
Furong 520 I will serve you (1)|Cost reduction and excellent service to play a "combination punch" of business environment

author:Hibiscus released

"Furong 520, I'm here to serve you". Every year, "520" is a day to express love, in Furong District, Changsha City, "520" this day is not only a "confession" of love by a sweetheart, but also a "confession" that the government provides the most intimate service to enterprises. May 20 this year is the sixth anniversary of the "520 Enterprise Service Day" in Seremban District.

In recent years, Furong District has innovated to create a "520" brand to optimize the business environment. From the practice of "doing one thing efficiently" and "one thing at a time", to providing full-chain services around the whole life cycle of enterprises, to "real money" subsidies and policy support, Furong District has made many explorations in the process of promoting the re-optimization and improvement of the business environment. From now on, the Furong District Financial Media Center, together with the Changsha Station of the Red Network, will launch a series of reports on "Furong 520 I Will Serve You", exploring how Furong District can fully serve market entities, optimize the business environment, and empower the high-quality development of the region.

The business environment is a core element of regional competition. The "excellent" business environment has promoted the "activity" of market players and driven the "progress" of regional development. In 2023, Furong District will be listed in the Top 100 CCID Consulting Investment Competitiveness Districts, Top 100 Innovation Districts, Top 100 High-quality Development Districts in Municipal Districts, and Top 100 Urban Areas in China, ranking first in the province in terms of per mu benefit. Behind the brilliant results, it is inseparable from the long-term efforts of Seremban District to optimize the business environment as the "number one project".

In order to continuously optimize the business environment, in recent years, Furong District has adhered to the precise policy of focusing on reducing costs and increasing efficiency, continued to promote "doing one thing efficiently" and "doing one thing at a time", always paying attention to the difficulties of enterprise survival and solving the difficulties of enterprise development, and striving to create a strong atmosphere of respecting business and valuing business.

Key words: improve efficiency

Furong 520 I will serve you (1)|Cost reduction and excellent service to play a "combination punch" of business environment

The efficiency of work is accelerated quickly, the submission of materials is reduced again and again, and the service process is better and better, only for the relationship between government and enterprises.

How high is the "Hibiscus Efficiency"? From the link of enterprise start-up, you can get a glimpse of one or two.

"I didn't expect to be able to apply for the business license of 7 cross-district chain stores in Furong District at one time, and I can get the food business license of the store so quickly, which is so convenient, saving us from running back and forth!"

On January 25 this year, Li Yuan, the head of public affairs of Bawang Chaji Central China, obtained the food business license of Bawang Chaji IFS store from the joint enterprise service commissioner of the Furong District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau, becoming the first beneficiary of the new model of "city-wide general office" for collective registration and license approval.

It turned out that on January 22, Bawang Chaji Enterprise submitted an application for the online office of 7 stores and enterprises across the region in the city in Furong District, and after receiving the documents, the window staff coordinated and communicated through the background to connect with the rest of the district and county approval departments, and on the same day, it jointly handled the business license certificate of 7 chain stores in Furong District, Kaifu District, Wangcheng District, Yuhua District and Xiangjiang New District in the city at one time, realizing "only one hall, the whole city can be handled".

After the business license certificate of 7 chain stores is completed, the Furong District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau also appoints a commissioner to guide the service store decoration, food business license and other procedures, according to the decoration progress of different stores, so as to "decorate one, verify one, pass one, and apply for a certificate".

How to make it easier to start a business? In order to complete this proposition, in recent years, the determination and belief of the Furong District Party Committee and the Furong District Government to optimize the business environment have been consistent, and they are committed to creating a benchmark for "minimalist and fast" approval services in the province.

In 2017, Furong District established the first administrative examination and approval bureau in Hunan Province. In 2019, taking the institutional reform as an opportunity, Furong District established the Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau on the basis of the original Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, and transferred 123 administrative licensing rights and 72 other functions and powers that originally belonged to 23 departments, and implemented the working model of "one-window acceptance, one-time notification, and one-stop approval", becoming one of the districts and counties in Hunan Province with the most transfer matters, the widest range of fields, and the greatest reform efforts. In June 2020, Furong District took the lead in building the first "5G + smart" government affairs hall in the province, realizing 365 days of all-weather "non-closing" government services. At present, there are 86 government service items that can be done in the community of Furong District and 165 government service items that can be done in the street.

