
After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

author:Gu Ling

(The content of this article is based on the collation of data, and there are cited sources at the end of the article.) )

In 1951, an outstanding Red Army general during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression on the mainland successfully returned to China from the Soviet Union, and he was Chen Changhao.

Chen Changhao was an excellent veteran Communist Party member who had been living in the Soviet Union for 13 years before he returned to China.

Originally, everyone thought that after Chen Changhao returned to China, he would make achievements in politics, after all, Chen Changhao had gone to the Soviet Union to study for many years, not only had extensive knowledge, but also he was a very good general during the War of Resistance Against Japan.

But what people didn't expect was that after returning to China, Chen Changhao chose to refuse in the face of organizational work arrangements, and chose a literary job as a researcher and scholar of the history of the Communist Party of China.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

It was not until 1953 that he was appointed deputy director of the Central Compilation and Compilation Bureau.

The reason why Chen Changhao chose such a clerical job without touching politics and the military is actually related to his experience in the Soviet Union.

Chen Changhao went to the Soviet Union not only to study, but also because he was sick.

In 1939, Chen Changhao was suddenly diagnosed with a malignant disease, and the medical conditions in China at that time were not able to help him treat, so Chen Changhao took his son, Chen Zutao, to the Soviet Union when he was helpless, and he stayed for more than ten years until he returned to China in 1951.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

One. The necessity of going abroad

Chen Changhao is a native of Hanyang, Wuhan. Born in August 1906, he was born into a poor peasant family, but he was gifted from an early age, especially in his studies and politics.

Therefore, even though his family was poor, Chen Changhao still chose to study at Wuchang University, and this choice completely changed his life.

After graduating from university, Chen Changhao did not immediately choose to work. He had a much deeper idea about his career.

Therefore, in 1927, Chen Changhao was only 22 years old at that time, and he was introduced to Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow for further study. At that time, although Chen Changhao was just over 20, he was already married and had two children.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

In fact, when receiving the suggestion to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, Chen Changhao was very entangled, because his first wife Liu Xiuzhen had just conceived a second child and had not yet given birth.

Due to the preciousness of the opportunity, in the end, with some thought and the support of his wife Liu Xiuzhen, Chen Changhao still chose to go to Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow for further study.

In 1930, Chen Changhao returned from his studies and was officially authorized to participate in communist work, which was also the fierce period of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, so Chen Changhao's main task was to defeat Little Japan and win the War of Resistance against Japan.

Chen Changhao did not disappoint, only two years after he led the Communist work. By 1932, Chen Changhao had become the general political commissar of the Red Fourth Front Army of the Red Army.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

During the Red Army's Long March, Chen Changhao led the Red Fourth Front Army and the Red Front Army to smoothly join forces and maintain the vitality of the Red Army. Since then, Chen Changhao's military life has almost reached the pinnacle of his life. But life can't be smooth all the time, and so is Chen Changhao.

After he reached the peak of his life during the Red Army's Long March, Chen Changhao successively experienced the secret telegram incident, the fiasco of the Western Route Army, and so on. These incidents all ended in tragic results, which brought many blows to Chen Changhao, and once made him collapse and fall into a trough.

In fact, this is not to blame Chen Changhao's poor psychological quality, after all, he has been the pride of the sky since he was a child, so in the tragic record of all his brothers being wiped out in the westward road he led.

Chen Changhao couldn't withstand these blows and couldn't afford to get sick. This is also the reason why Chen Changhao later left China in a hurry with his son and went to the Soviet Union.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

Two. The bumpy experience of the USSR

After coming to the Soviet Union, Chen Changhao's life in the Soviet Union was not as good as he imagined.

Because not long after arriving in the Soviet Union, World War II broke out, and Chen Changhao was forced to work as a coolie in a quarry to live.

Due to the war, Chen Changhao's life in the Soviet Union has always been very bumpy, so he has always had a strong longing for his motherland.

It was not until 1951 that Chen Changhao's application to return to China was approved, and he successfully returned to his motherland. After returning to China, Chen Changhao lived for another 16 years before his death in July 1967.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

Chen Changhao's memorial service was attended by many high-ranking party generals, some of whom were Chen Changhao's comrades-in-arms, some of whom were his leaders, and some of whom were his admirers.

It can be seen from this that although Chen Changhao has lived in the Soviet Union for 13 years, his prestige in China is still very high. In Chen Changhao's life, he actually had two wives, but unfortunately they couldn't go on in the end.

Maybe it is also related to his hard work, after all, in Chen Changhao's life, work always comes first, so it is inevitable to ignore his other half and children.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

Chen Changhao's first wife, Liu Xiuzhen, is a very remarkable figure.

Chen Changhao and Liu Xiuzhen have two children, one of whom is the famous Chen Zutao.

Chen Zutao was very famous in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, because he was a rare intellectual in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and he was also a young engineer and technician who returned from studying in the Soviet Union.

Not only that, Chen Zutao's emotional intelligence is also very high, he follows the local customs, is down-to-earth, and does not have any intellectuals. Therefore, he is particularly popular, and his colleagues are willing to spend time with him and learn from him.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

It is said that China's first aircraft, the "Lenin", was designed by Chen Changhao's son, Chen Zutao.

In fact, when Chen Changhao moved to the Soviet Union, Chen Zutao was still very young. In 1941, when Chen Zutao was only 13 years old, riots broke out in the Soviet Union, and Stalin called on the Soviet people to defend the fruits of labor.

