
"People are old and have five hurdles, and they can usher in longevity if they survive", what are the five hurdles? Middle-aged and elderly people should know

author:99 Health Net

In traditional Chinese customs, it is believed that as people age, their physical functions will gradually decline, and diseases will be more likely to come to their doors. At these critical age points, it is especially important to maintain good health. The so-called "hurdles" refer to the period when people need to pay special attention to health preservation at a certain age.

Specifically, "kan'er" is not a fixed age, and different traditions and literature may say it differently.

"People are old and have five hurdles, and they can usher in longevity if they survive", what are the five hurdles? Middle-aged and elderly people should know


What are the five hurdles of the old people?

Fifty-five years old: the first hurdle in life

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the body's yang energy begins to decrease and the yin energy rises relatively, which is a turning point in life, and special attention needs to be paid to the body's recuperation. Older people should adjust their daily routines to ensure adequate rest and avoid overexertion. In terms of diet, we should pursue nutritional balance, eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat less greasy and irritating foods. At the same time, moderate exercise is also key, such as practicing Tai Chi, walking and other low-intensity activities.

Sixty-one years old, the second hurdle in life

During this period, older adults may experience more physical and health challenges. At this time, physical exercise should be strengthened to improve physical fitness and resistance. At the same time, continue to pay attention to a balanced diet to prevent diseases. It is also extremely important to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. As the old saying goes, "Sixty is a good ear", which means that people at this age should learn to adapt to the changes in nature and life.

Sixty-six years old, "half a season of life"

At this age, older adults may experience a rapid decline in physical functioning and worsening symptoms of chronic disease. Therefore, it has become even more important to pay special attention to health and wellness. First and foremost, regular health check-ups are essential so that any potential health problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner. Second, maintain healthy lifestyle habits and a positive mindset to avoid overwork and mood swings. In addition, proper wellness activities, such as acupuncture and massage, can also help maintain health.

Seventy-three years old, the year of a saint

At this stage, the elderly may experience more serious health problems and therefore require comprehensive maintenance and conditioning. In addition to maintaining good habits and mindset, spiritual activities such as reading, calligraphy and meditation are also beneficial. These activities help older adults maintain peace of mind and joy, improving their quality of life.

Eighty-four years old, among the oldest in life

At this stage, seniors should cherish every moment of their lives, maintain an optimistic attitude, and enjoy the happiness brought by family and friends.

"People are old and have five hurdles, and they can usher in longevity if they survive", what are the five hurdles? Middle-aged and elderly people should know


How to take care of your body when you are older

Rational feasting

A balanced diet is very important for older people. They should eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and less greasy, high-sugar, high-salt foods. At the same time, consume protein and calcium in moderation to maintain healthy bones.

Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise can enhance the physical fitness of the elderly, improve cardiopulmonary function, and enhance immunity. They can choose their preferred form of exercise, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, etc., and avoid sitting or lying down for long periods of time.

Good routine

Get enough sleep, work and rest on time, and avoid overexertion. A good routine helps to maintain the body's health and recovery.

Maintain an optimistic mindset

A positive and optimistic mindset is very important for the health of the elderly. Avoid excessive anxiety and depression, participate in social activities appropriately, and maintain a good mental state.

Control chronic diseases

Many older adults may suffer from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. It is very important to control the development of these diseases, follow the doctor's advice, take medication regularly, and maintain good lifestyle habits.

Regular medical check-ups

Regular physical examinations are carried out to detect and deal with physical problems in a timely manner to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Regular check-ups can help seniors stay informed about their health status and take preventive and curative measures accordingly.

"People are old and have five hurdles, and they can usher in longevity if they survive", what are the five hurdles? Middle-aged and elderly people should know


Exercise for the elderly

Walks and walks

Walking is a low-risk, low-intensity aerobic exercise that is suitable for most older adults. Walking can help strengthen the heart and lungs, improve lower body strength, and is also a way to relax your mind.


Tai Chi is a combination of martial arts, fitness, and meditation that focuses on slow and consistent movements, as well as the coordination of breathing and awareness. Tai Chi is beneficial for improving balance, flexibility and muscle strength.

Aerobics and dance

Rhythmic aerobics and dance can improve cardiorespiratory endurance and strengthen muscles, while also increasing social opportunities and mood.

Light weight strength training

Light strength training with tools such as dumbbells and elastic bands can help older adults maintain muscle strength and prevent osteoporosis.

Outdoor activities

Outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, and fishing are good for mental health as a way to not only exercise but also enjoy the natural scenery.

Suitable for ball games

For example, table tennis, badminton, etc., these sports can improve reaction speed and coordination, and are also a good way to socialize.