
Gangu County CPPCC conducted a special investigation on the county's initiative to create stability

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center
Gangu County CPPCC conducted a special investigation on the county's initiative to create stability

On May 16, Ling Junqiang, chairman of the CPPCC of Gangu County, led a special team to investigate the development of the county's initiative to create stability. Guo Yousheng, vice chairman of the county CPPCC, investigated together.

Gangu County CPPCC conducted a special investigation on the county's initiative to create stability

The research team successively went to the Letters and Visits Bureau, Dongguan Community, Daxiangshan Town, Chengguan Police Station, County Vocational School, Hengtong Yuefu, Xinxing Town Government, Juehuangsi Village, Liufeng Town, Damoxing Co., Ltd., Liufeng Court, Liufeng Judicial Office and other places, and learned more about the county's active stability work through on-site inspection, listening to reports, and consulting materials.

At the symposium, the political and legal committee of the county party committee listened to the report on the county's initiative to create stability, and some county CPPCC members who participated in the investigation made speeches. The responsible persons of the county public security bureau, the county housing and urban-rural development bureau, the county education bureau, the county judicial bureau, the county letters and visits bureau and other departments made exchange speeches.

Gangu County CPPCC conducted a special investigation on the county's initiative to create stability

Ling Junqiang pointed out that taking the initiative to create stability is a strategic task to solve the problems affecting security and stability and achieve long-term peace and stability. It is necessary to firmly shoulder the political responsibility of actively creating stability, innovate ways and means, focus on the key points of work, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and continue to make efforts in maintaining security and stability, preventing and resolving risks, investigating and mediating contradictions and disputes, and deepening social governance, so as to effectively improve the efficiency of social governance at the grassroots level. It is necessary to strengthen the standardized construction and actual combat operation of comprehensive management centers at all levels, improve and improve the working mechanism of police investigation docking, complaint investigation docking, and interview investigation docking, coordinate and integrate all kinds of resources and forces, and constantly consolidate the foundation for actively creating stability.

Gangu County CPPCC conducted a special investigation on the county's initiative to create stability

Ling Junqiang stressed that it is necessary to focus on maintaining the overall security and stability of society, strengthen the guidance of intelligence and information, give full play to the "three roles" of professional sharp knives, departmental perception, and grassroots outposts, resolutely defend political security, and strengthen social security prevention and control. It is necessary to focus on resolving contradictions and risks, strengthen the implementation of the main responsibility, thoroughly implement the responsibility system for maintaining social stability, adhere to territorial management and hierarchical responsibility, carry out investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, strengthen the monitoring and early warning of major stability-related risks, and ensure that the foundation is solidified, the subtleties are known, and the prevention of problems occurs. It is necessary to strictly implement the "24×7" online patrol and control measures, improve the "three synchronizations" working mechanism, severely crack down on and rectify online rumors, online violence, and online chaos, and resolutely maintain the security and clarity of cyberspace. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of a new pattern of grassroots social governance, adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, adhere to the "three lines" of serving and protecting the masses, unimpeded the expression of demands, and investigating and resolving contradictions. It is necessary to focus on improving the actual level of grid management, deepen the ability improvement action of 10,000 grid members and the activity of "one million police into ten million homes", and strive to resolve contradictions at the grassroots level and in the bud. It is necessary to focus on improving the actual combat level of the comprehensive management center, speed up the construction of the "1 hall + N room" of the county comprehensive management center and the actual combat position of the township and village (community) comprehensive management center, integrate resources and strength, improve the system and mechanism, comprehensively implement the key work of investigation and mediation of contradictions and disputes, handling of letters and visits, and management of homicides, and strive to build the comprehensive management center into a "distribution center" for resolving contradictions and disputes. Efforts should be made to improve the level of legalization of petition work, thoroughly implement the "Regulations on Petition Work", realize the "five rule of law" of prevention, acceptance, handling, supervision and accountability, and maintenance of order, and form a work situation in which "the receiving department is responsible for pushing the procedures and the handling department is responsible for substantive resolution", so as to achieve the goals of clear rights and responsibilities, clear bases, handling according to law, good order, and mass satisfaction.

Gangu County CPPCC conducted a special investigation on the county's initiative to create stability

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