
Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

author:The third son of the ball king

The Chinese have been a country of etiquette since ancient times, and as long as you sincerely respect me, I will treat you with all my heart. As the saying goes, "Friends come from afar, are you happy?" ”

Friends came, and we were happy and joyful from the bottom of our hearts.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Of course, we have to be honest with real friends, but false friends, the kind that are one thing in front of one thing and one thing behind the other, we need to be vigilant.

In the world sports arena, there are many such false friends, their popularity in China is very high, a large number of fans regard them as inspirational models and spiritual idols, but they may not be so friendly to China, either everything is based on interests, after making money, pat their asses and leave, or publish something that hurts the feelings of Chinese, or deliberately smear China under the pressure of international politics, Bo the happiness of their masters, the ambition of the wolf is very hidden, so that some simple Chinese sincerely feed the dog.

Let's take a look at these sports superstars today and prick out their true colors. Sometimes when watching sports games and chasing sports stars, we need to have a pair of sharp eyes.

One, American: Kobe Bryant

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

When Kobe Bryant was alive, he was the most popular basketball superstar in China, and without one, the basketball GOAT Jordan Joe gang leader could not be compared.

Bryant often comes to China to participate in events. Someone once witnessed a large number of NBA basketball superstars coming to a city in China, and the fans who picked up the airport threw Wade, Boss, Paul and others who walked in front of them all behind, and hula pounced on Kobe, who is also an NBA supergiant of the same level, Kobe's influence in China beat other stars in seconds.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Kobe Bryant himself once said that "China is my second hometown", which is such a cordial and friendly remark that Chinese fans are very useful.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, when Kobe Bryant appeared in the Bird's Nest with the American delegation, the audience was thunderous, and there were even more close-ups than Yao Ming, showing his super popularity in China to the fullest.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Because of this remark, James suffered an unprecedented Internet explosion from American netizens, who scolded him for being an "American traitor" and "traitor", and even James's son was scolded by Americans.

But before and after the Morey incident, Kobe Bryant, who should have stood up for China the most, chose to remain silent.

Kobe Bryant not only did not stand up for China, but he didn't even say anything to the mud, for fear that he would offend an American netizen.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

What makes Chinese fans even more chilling is that in 2008, the NBA launched a boycott of the Chinese Olympics, and the names of Kobe and Nash were prominently listed.

Then compare Kobe Bryant's special treatment when he came to China with the American team and the Chinese audience's pursuit of him, it feels like everything is so magical.

Later, Kobe Bryant himself was revealed to be suspected of discriminating against yellow people, and repeatedly targeted Jeremy Lin. After a mess of netizens, Kobe's image in China has plummeted, except for his die-hard fans, all sports fans have to get to know the star again when talking about Kobe.

Second, Serbs: Novak Djokovic

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

With his tenacious style of play, super physical fitness, and absolute grass resistance, Djokovic, one of the three giants of tennis, has a great chance of coming from behind, surpassing Federer and Nadal, and enjoying the name of "Goat" in tennis.

In addition, Serbia has always had good relations with China, President Vučić is very popular in China, although the two countries are thousands of miles away, but during the epidemic, President Vučić's operation made the country quickly popular on the Chinese Internet: the airport greeted the medical staff who came to aid Cyprus, tearfully thanked for the anti-epidemic materials, praised the Chinese vaccine, and so on, and even made him the "old iron of Eastern Europe" in the minds of Chinese netizens.

Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, still stands a monument with the names of three Chinese who were killed in the 1999 NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

And Djokovic himself has expressed his friendship with China more than once. In the 2018 Shanghai Masters, Deyo shouted "I love China" in front of the fans.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

After winning the championship, Deyo showed off his Chinese and said, "I don't know, maybe I was Chinese in my last life." This land is special and always makes me feel like home. ”

Because of the problem of household registration, the noble Europeans have always regarded Djokovic as an enemy, all kinds of small actions, behind his back, against him, in short, it is very unpopular with Europeans and Americans, and it has won the title of "global away", and many enthusiastic fans in China have also written a lot of articles in support of Djokovic.

Obviously, in terms of the big three in the tennis world alone, Djokovic should theoretically be the one with the best relationship with China, and many Chinese sports fans regard Djokovic as their own.

It is precisely because the Chinese people's memory of the embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is so deep that when Djokovic said that "you have to carry an oxygen cylinder to play in China", the backlash of Chinese fans will be so strong.

Ahead of the 2022 Australian Open, Djokovic inexplicably took aim at China: "In China, we played with very poor air quality, and the players will tell you that the air quality in China is probably the worst, but this time [the Australian bushfires] are different, I have never experienced this. ”

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Interestingly, Djokovic's remark is entirely political, like the abstract remarks of a Swedish environmental girl.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

As a result, questioning and smearing China has become a kind of political correctness in the context of their universal values, and as a person who is in Europe but is always unwelcome, smearing China can become a vote for Deyo to join the big family of Europe and the United States.

