hemorrhage?

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) refers to the hemorrhage caused by the rupture of blood vessels in the brain parenchyma, and is the most serious type of acute cerebrovascular disease. It is characterized by sudden, severe headache, vomiting, coma, and focal neurological deficits (such as limb weakness, speech impairment, etc.). Cerebral hemorrhage occurs suddenly, the condition is dangerous, and often leads to serious sequelae, even life-threatening.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

2. How does a quarrel cause a cerebral hemorrhage?

1. The physiological impact of emotions

Emotional and physiological states are closely related. Intense arguments can trigger strong emotional reactions such as anger, anxiety, fear, etc. These negative emotions affect all aspects of the body, especially the cardiovascular system, through the nervous system and endocrine system.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

2. Sharp increase in blood pressure

When arguing, the person's emotions are highly stressed, and the body releases a lot of adrenaline. Epinephrine is a "stress hormone" that causes a rapid heartbeat, constriction of blood vessels, and an increase in blood pressure. This sudden increase in blood pressure can put tremendous pressure on the blood vessels in the brain, especially those that are already fragile due to high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis, and can easily rupture in this situation, causing intracerebral hemorrhage.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

3. Increased heart rate and increased burden on the heart

Quarrels can cause not only an increase in blood pressure but also an increase in heart rate. The increased burden on the heart and the increased speed of blood flow increase the pressure on the blood vessel walls, further increasing the risk of rupture of blood vessels in the brain.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

4. Changes in blood clotting mechanisms

In a state of stress, the body's blood clotting mechanism also changes. On the one hand, the secretion of adrenaline makes the blood more viscous and increases the risk of thrombosis; On the other hand, if the blood vessels are already damaged or brittle, the impact of the blood flow and the increased viscosity of the blood can make the blood vessels more likely to rupture.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

5. Arteriosclerosis and vascular fragility

Many people at high risk of intracerebral hemorrhage, such as older adults and people with long-term hypertension, have arteriosclerosis problems. Arteriosclerosis causes the walls of blood vessels to become stiff, brittle, and lose their elasticity. Under a sharp increase in blood pressure caused by a heated argument, these fragile blood vessels are more likely to rupture, leading to a brain hemorrhage.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

3. Which groups of people need special attention?

1. Patients with high blood pressure

In people with high blood pressure, the blood vessels are subjected to high pressure for a long time, and the walls of the blood vessels are often weakened. During a heated argument, a further increase in blood pressure can easily lead to the rupture of blood vessels and the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage.

2. Patients with arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis causes blood vessels to lose their elasticity and become stiff and fragile. When emotionally agitated and blood pressure fluctuates dramatically, these blood vessels are prone to rupture, leading to serious consequences.

3. Seniors

Due to the aging of blood vessels, the elasticity of the elderly is reduced, and they are more likely to have cerebral hemorrhage in a stressful state such as violent quarrels.

4. Those with a history of cerebrovascular disease

People with a history of cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction often have varying degrees of damage or lesions in their vascular system, and they need to be more vigilant against cerebral hemorrhage caused by emotional agitation.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?

4. Suggestions for preventing cerebral hemorrhage caused by quarrels

1. Control your emotions

Learn to manage and control your emotions and avoid heated arguments. When encountering conflicts, try to stay calm and resolve them through peaceful communication. Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and counting to ease mood swings.

2. Monitor blood pressure

For patients with high blood pressure, blood pressure should be monitored regularly, and medication should be taken on time as directed by the doctor to keep blood pressure within the normal range. When you are suddenly emotionally agitated, try to avoid strenuous activities and self-regulate in time.

3. Lifestyle health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, can help maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage.

4. Regular physical examinations

Regular health check-ups, especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular examinations, can detect and intervene early in potential health problems and prevent the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage.

5. Seek professional help

If you often feel that your emotions are difficult to control or you are too stressed, you can seek the help of a psychologist or professional counselor to learn to better manage your emotions and stress through professional psychological intervention and treatment.

Why do quarrels cause cerebral hemorrhages?


Intense arguments are not only emotional outbursts, but can also have a serious threat to health, especially cerebral hemorrhage. By understanding the mechanism of intracerebral hemorrhage caused by quarrels, learning to control emotions and managing stress, and adopting healthy lifestyle and preventive measures, we can effectively reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage and protect our cerebrovascular health.