
What is the solution to the high social work and high confrontation phishing attack of the enterprise?

{"info":{"title":{"content":"企业高社工、高对抗的钓鱼攻击,安全大模型何解?","en":"What is the solution to the high social work and high confrontation phishing attack of the enterprise?"},"description":{"content":"大家好,我是某个不方便透露名号的头部大企业的信息安全工程师。实不相瞒,自从干了这一行,提心吊胆就成了家常便饭。你说甲方单...","en":"Hello everyone, I am an information security engineer of a leading large enterprise whose name is inconvenient to disclose. To tell the truth, since I did this business, worrying has become commonplace. You said that Party A's single..."}},"items":[]}