
A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

author:Guangdong Health Online
A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

May 15th

Chengxi Town, Dianjiang County, Chongqing

One Pent-up Boy

When exercising with gym equipment

Died in an accident


Some fitness methods have become popular on the Internet

But you also need to remind those around you

Fitness should avoid blindly following trends

Men's community fitness accident suddenly

For online fitness experts

Video from the scene shows that near the fitness equipment in the community, there are many onlookers. The person who shot the video said that the person who exercised died in an accident and was only in his 50s.

According to Zhengguan News, some informed netizens said that the man who had the accident often worked out in the community and was a fitness expert on the Internet. The reporter checked the homepage of his personal social platform and found that he often shares his fitness videos, the last update was on May 14, and it has not been updated, and there is also a message under the video saying that the man has passed away.

A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

▲Screenshot of the on-site video (the picture comes from the Internet)

On the morning of May 16, Director Li, the relevant person in charge of the Chengxi Town Government, told reporters that the man used fitness equipment to "hang his neck and throw it" and unfortunately passed away on the spot. He has been advised many times not to do dangerous actions, "fitness should be scientific and moderate".

The person in charge of the relevant departments of Dianjiang County told reporters that the incident was an accidental death, the man who was 57 years old, was accidentally hung by a rope and died in an accident when exercising with fitness equipment in the community. ”

In addition, the staff of the Chengxi Town Government said that it has been connected with the community where it is located and will make warning signs for warning publicity.

"Hanging neck" fitness became popular on the Internet

Improper methods can be fatal

It has been reported in recent years

The elderly "hanging neck" fitness became popular on the Internet

They hoisted their heads, swayed and swung along with the ropes, and even made very dangerous movements, and everyone took turns on the device, and the style of painting was very strange.

Exercisers say that this method can repair cervical spine diseases and improve neck and shoulder problems.

A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

Lou Zhikun, chief physician of the Institute of Sports Medicine of the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China, once said that although the method of neck fitness adopts the principle of clinical traction, it is not advisable to operate blindly, because the maximum weight that a person's cervical spine can bear is about 25 kilograms. The neck is more sensitive, the upper part is the brain, the lower part is connected to the spinal cord, and there are some trachea, blood vessels, esophagus, etc. in front.

"Hanging neck" fitness may damage nerves and spinal cord, which can be fatal to the human body, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even high paraplegia.

This matter also attracted the attention of netizens

Some netizens said:

This kind of "pulling the cervical spine" exercise is not uncommon

I often see it myself

A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →
A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

More netizens said

Such gym equipment is too dangerous

The security risks are huge

A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

A bump in a tree, a good body?

"Wild Road" fitness is not advisable

This is one of the more extreme cases, but what emerges is a widespread phenomenon.

On social platforms, the topic of "hitting trees for health" is also hot, and many middle-aged and elderly people think that there are many meridians on the back, and hitting trees can stimulate the meridians and achieve the effect of relaxing muscles and invigorating blood.

A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →


Does this workout really work?

According to Sun Jianfeng, deputy chief physician of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the General Hospital of the Southern Theater of Operations, many elderly people have low back pain, frozen shoulder, osteoporosis pain, thoracolumbar degenerative pain, etc., and they need to choose corresponding treatment methods according to different causes in order to achieve better treatment results. Blindly hitting a tree may cause protrusion to become protruding and loose to fracture, which can lead to more serious physical injury.

There is a precedent for injuries caused by "hitting a tree", and previously, a 70-year-old man in Wuhan had a retinal detachment due to morning exercise because of "hitting a tree".

In order to relieve the pain in his waist and legs, 70-year-old Uncle Zhang tried the morning exercise method of hitting the tree with his body, and he felt that "mosquitoes were flying" in his right eye, and the color of the objects he saw had changed, the green leaves had turned reddish-purple, and the sun at noon did not feel dazzling.

After a doctor's examination, it turned out that the retina had detached.

Experts said that the feeling of mosquitoes flying in Uncle Zhang's eyes was actually a symptom of the vitreous traction of the retina in the eye to form a tear. When the elderly get older, the vitreous in the eye degenerates, and once they encounter a violent impact, they are prone to retinal detachment.

Fitness Practices for Contemporary Seniors

How "wild" is it?

Except for hitting trees

Park fitness is already mostly a surprise

A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

360-degree loops, tree climbing, push-ups, upside down

All of them are "equipped with stunts"


The human body rotates 360 degrees

Definitely a king level

Let many people feel that the master is in the people

A man has an accident while exercising! This action became popular on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded →

These stunts

Not everyone can learn it

Acrobatic moves

Most young people can't afford it

People are getting older

Bones are more fragile

Strenuous exercise is not recommended

The strange way raises the risk factor

Again, as a reminder:

Both old and young

In the pursuit of health at the same time

More attention should be paid to safety

Avoid blindly following the herd

Scientifically proven,

Gym equipment and methods with high safety

Edit | Zhang Zhiying Editor-in-charge| Zhang Xiuli

Integrated Sources | Guangzhou Daily, The Paper, Jimu News, Zhengguan News, China News Weekly, News Square, CCTV, etc

Produced by the Guangdong Health Online all-media team

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