
Learn from the example, do the target-the demonstration of the financial regularization construction of the southern regional organization of the armed police force

author:Hunan Armed Police
{"info":{"title":{"content":"学有榜样,干有靶向——武警部队南部区域组织财务正规化建设打样示范","en":"Learn from the example, do the target-the demonstration of the financial regularization construction of the southern regional organization of the armed police force"},"description":{"content":"为推进旅团级单位财务正规化建设,近日,武警部队在武警湖南总队郴州支队召开区域财务业务观摩交流会,武警部队财务局刘艳波,总...","en":"In order to promote the financial regularization of brigade and regiment-level units, recently, the Armed Police Force held a regional financial business observation and exchange meeting in the Chenzhou Detachment of the Hunan Armed Police Corps."}},"items":[]}