
5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~

author:Huailai posted
5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~
5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~
5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~

In 2024, the "5.19 China Tourism Day" and "Millions of Tourists Walk into the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Sports and Cultural Tourism Belt" Huailai Branch Event will be held in Guanting Reservoir National Wetland Park

5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~

"5.19 China Tourism Day" and "Millions of Tourists."

Walk into the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Sports and Cultural Tourism Belt".

5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~

Activity Lord


Travel to China and live happily

Event time

May 19, 2024

Location of the event

Guanting Reservoir National Wetland Park

Event content

Signature Events

Organize tourists and citizens to sign on the signature wall of "Millions of Tourists Walk into the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Sports and Cultural Tourism Belt", and distribute all kinds of tourism promotional materials and route maps on the spot.

Featured cultural and creative goods exhibition

Relying on the art of the wetland park and the stones, it displays Huailai's characteristic cultural artworks and intangible cultural heritage products. Wine presentations and tastings are organized at the Visitor Service Center.

Mermaid Feast Event

The activity of "Spring Breeze Ten Miles is Not as Good as You, Thousand People Stew Big Carp on the Stove" was held in the food court to taste the unique flavor of "Big Pot Fish".

The launching ceremony of China Tourism Day

The leader delivered a speech, read out the proposal of "civilized tourism", and held the unveiling ceremony of the 4A scenic spot of the wetland park.

Cycling activities

Organize 100 cycling enthusiasts to set off from the visitor center to tour the wetland park, and enjoy the ecological beauty of the Guanting Reservoir National Wetland Park by cycling.

Live streaming events of internet influencers

Local influencers were invited to broadcast live on the day's event and promote the wetland museum, tree house hotel, starry sky tent and other outlets in the scenic area.

Travel in China, happy life theatrical performances

Hold a comprehensive theatrical performance with local characteristics, integrating music, dance, opera, instrumental music, etc., with rich content and diverse forms, and set off the atmosphere of on-site activities with an artistic feast.

A-level tourist attraction activities at the county level

5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~

In order to further enhance the atmosphere of the event during the China Tourism Day, on May 19, the 4A-level scenic spot Huanglong Villa held the 5th Huailai Huanglong Villa Mountaineering Festival of "Shacheng Laojiao Cup". During the event, a series of activities such as mountaineering competitions, cultural performances, and Huailai agricultural and sideline products display were also held to build momentum and gather popularity for China's tourism day activities.

Let's meet on May 19th~

Note: All the content of this official account may not be reproduced without permission!

Source: Huailai Cultural Tourism

Editor|Zhang Shugang

Reviewer|Xu Xinyu, Zhang Shugang, Du Yue, Reviewer|Zhao Liangge

5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~
5·19 China Tourism Day||Huailai has launched a number of cultural and tourism activities, waiting for you to check in~

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