Although the young Chen Zutao didn't know right and wrong, he had already signed up when he heard that they wanted to protect food.

But it is a pity that the Soviet Union did not accept international students at that time, and due to the particularity of the situation, the Soviet Union only accepted Mao Anying in this group of students who wanted to participate in the labor defense movement.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

But even so, Chen Zutao was not discouraged. Although he did not participate in the war to defend labor, he dug potatoes, cut trees and planted potatoes in his spare time, adding support to the Soviet Union's defense of labor.

In 1951, Chen Zutao graduated from the Soviet Union and returned to China half a year ahead of schedule, even earlier than his father Chen Changhao's return to the motherland. Many people don't know why Chen Zutao suddenly graduated early and returned to China, until Premier Zhou's words-

"When New China had just been founded, there was nothing to be wanted in China, and when I was anxious, I was introduced to Chen Zutao, and I felt that he was not a mediocre person, because I wrote him a letter."

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

Three. Tiger fathers have no dog sons

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the domestic scientific and technological manufacturing capacity was very low, and Premier Zhou was very anxious about this, and wrote a letter to Chen Zutao in the Soviet Union without stopping.

Soon after receiving the letter, Chen Zutao did not hesitate at all, and immediately applied to the school for early graduation.

After all the graduation procedures were completed, Chen Zutao returned to China smoothly amid the cheers of the Chinese people. After Chen Zutao returned to China, he carefully studied the 158 key projects supported by the Soviet Union to China that the central authorities had come up with.

After many choices, I finally chose to work in the automotive industry.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

The reason why Chen Zutao chose the automobile industry is not only because of the need to make up for the lack of technology in the automobile industry. The bigger picture is also related to Chen Zutao's profession.

Chen Zutao studied mechanics, and he has been very passionate about cars and machinery since he was a child.

Therefore, when the country is underdeveloped in all aspects, Chen Zutao took the initiative to choose to study the automobile industry in depth, and the first Dongfeng car of China's own brand designed by him had already produced 18 million units when he retired in 2003, ranking first in the world in terms of annual output.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

Compared with his father Chen Changhao, Chen Zutao was obviously more talented in terms of technical expertise, which also catered to the needs of the environment at that time.

Therefore, after returning to China, Chen Zutao showed a sharper edge than Chen Changhao, and some people even said that "Chen Changhao was unknown after returning to China, but his son became a big man admired by tens of thousands of people" to ridicule their father-son relationship.

At that time, Chen Changhao had retreated to the academic field and no longer cared about political and military issues, and naturally he was no longer interested in these discussions.

Chen Zutao is also a science student, and he is only interested in the study of industrial automobiles. Therefore, the matter between Chen Zutao and his father Chen Changhao gradually became a kind of after-dinner ridicule.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

In fact, the tiger father has no dogs, and the reason why Chen Zutao can have today's glory is inseparable from Chen Changhao's careful teaching.

After all, when Chen Changhao went to the Soviet Union, he took the young Chen Zutao with him, and it is conceivable that in the past ten years abroad, Chen Changhao has spent a lot of time and energy on Chen Zutao's growth.

In this way, Chen Changhao's excellence is actually inseparable from Chen Zutao.

In fact, it is not only his son who is excellent by Chen Changhao's side, but also his second wife Zhang Qinqiu.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

Zhang Qinqiu is a very remarkable woman, as the saying goes, women don't let their eyebrows go, Zhang Qinqiu is a very good example.

Zhang Qinqiu and Chen Changhao started a family in July 1936, and in the feudal and undeveloped era at that time, many women were at home with husbands and children.

But Zhang Qinqiu has been showing up outside. Even during the Red Army's Long March, she successfully allowed the Red Second and Red Fourth Front Armies to meet smoothly, and became the only woman among the comrades of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In 1933, he became the director of the Political Department of the Red Fourth Front Army.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

It's a pity that she and Chen Changhao still didn't get together in the end, in fact, Zhang Qinqiu's personality is very similar to Chen Changhao, they are both very ambitious, idealistic, and very stubborn people. It may be difficult for people who are too similar to each other to come together, so in the end, the marriage of the two ended miserably.

Zhang Qinqiu had a short period of loss of soul after the divorce, but she soon adjusted herself. Not only is he not decadent, but he is more attentive in his career and puts all his energy into work.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Qinqiu's main work department was the Ministry of Textiles. She worked steadily and steadily, staying in the textile industry for 20 years, and by 1951, when Chen Changhao returned to China, Zhang Qinqiu had already become the deputy minister of the textile industry department, which stunned everyone.

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people


1. Chen Changhao-Yu Enping, Wang Zhibin-Party History after the defeat of the Western Route Army. 2010(04)

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

2. Zhang Qinqiu's Love (I)-Yang Wenyu, Lu Zhenguo-Party History Expo. 2001(03)

After Chen Changhao returned to China, he was unknown, his wife served as a vice minister, but his son became a big man admired by thousands of people

3. Zhang Qinqiu, the highest-ranking female general in the history of the Red Army, led 500 women to break the enemy's group--Party History Channel-People's Daily ( Source: Hubei Daily 2016-08-29

4. The Unusual Experience of the Children of the Communist Party of China Leaders in the Soviet Union (Photos)_Provided by Source: China News Network 2008-01-08

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