
Want to know what are the benefits of morning jogging + coffee? Here are 6 benefits!

author:99 Health Net

Some people like to drink a cup of pure black coffee without any additives before running. Some exercise experts suggest that drinking coffee before running can improve exercise efficiency and help the body burn fat more easily, thereby helping to lose weight more effectively.

Want to know what are the benefits of morning jogging + coffee? Here are 6 benefits!


6 benefits of "drinking coffee" before running

Boosts energy levels

Coffee contains caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system, boosts energy levels and mental state, and makes you feel more energetic while running.

Promotes fat burning

Caffeine increases metabolic rate, making it easier for the body to burn fat, leading to better weight loss while running.

Reduces feelings of fatigue

Caffeine has an anti-fatigue effect and can help you feel less tired and longer during your run.

Improves athletic performance

Caffeine can improve muscular endurance, allowing you to perform better on your runs and improve your athletic performance.

Enhances cardiovascular function

Drinking coffee in moderation helps improve the function of the cardiovascular system, allowing the heart to work more efficiently while running.

Suppressed appetite

The caffeine in coffee can temporarily suppress appetite and reduce food intake after a run, helping to stay in shape.

Want to know what are the benefits of morning jogging + coffee? Here are 6 benefits!


Drink coffee in moderation before running


Caffeine intake

The amount of caffeine in coffee varies, and typically a standard cup of coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine. It is recommended to drink about 150-200 mg of caffeine before running, which is equivalent to 1-2 cups of coffee. Excessive caffeine intake may lead to adverse effects such as palpitation, anxiety, and insomnia.

Individual differences

Everyone has a different sensitivity to caffeine. Some people may be very sensitive to caffeine, and even moderate amounts of coffee can cause a racing heart or insomnia. Know how your body reacts and drink in moderation.

Drinking time

It's best to drink coffee 30 minutes to 1 hour before your run so that the caffeine has enough time to kick off and provide energy during the run.


Coffee has a slight diuretic effect, and it is important to replenish water after drinking coffee to prevent dehydration.

Blood sugar control

Coffee may temporarily affect blood sugar levels, and for people with diabetes or who are susceptible to blood sugar fluctuations, it is important to monitor blood sugar changes.

Avoid dependency

Frequent consumption of coffee before running may lead to a dependence on caffeine, leading to a decrease in exercise performance when you don't drink coffee. Try to gradually reduce your coffee intake to avoid dependence.

Want to know what are the benefits of morning jogging + coffee? Here are 6 benefits!


What "coffee" is better for runners to drink

For runners, choosing the right type of "coffee" depends on an individual's taste preferences, tolerances, and health goals. Here are a few types of coffee that are suitable for runners:

Pure black coffee

Plain black coffee does not contain any additives and is low in calories, which can help runners improve fat burning efficiency. In addition, it provides the right amount of caffeine to boost focus and motivation.


Espresso is high in cifo and small in size, making it suitable for runners who are well tolerated with caffeine and want a quick pick-me-up. A cup of espresso usually contains 80-100 mg of caffeine.


If you don't like bitterness, opt for a latte. It contains milk, which can provide extra calories and help maintain energy during long runs. However, be aware that the sugar and fat in lattes can be detrimental to weight management.

Cold brew coffee

Cold brew coffee is free of sourness and bitterness and has a milder taste, making it suitable for runners who don't like traditional hot coffee. Cold brew coffee has a slower release of caffeine and can provide a long-lasting pick-me-up.

Specialty coffee

While specialty coffees such as Frappuccino are rich in flavor and contain sugar and fat, they also provide extra calories that can help restore energy during long-distance runs. However, due to its high calorie content, frequent consumption is not recommended.

In conclusion, choosing the type of coffee that suits your taste and needs, while being mindful of your caffeine intake and when you drink it, can help runners stay in top shape during training and competitions.

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