
Is blood sugar high, just look at the pee? Doctor: There are 4 manifestations of urine, beware of diabetes

author:99 Health Net

In daily life, we often hear "three more and one less" as a typical symptom of diabetes, that is, "polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, weight loss". Among them, the symptom of "polyuria" is closely related to changes in urine.

So, how much does pee reveal about blood sugar? Today, let's take a look at how to preliminarily judge whether you may have diabetes by observing the 4 manifestations of urine.

Is blood sugar high, just look at the pee? Doctor: There are 4 manifestations of urine, beware of diabetes

The dangers of long-term hyperglycemia

1. Cardiovascular damage:

High blood sugar damages the lining of blood vessels, increases the risk of atherosclerosis, and can lead to heart disease and stroke.

2. Nerve damage:

Long-term high blood sugar can damage nerve cells, causing diabetic neuropathy, and people may experience pain, numbness, or tingling.

3. Renal lesions:

High blood sugar puts pressure on the kidneys' filtration system, and long-term effects can lead to diabetic nephropathy and, in severe cases, dialysis or kidney transplantation.

4. Visual impairment:

High blood sugar affects the blood vessels in the eye and can lead to retinopathy and even blindness.

5. Increased risk of infection:

High blood sugar affects the function of the immune system, making people more susceptible to infections and infections that are more difficult to cure.

Is blood sugar high, just look at the pee? Doctor: There are 4 manifestations of urine, beware of diabetes

If you urinate, these 4 abnormalities appear

Be careful that it is diabetes

1. Frequent urination:

High blood sugar levels cause the kidneys to need to filter more sugar, which increases urine output, and patients may feel the need to urinate frequently, especially at night.

2. Excessive foam in the urine:

This can be a sign of proteinuria, meaning that the kidneys are functioning impairedly and can no longer filter proteins from the blood efficiently, which is one of the complications of diabetes.

3. Sticky or sweet urine:

High blood sugar can cause a lot of glucose in your urine, which can make your urine sticky and sometimes even see fine foam on the surface of your urine, or feel a sweet taste.

4. Abnormal urine odor

Diabetic patients may have an increase in ketone, urea and other components in the urine due to metabolic disorders in the body. These substances accumulate in the urine and break down, creating a peculiar odor similar to the smell of rotten apples or ammonia.

Therefore, if you notice an abnormal smell in your urine, especially if you have a rotten apple or ammonia smell, you should be alert to a possible risk of diabetes.

Is blood sugar high, just look at the pee? Doctor: There are 4 manifestations of urine, beware of diabetes

How to eat properly to control blood sugar

1. Timing and quantification:

Maintain a regular diet, eat three meals a day at regular intervals, and avoid overeating.

2. Low sugar and low fat:

Reduce your intake of high-sugar foods such as desserts, sweets, sugary drinks, etc. At the same time, control the intake of high-fat foods, such as fried foods, fatty meats, etc.

3. High-fiber diet:

Increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which are rich in dietary fiber and can help slow the rise in blood sugar.

4. Consume high-quality protein:

Moderate intake of high-quality protein, such as lean meat, fish, soy products, etc., can help maintain blood sugar stability.

5. Control the total heat:

Calculate the total daily calorie requirement based on an individual's weight, age, gender, and activity level, and adjust your diet accordingly.

6. Eat a variety of diets:

Ensure a variety of diets, a balanced intake of various nutrients, and avoid excessive intake of single foods.

7. Avoid high GI foods:

Choose foods with a low GI (glycemic index), such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, etc., which are slow to digest and absorb, and help stabilize blood sugar.

8. Pay attention to the cooking method:

Adopt healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, stewing, etc., and avoid high-calorie, high-fat cooking methods such as frying and grilling.

9. Postprandial blood glucose monitoring:

Monitor your blood sugar levels after meals and adjust your diet to your blood sugar levels to avoid high or low blood sugar.