
Xiangpan Reading 141 "Where Are You Going"

author:A quick read

Works by Polish writer Henlik Szynkiewicz.

From 62 to 68 AD, ancient Rome was hierarchical, polytheistic, and revered power, violence, and war. Emperor Nero was absurd and violent, and in order to write poems with the theme of "fire", he burned the city of Rome and displaced the people. Nero heeded the advice of the scoundrel Keelong, blamed Christianity, captured Christians throughout the city, and sent them to the Colosseum. The faithful accept death calmly, and may Christ come, for death is the liberation of suffering, the beginning of life. The people continued to rebel against tyranny, and Nero was overthrown and deposed.

The aristocratic young Venizius loved Lygia and wanted to use wealth and enjoyment to get Lygia, but without success, he believed in Christ and eventually became a family member with Lygia.

The author uses Nero's persecution of Christianity to allude to the occupation of Poland by Russia, Prussia and Austria, and the deep fear of national subjugation, in order to awaken the Polish people to continue the struggle.

Lord, where are you going?

Where our faith and hearts are, we go.

Xiangpan Reading 141 "Where Are You Going"