Last year, Furong District launched the first "one thing at a time" model for the collective registration and licensing of branches and chain institutions in Hunan Province, and was awarded the 2023 Changsha Top Ten Cases of "Unveiling and Innovation" to Optimize the Business Environment and the 2023 Changsha "Explaining the Law with Cases" Administrative Law Enforcement Typical Cases. At the beginning of this year, the Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau of Furong District further broke the territorial restrictions on business handling and took the lead in implementing the "city-wide general office" of collective registration and permit approval in the city......

Let the enterprise masses save time, money, effort and worry in Furong District, and Furong will do what it says.

Keywords: tax reduction

Furong 520 I will serve you (1)|Cost reduction and excellent service to play a "combination punch" of business environment

Walking into Tesla's Changsha IFC Experience Center, there was an endless stream of customers who came to test drive the experience. As the traditional business center and consumption center of the province, Furong District has always attached great importance to the development of the new energy vehicle industry, seized the opportunity and took positive actions, introducing Tesla, Weilai, Ideal, Xiaopeng and other new energy vehicle head brands, and gradually forming the advantages of new energy vehicle agglomeration.

Tosula Automobile Sales & Service (Changsha) Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company registered in Furong District in 2018, mainly engaged in the retail and auto maintenance of Tesla brand cars and auto parts. In the past five years, the company has continued to accelerate its deep cultivation and optimize its local layout, and the number of local Tesla experience stores in Changsha has increased from 1 to 8.

Despite the complex and severe domestic and foreign situation and the impact of multiple unexpected factors, Tosule Automobile Sales and Service (Changsha) Co., Ltd. still achieved steady growth, which is inseparable from the warm tax and business environment created by Furong District.

The large-scale VAT refund policy is the "highlight" of the new combined tax support policy. Since the implementation of the policy in 2022, the tax department of Furong District has accurately pushed relevant policies as soon as possible, opened a direct tax train, and ensured that enterprises can enjoy the policy dividends in a timely manner.

In February 2023, Tuosule (Changsha) Company received a deferred tax amount of 5.35 million yuan, which not only helped enterprises enjoy preferential policies, invested 53.5 million yuan of profits in China, and successfully tasted the "sweetness" of tax rebate dividends, but also made the company's expansion of production and tax increase "immediate". In July 2023, the company transferred 18.81 million yuan of dividends to a subsidiary in Shanghai and successfully enjoyed a tax incentive of 1.881 million yuan of corporate income tax.

"What impressed us was not only the huge market potential, but also the good business environment." The relevant person in charge of Tuosule Automobile Sales Service (Changsha) Co., Ltd. said: "It is the efficient service of the Furong District Taxation Bureau that allows us to enjoy preferential policies in a timely manner, reduces the financial pressure of enterprises, and makes us more and more confident in investing."

Tax incentives can boost confidence and achieve a win-win situation for tax enterprises. In recent years, the taxation department of Furong District has further promoted the implementation of the new combined tax support policy, created the optimal tax business environment with policy implementation efforts, tax refund and reduction speed, and fine service temperature, helped enterprises solve the problem of tax refund, and turned the "numbers on the account" of enterprises into "liquid funds", further released the vitality of enterprises, promoted tax revenue to achieve "new breakthroughs", and injected "strengthening" into social stability.

Keywords: build a platform

Furong 520 I will serve you (1)|Cost reduction and excellent service to play a "combination punch" of business environment

How can we make our business grow with peace of mind? Furong District has always irrigated the fertile fields of the market with a steady stream of financial living water, so that enterprises can truly feel the government's affection for business, pro-business, love and help business

Founded in 2005, Hunan Yongteng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company engaged in building intelligent weak current engineering, with a good development momentum in recent years. Especially in the past two years, Hunan Yongteng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has been overwhelmed with orders, needs to invest a lot of equipment and raw materials, and urgently needs financing to support production, but because the company's own collateral has basically been mortgaged, it is difficult to obtain effective financing channels for a while.

Under the guidance of the financing commissioner of Furong District, in January 2023, the company applied for the new series of technology-based online pure credit loans launched by the Bank of Communications through the "Rong e-Loan" platform. The product canceled the requirements for the collateral guarantee of the enterprise, quickly gave a credit line of 3 million yuan, and lent 2 million yuan, which greatly alleviated the financing pressure of the enterprise and fully activated the production and operation capital chain of the enterprise.

"Rong e-Loan" is the province's first online financing and financial service platform hosted by the district and county-level governments in Furong District in 2019. Since the platform was put into operation, 38 financial institutions have been introduced, and a total of 882 enterprises have been helped to obtain a total of 10.77 billion yuan of credit and a total of 4.87 billion yuan of loans.

