
Softness isn't just talking! Follow the recipe and you can make a dreamy lightness of a hip-shaking cake!

author:A culinary journey of sugar adzuki beans

Hip cake, a new dessert star that has swept Asia in recent years, has quickly captured the hearts of countless dessert lovers with its unique light texture and swaying appearance. Although it is not very old, it perfectly embodies the fusion of modern baking techniques and traditional cake techniques. Imagine that it seems to be the ancient poet's pen "light Luo small fan fluttering fireflies", dancing lightly between the taste buds, leaving a touch of gentle sweetness. Although there is no direct connection to the exact historical figures, the birth of the hip cake is undoubtedly an innovative tribute to the dessert industry, as Su Shi of the Song Dynasty said in "Eating Lychees": "If you eat 300 lychees a day, you might as well grow up to be a Lingnan person." This love and pursuit of food has been reinterpreted in the hip cake.

Softness isn't just talking! Follow the recipe and you can make a dreamy lightness of a hip-shaking cake!

Cooking Steps:


1. 100g cake flour

2. Icing sugar 70 grams

3. Milk 80 ml

4. Vegetable oil 50 ml

5. 4 eggs (about 200g)

6. A few drops of white vinegar (to remove the smell)

Softness isn't just talking! Follow the recipe and you can make a dreamy lightness of a hip-shaking cake!

1. Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks, add milk and vegetable oil to the egg yolks, and mix gently.

2. Sift the cake flour into the egg yolk liquid and stir until there are no particles.

3. Add white vinegar to the egg white, add powdered sugar in three parts, and beat until it is hard to foam.

4. Add 1/3 of the meringue to the egg yolk batter, stir well, then pour back into the remaining meringue and mix gently.

5. To 190 degrees, lay baking paper on the bottom of the mold, pour in the batter, and gently shake the mold to remove bubbles.

6. Fill a baking tray with hot water, put in the mold and bake at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Softness isn't just talking! Follow the recipe and you can make a dreamy lightness of a hip-shaking cake!


- Make sure all containers are water-free and oil-free, especially for beating egg whites.

- When beating egg whites, the container should not be stained with egg yolks, otherwise it will not be easy to beat.

- The water level of the water bath method should reach half the height of the mold to avoid the bottom of the cake getting too wet.

- Do not take it out immediately after baking, wait for the temperature in the oven to cool down before taking it out to avoid sudden cooling and collapse.

- **Stirring method**: Stir from the bottom to the top to reduce defoaming and keep the cake fluffy.

When a plate of freshly baked hip-shaking cake is placed in front of you, the slightly trembling body seems to tell you the secret of lightness. The golden skin has an attractive luster, and when cut with a knife, the cake body is as delicate as a cloud, exuding a faint egg fragrance and slightly sweetness. When you bite into it, the moist and soft texture melts in your mouth, and the delicate sweetness lingers on the tip of your tongue, as if you are in a gentle dream, surrounded by the aroma of happiness.

Softness isn't just talking! Follow the recipe and you can make a dreamy lightness of a hip-shaking cake!