
June 10th Dragon Boat Festival, this year is the "Qinglong Dragon Boat Festival", there are 2 points that are not ordinary, what does the agricultural proverb say?

author:A little helper for farmers

The Dragon Boat Festival, the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar every year, is one of the four traditional festivals, and there are many folk activities around the country, such as dragon boat rowing, picking herbs, hanging wormwood, eating zongzi, etc.

According to folk legends, this year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, and it is regarded as an auspicious day for the "dragon of dragons". Judging from the traditional Ganzhi chronology, 2024 is the year of the Jiachen Dragon, "Jia" is one of the heavenly stems, "Chen" represents the dragon, and the "Jiachen" year in the Year of the Dragon, classified by attributes, belongs to the attribute of wood, and the color of wood is in the five elements, and it represents cyan, so this year is also called the "Year of the Green Dragon".

June 10th Dragon Boat Festival, this year is the "Qinglong Dragon Boat Festival", there are 2 points that are not ordinary, what does the agricultural proverb say?

The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is related to the ancient worship of the dragon totem, which is a symbol of auspiciousness, authority and strength in traditional mainland culture, and is regarded as a sacred beast capable of bringing good luck. The Dragon Boat Festival is the beginning of summer, the yang energy is the highest, and it is considered to be the period when dragon activities are the most frequent, so the Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the auspicious day of "flying dragon in the sky".

For example, dragon boat racing is one of the most representative activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, people simulate the scene of the dragon swimming in the water by rowing the dragon boat, so as to pray for the blessing and protection of the dragon god, so that the wind and rain can be smooth, and the crops can be harvested.

Through the above content, it can be seen that this year's Dragon Boat Festival, on the one hand, is the "Year of the Green Dragon", on the other hand, the Dragon Boat Festival is the auspicious day of the "Flying Dragon in the Sky", the two meet together, there is a "dragon in the dragon" auspicious day of the saying, this situation is also once in 60 years (60 years of a reincarnation), or indicate that this year is a good year.

June 10th Dragon Boat Festival, this year is the "Qinglong Dragon Boat Festival", there are 2 points that are not ordinary, what does the agricultural proverb say?

There are 2 points in this year's Dragon Boat Festival that are not ordinary

The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar every year, and the time is relatively fixed. However, from the perspective of the Gregorian calendar time, the time of each year is not fixed, and due to the existence of leap months in the lunar calendar, the Gregorian calendar time of the Dragon Boat Festival can vary by many days.

The summer solstice solar term is the 10th of the 24 solar terms, the time is calculated according to the Gregorian calendar, relatively fixed, and the festival is handed over from June 20 to 22 every year.

The annual Dragon Boat Festival and the summer solstice solar terms are close to each other, however, due to the unfixed Gregorian calendar time of the Dragon Boat Festival every year, there are some years when the Dragon Boat Festival comes before the summer solstice, and some years the summer solstice arrives before the Dragon Boat Festival.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is on June 10, and the summer solstice solar term is June 21, and the Dragon Boat Festival comes before the summer solstice. So, some friends will ask, what does this mean?

There are these two agricultural proverbs in many places: "Before the summer solstice and the Dragon Boat Festival, it must be a disaster year" and "before the summer solstice of the Dragon Boat Festival, it is destined to be a good year".

June 10th Dragon Boat Festival, this year is the "Qinglong Dragon Boat Festival", there are 2 points that are not ordinary, what does the agricultural proverb say?

To put it simply, if the summer solstice of that year comes before the Dragon Boat Festival, then the weather may not be smooth that year, the growth of crops will be affected, and the yield will not be high. On the contrary, if the Dragon Boat Festival comes before the summer solstice, then the weather or wind and rain will be smooth, and the crop yield will be higher, and it will be a bumper harvest year.

There is also a saying that if the summer solstice is after the Dragon Boat Festival, it means that the hot weather begins to be slightly later, which reduces the impact of high temperature and drought on the field crops, and is more conducive to the growth of crops in the current season.

Take wheat as an example, around the Dragon Boat Festival or the summer solstice, wheat in many places is at the end of grain filling, has been ready to enter the harvest period, if you encounter a particularly dry situation, coupled with the high temperature weather at this time, if you encounter some strong winds, it is easy to suffer from the harm of dry and hot wind.

Once wheat is affected by dry and hot wind, it will lead to incomplete wheat grains and a decrease in 1000-grain weight, which will lead to a decrease in yield. Therefore, the summer solstice is after the Dragon Boat Festival, to a certain extent, it will reduce the influence of dry and hot wind, which is conducive to increasing production.

And this year happens to be the year after the summer solstice, which is in line with the saying "before the summer solstice of the Dragon Boat Festival, it is destined to be a good year", and the agricultural proverb with similar meaning is "After the summer solstice and the Dragon Boat Festival, farmers eat wine and meat", which also refers to this meaning (but the summer solstice and the Dragon Boat Festival are reversed).

June 10th Dragon Boat Festival, this year is the "Qinglong Dragon Boat Festival", there are 2 points that are not ordinary, what does the agricultural proverb say?

The Dragon Boat Festival and the summer solstice are not far apart from each year, as mentioned above, this year's Dragon Boat Festival is June 10, and the summer solstice is June 21, with an interval of 11 days between the two, which is already a relatively long time. Last year, the summer solstice was on June 21, and the Dragon Boat Festival was on June 22, so there was a difference of one day.

Regarding this, there is a saying that "the summer solstice of the Dragon Boat Festival can be separated, and the three big waters come together", or "the summer solstice of the Dragon Boat Festival is opened, and the three tides of the big water do the tide".

This means that if there is a long time interval between the Dragon Boat Festival and the summer solstice, it may indicate that there will be more rain in the summer of that year. "Interval" refers to a long time interval, and "three times of water" does not necessarily mean three times, but also refers to many times, just a measure word.

June 10th Dragon Boat Festival, this year is the "Qinglong Dragon Boat Festival", there are 2 points that are not ordinary, what does the agricultural proverb say?

In addition to this, there is another explanation, if there is a long interval between the Dragon Boat Festival and the summer solstice, it may indicate that the timing of the summer rainfall of the year is unevenly distributed.

From the perspective of people's daily life, if there is a lot of rain in summer, it will not feel so hot, which is a good thing for most people.

From the perspective of agricultural planting, if there is more rain in summer, it is also conducive to alleviating the drought situation in the field and promoting the growth of summer crops. However, it should not rain too much, and if continuous rainfall causes waterlogging, it will be counterproductive.

Seeing this, I believe everyone has a certain answer to why this year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary. What do you think about this?