"Through the 'Rong e-loan', we completed the demand docking, online application, and real-time progress process in the form of online docking channels, which is very convenient to operate, and quickly got the bank's one-to-one exclusive docking service, which quickly solved the urgent needs of the enterprise." When it comes to helping enterprises, Chairman Zeng Jianjun sincerely praised Furong District.

This is the epitome of Furong District's financial feedback for the development of the real economy. In 2023, Furong District will give full play to the advantages of the financial industry agglomeration and carry out 7 special docking activities of "government, bank and enterprise", facilitating the Furong District Branch of Agricultural Bank of China, Dongcheng Branch of Changsha Bank, Deya Road Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Furong Branch of Changsha Rural Commercial Bank and other banks under its jurisdiction to reach financing cooperation, with a total of 13.18 billion yuan of credit and 3.47 billion yuan of loans, providing financial protection for market entities.

"As a financial services department, we must always maintain active action, accurate docking, and front-line services, so as to build a bridge of mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual benefit for the common development of banks and enterprises." Zhou Deliang, director of the Financial Affairs Center of Furong District, said that the development of enterprises is inseparable from financial support, and strengthening the connection between banks and enterprises and promoting in-depth cooperation between enterprises and financial institutions are objective requirements for optimizing the business environment.

Last year, Furong District also issued the "Work Plan on Building Fast Financing Services in Furong District" and the "Work Plan on Establishing a "White List" Enterprise Financing Quick Loan in Furong District", establishing a corporate financing liaison system, increasing financial services for the real economy, implementing government-bank-enterprise cooperation safeguard measures, and being a good "marriage" for bank-enterprise cooperation and enterprise-enterprise cooperation.

Keywords: Guaranteed employment

Furong 520 I will serve you (1)|Cost reduction and excellent service to play a "combination punch" of business environment

Along Bayi Road, turn south into Hunan Rice Noodles Street, walk 20 meters, and you will come to the Bayiqiao Community Employment Micro Market opposite the Hunan Rice Noodles Museum.

The employment micro-market is not large, only more than 400 square meters, but the clean floor, exquisite tables and chairs, air-conditioned sofas, and large tablets are all available, and the decoration is exquisite and atmospheric. The micro-market is divided into four functional areas: employment service area, recruitment service area, theme market area and skill upgrading area.

Although the market is small, the role is not small. According to Shen Jingxuan, deputy director of the Bayiqiao Community Employment Micro Market, in the core service area, enterprises and job seekers can carry out employment services such as policy consultation, job search registration, and docking negotiation; In the recruitment service area, job seekers can see real-time updated citywide recruitment information; In the theme market area, the micro-market will regularly hold special job fairs such as "visiting the night market to find a job" and "coming to Mifen Street to drink a cup of milk tea to find a job", and at the same time, the employment service specialist will carry out live broadcast and employment policy publicity.

This is a powerful measure for Furong District to strengthen the guarantee of factors and reduce the labor cost of enterprises, and it is also the "Furong characteristics" to firmly grasp the "small incision" and breakthrough point of employment work and further optimize the business environment. In 2023, Furong District will focus on building 5 community employment micro-markets and 1 gig market, starting from the needs of enterprises and employment groups, innovating the "doorstep" employment service model, and building an online and offline integrated public employment service system, which effectively stimulates the new vitality of the employment market and helps private enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency.

In order to closely follow the needs of enterprise elements, highlight precise and normalized services, and effectively enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of market entities and workers, in recent years, Furong District has adhered to the dynamic mapping and accurate solution to the talent and employment needs of enterprises. According to the employment situation of relevant enterprises in the jurisdiction, sort out various highly targeted policies to benefit enterprises, focus on one-time notification to enterprises, and provide personalized guidance on how to enjoy corresponding policies and financial support.

From the social security subsidy for small and micro enterprises to absorb employees, to the internship subsidy that can be enjoyed by the apprenticeship base enterprises, to the one-time job expansion subsidy and one-time employment subsidy that all enterprises can declare...... Since last year, Furong District has focused on serving the employment of enterprises, actively organized relevant activities, and timely docked with enterprises lacking labor, done a good job in matching people and posts, made every effort to resolve the difficulties of enterprise recruitment, and continued to provide one-to-one policy tracking and guidance services for enterprises, so as to realize the accurate docking of talents and positions, and truly reduce the labor costs of enterprises.

Source: Furong District Rong Media Center

Editor: Zhang Jing

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