
On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

author:Joy & Joy

The point of no return before the wedding

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

I was born in an ordinary small city family, and my parents were simple working-class parents, who exchanged their hard work for a stable and worry-free upbringing. I have been a good child in the eyes of others since I was a child, with excellent academic performance and a gentle personality, and I have almost never let my parents worry about it. Until I met her, my ex, Lin Xiao.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

Lin Xiao is the kind of girl who is unforgettable at first sight, she has bright eyes and deep eyes, and always has an uninhibited and free temperament. We met, got to know each other, fell in love in college, and that time was the best day of my life. However, the pressure of reality after graduation gradually eroded our love, and there were more and more quarrels and misunderstandings, and finally we chose to break up.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

After the breakup, I was immersed in deep pain and couldn't extricate myself until I met my current fiancée, Xiaohui. Xiaohui is a gentle and kind girl, and her attentive care slowly melts my frozen heart. A year after we met, I decided to propose to her, and she said yes. The preparations for the wedding are in full swing, but deep in my heart, I can never completely forget Lin Xiao.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

On the eve of the wedding, by chance, I met Lin Xiao again. She looked a little haggard, and there was a subtle sadness in her eyes. We sat in a quiet café and talked about the old days. Somehow, the effects of alcohol and old emotions intertwined to make me make a ridiculous and crazy decision - on the eve of becoming someone else's husband, I gave my first night to my ex.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

That night, it was like we were back in college, uninhibited, and forgot all our worries and stresses. However, when the first rays of sunlight shone on my face through the cracks in the curtains, I woke up and realized that I had made an irreparable mistake.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

I returned home with guilt and trepidation, and I couldn't hide my panic in the face of Xiaohui's innocent smile. On the wedding day, I completed all the rituals like a puppet, but my heart was full of mixed feelings.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

A few days later, an unexpected news hit me like a thunderbolt from the blue—Lin Xiao was pregnant. She insisted that the child was mine, and I knew that the indulgence of that night had sown such serious consequences. I can't imagine how this news would affect my marriage and family if it got out.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

I began to find myself in a dilemma: my wife, who was about to start a new life, and my ex, who was pregnant with me. I tried to communicate with Lin Xiao in the hope that she would understand my situation, but she insisted on giving birth to the child and threatened to make the matter public if I was not responsible.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

Fear and guilt hung over my head like two swords, and I spent every day in trepidation. Xiaohui began to notice my abnormality, but she didn't question me directly, just silently gave me more care and support.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

Finally, the paper couldn't hold the fire, and the news of Lin Xiao's pregnancy still reached Xiaohui's ears. She didn't cry or accuse, she just looked at me quietly, her eyes full of disappointment and doubt. I couldn't face her eyes, and I couldn't bear the pain in my heart.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

On a stormy night, I chose to leave. I left a letter in which I confessed everything to Xiaohui and asked for her forgiveness. I know I can't make up for the damage done to her, but I hope she can find someone who is truly worth entrusting.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

I stepped onto the train to a distant land, filled with remorse and self-blame. I don't know what the future holds, and I don't know if I'll be able to take on this sudden responsibility. But I know that I have pushed the door open and that I must pay for my actions.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

A few years later, I heard that Xiaohui had regained her happiness and that Lin Xiao had given birth to a healthy child. I didn't have the courage to disturb their lives, so I could only silently bless them from afar.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

In the dead of night, I always think of the girl who once loved me and the wedding that never took place. I know that it is an eternal pain in my life, and it is also a memory that I cannot erase.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

Today, I am still adrift. I don't know when I'll be able to stop or where the future lies. But I hope that time will slowly heal all the scars and allow me to start a new life.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy

This is my story, a bad choice on the eve of the wedding, and the ripple effects that followed. I hope that my experience can be a wake-up call for everyone: cherish the people in front of you, and don't ruin your beautiful life because of impulsiveness and greed.

On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy
On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy
On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy
On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy
On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy
On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy
On the eve of the wedding, I gave the first night to my ex, but I didn't expect to open the door to tragedy