
All-scenario AI capabilities empower Huawei smart PCs, and the new MateBook X Pro is loved by you

{"info":{"title":{"content":"全场景AI能力赋能华为智慧PC 新款MateBook X Pro与你一同热爱","en":"All-scenario AI capabilities empower Huawei smart PCs, and the new MateBook X Pro is loved by you"},"description":{"content":"在今年5月19日中国旅游日来临之际,华为终端发布了一段主题视频《致霞客,至热爱》。视频展现了当代人在华为智慧PC的助力下...","en":"On the occasion of China Tourism Day on May 19 this year, Huawei released a theme video \"To Xiake, Love\". The video shows that the current generation of people with the help of Huawei's smart PC..."}},"items":[]}