So Djokovic's remarks were more like a knee-jerk reaction. In his heart, he longed to be accepted by noble Europe and the United States.

So the purpose of Deyo's words can be understood. He doesn't want to be treated away everywhere he goes, and it is the audience cheering for his opponents, so he will use "smearing China" to please the master in his mind.

3. Greek: Stefanos Tsitsipas

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Tsitsipas was born on August 12, 1998 in Athens, Greece, a Greek tennis player who holds the racket in the right hand SLR.

He is currently ranked fifth in the world, and with the tennis triumvirate aged, Tsitsipas is likely to replace them as tennis giants.

Although he is a young talent in tennis, he has a problem with his character. In 2019, Tsitsipas exposed the chat history of the two online without Naomi Osaka's consent. In the chat, Tsitsipas said that she didn't have any friends on the tour, and Naomi Osaka said she did the same.

But what really hurts the feelings of Chinese and exposes their wolf ambitions is his pro-bar reading remarks on his personal social platform.

2020年6月1日,西西帕斯在推特上转发了杠读分子制作的视频,并表示“This made me cry for how good it was.” (自己被感动哭)。

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Subsequently, the Weibo fan account "Stefanos Tsitsipas" announced that it had lost its fans, saying, "This Weibo will be suspended indefinitely, goodbye to everyone!" ”

Because of the incident, Tsitsipas' match was banned by CCTV.

In addition, Tsitsipas also insulted Medvedev and injured his father by throwing a racket. At the 2018 Miami Masters, Tsitsipas was reversed by Daniel Medvedev. After the two shook hands at the end of the match, Tsitsipas left the field and abused Medvedev as a "bullshit Russian".

Interestingly, Tsitsipas's mother is Russian.

In January 2020, in the ATP Cup Group F match against Nick Kyrgios, Tsitsipas lost his emotions due to the tie-break, Tsitsipas lost his emotions twice, and he broke his racket twice in a row to vent, and the second crash directly injured his father sitting in the coach's box, and the mother in the stands ran down to scold her son.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

With such a character, Tsitsipas is not surprised by anything. The question is, if he really replaces the big three in tennis one day as the first tennis player, will he have fans in China?

Fourth, Portuguese: Cristiano Ronaldo

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

If you search on Baidu, "Who is the most friendly football star in China?" A bunch of answers popped up were Ronaldo.

But after watching football for 20 years, I have never heard of Ronaldo becoming the most friendly football star to China because of what he said, nor have I heard of what Ronaldo has done to move the Chinese.

But one thing is for sure, Ronaldo is the football star with the largest number of fans in China, there is no one, the football king Messi is far inferior to him, a picture says it all.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Messi's strongest technical dribbling has only 32% support in China, and many people don't even care about the basic facts in order to support Ronaldo, which shows how huge the momentum of Ronaldo's fans is.

However, Ronaldo is not so flawless about China, and some of his unfriendly black materials have gradually been exposed.

First of all, on the issue of Macau, Ronaldo said that he felt cordial to come to Macau, because it was once a Portuguese colony.

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

As a Portuguese, it seems okay to say this, but this is what I said when I came to Macau, just like Zhang San used to bully Li Si when he was a child, and when he grew up, at the class reunion, Zhang San said that I was happy to see Li Si, because I often bullied him when I was a child, and he didn't dare to resist hahaha......

How do you feel if you were Li Si?

Cristiano Ronaldo once said something like this during his trip to China: "I dare not say that Chinese fans are the best fans, but they are definitely one of the best." At the time, it felt as if there was nothing wrong with it, and the wording was strict and careful.

But turning to Japan, Ronaldo claimed that "Japan is the best country in Asia." ”

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?
Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

Originally, this was the information that Ronaldo fans spread rumors about Messi's official website "showing Taiwan as a country", and it quickly appeared on the hot search list to smear Messi's image in the minds of Chinese.

However, some netizens soon confirmed that the so-called "Messi's official website shows Taiwan as a country" is just a problem translated by the third-party plug-in of the browser plug-in website, not the original setting of Messi's official website, in fact, Messi's official website is precisely to set Taiwan as "Taiwan, China".

Inventory of the four sports superstars who are falsely friendly to China: why are they so popular among the Chinese?

In fact, this is just a scolding war between Ronaldo fans and Messi fans, and the two stars themselves will not express their views on China's internal affairs, and the things on the official website do not express the political position of the stars themselves.

But one thing is for sure, Cristiano Ronaldo is definitely not the most friendly footballer to China as their fans say.

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