
Why do you "hear a lot of things, and do them and then give them up?" ”

author:On the Heart Hall

Have you ever found such a truth? Some lecturers talk about a lot of truths, but in reality, they can't even do it themselves.

It's like there are a lot of people on the Internet who teach you to make money, and they do a bunch of courses, but when you try to follow their courses, you can't make any money at all.

There are also some successful people who share their successful experiences, but when you really do things according to the principles he shared, you find that things can't be done at all.

Why is this happening? Are these lecturers liars?

Why do you "hear a lot of things, and do them and then give them up?" ”

It is undeniable that some people are really liars, and the methods they teach you to make money are not even used by them themselves. The only way he could make money was because someone bought his courses.

For this kind of lecturers, we must keep our eyes open and be careful of being deceived. For example, the AI model that has exploded recently, those who are the first to make money do not really make any powerful AI applications, but sell a lot of courses that seem to be useful but are not actually very useful.

Of course, not all courses are deceptive. There are also courses that are shared by well-known entrepreneurs, or people who have had successful experiences, and the content is very substantial.

But the problem is that after listening to this kind of sharing class, although it feels very reasonable and rewarding, it cannot have any practical impact on their lives. It's just a feeling of, "It sounds great, but it's actually not useful." ”

Why do you "hear a lot of things, and do them and then give them up?" ”

Why is this happening?

That's what we're going to talk about in this video, abstract and concrete.

You may have heard the words abstract and concrete for a long time, but what you don't know is that it is these two words that determine whether a person will be able to do great things in the future.

So what exactly is "abstract" and what is "concrete"?

The so-called abstraction is the "great truth" summed up by the predecessors, while the concrete is the process of implementing the truth.

For example, "a small amount becomes a lot", "if you don't accumulate a small step, you can't reach a thousand miles, and if you don't accumulate a small stream, you can't become a river and a sea", these big truths are "abstract". And a person insists on memorizing words for 2 hours a day for 5 years in order to learn English, which is concrete.

When we were in school, we learned the Pythagorean theorem and physical mechanics, which were abstractions. And someone used this knowledge of mathematics and physics to spend a year building a bridge across the river, which is concrete.

Did you find out?

Abstract principles are often things that are only one sentence, or just a formula. But if you want to turn the abstract into the concrete, you may have to invest 100 hours, 1,000 hours, or even a lifetime to experience and study it yourself.

Why do you "hear a lot of things, and do them and then give them up?" ”

Back to the previous question, "Why do I listen to so many lectures and think it makes sense, but my life has not changed at all?" ”

This is precisely because we lack the ability to "turn the abstract into the concrete".

When he hears the truth that "practice makes perfect", he will begin to repeat his skills day after day, year after year, until he truly achieves "practice makes perfect".

Ordinary people, after listening to the truth of "who can make perfect", praised loudly, "what you said is really right", and then turned around and went to eat, drink and have fun, and did not implement it at all.

The abstract truth is simple, and you will hear it. However, the process of turning the abstract into the concrete is difficult. During this period, we have to fight against our own laziness, fear, impatience and other emotions, and if we are not careful, we will fail, so we must have strong execution to do it.

Why do you "hear a lot of things, and do them and then give them up?" ”

Of course, in addition to being able to "turn abstraction into concreteness", a real master can also "turn concrete into abstraction".

That is, the ability to summarize general laws from the specific process of doing things.

For example, when you recite an English word, you find that you will forget it the next day if you recite it 10 times in a row. However, if you recite it only three times a day, once in the morning, once at noon, and once in the evening, you can remember it very firmly the next day.

In this way, you can abstract the law that "multiple intermittent memories are stronger than one long memory." ”

This ability to summarize laws and ways of doing things is the ability to turn concrete into abstraction.

In real life, the reason why smart people can grow up quickly and learn a knowledge quickly is because they are good at summarizing laws and finding methods. If you can explore the general rules from specific things, you can provide guidance for your future actions, so you can get twice the result with half the effort. And people who can't turn their brains always do it for a long time but still can't summarize any rules, so they don't make any progress at all.

In short, the reason why we have learned so many things, but we feel that life has not changed much, is because we lack the ability to "turn abstract into concrete". Some people will become the sales champion after listening to some sales tips. But there are still people who can't sell things no matter how many courses they take, and it is precisely because of the difference in their ability to "turn abstraction into concreteness".

In addition, after some people have stepped on a pit, they will not step on similar pits in the future, and some people have repeatedly fallen into the same pit, which is the difference in the ability to "turn concrete into abstract".

Understanding the relationship between abstraction and concreteness opens the high-speed channel for rapid growth.