
90 years of resignation caused a turmoil, college freshmen were chased and beaten by their mother's rattan!

author:Joy & Joy

Love and pain under rattan

I was born in a remote mountain village named Lin Feng. In the early 90s, I became the first child in my village to go to university, which should have been the pride of my family, but it became the most complicated turning point in my life.

My family was poor, and my parents made a living on a few acres of thin fields and my father's occasional carpentry job. I have a fiancée named Xiaofang, who is gentle and kind, and is a flower in our village. We grew up together and have a deep affection for each other. However, the moment I received my acceptance letter from college, I knew that my life was about to be turned upside down.

I knew that going to college was the only chance for me, a kid from the countryside, to change my life. I don't want to disappoint my parents, and I don't want to live up to my own efforts and expectations. However, I also know that once I leave my hometown, the future of Xiaofang and I will be full of uncertainty.

90 years of resignation caused a turmoil, college freshmen were chased and beaten by their mother's rattan!

After learning that I had been admitted to university, Xiaofang's parents came to my home and asked to quit my family. They believe that when a rural child goes to college, he will forget his roots and forget his fiancée. Their demands made my heart wreak, but I also knew that it was a reality that I could not escape.

With the support of my parents, I decided to go to Xiaofang's house in person. It was an early morning, and I carried a simple bag on my back and set out on the mountain road to Xiaofang's house. The mountain road is rugged, but I have only one thought in my heart - to give Xiaofang an explanation, and also to give myself an explanation.

When I walked to Xiaofang's door, my heart beat like a drum. I took a deep breath and pushed open the wooden door. Xiaofang's parents sat in the hall, their faces full of indifference and dissatisfaction. I stepped forward and told them about my decision to quit.

When they heard this, a contemptuous smile appeared on their faces. They said, "I knew you were going to come here, and people like you, once you have a little bit of talent, you will forget your roots." Okay now, are you satisfied? Our Xiaofang is a good girl, she won't wait for you. ”

90 years of resignation caused a turmoil, college freshmen were chased and beaten by their mother's rattan!

I was speechless and could only silently endure their cynicism. At this moment, Xiaofang walked in from outside. Her face was full of shock and disappointment, and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Lin Feng, why are you doing this? Didn't we say we would go through every spring, summer, autumn and winter together? How can you be so ruthless? Xiaofang's voice trembled, and her tears fell like beads with broken threads.

I was speechless and could only bow my head silently. I know that my decision was too cruel for Xiaofang, but I can't help it. I can't give up my future for love, and I can't let my parents down.

At this moment, my mother suddenly rushed into Xiaofang's house. She had a rattan in her hand and rushed at me with an angry face. While chasing and beating me, she scolded loudly: "You unfilial son! How could you do such a cruel thing? Do you know that if you do this, you will ruin Xiaofang's life? Did you know that if you do this, the whole family will not be able to hold their heads up? ”

90 years of resignation caused a turmoil, college freshmen were chased and beaten by their mother's rattan!

My mother's rattan rained down on me, but I didn't dodge. I know it's the punishment I deserve. I silently endured my mother's beating and scolding, and my heart was full of guilt and pain.

At this moment, Xiaofang suddenly rushed forward, she hugged my mother's arm tightly, and cried loudly: "Auntie, don't fight!" Lin Feng, he also has his troubles! He didn't do it for himself, he did it for the future of our whole family! ”

Xiaofang's words stunned my mother, who stopped the rattan in her hand and looked at us blankly. I looked at Xiaofang's tear-stained face, and my heart was full of emotion and guilt. I hugged her tightly, tears streaming down my face.

"Xiaofang, I'm sorry...... I'm really sorry for you......" I said in a choked voice.

90 years of resignation caused a turmoil, college freshmen were chased and beaten by their mother's rattan!

"Lin Feng, I don't blame you......" Xiaofang gently stroked my head, her voice was full of tenderness and tolerance, "I only hope you can remember the relationship we once had, and remember the days we walked together." Whatever the future holds, I will bless you. ”

Xiaofang's words filled my heart with gratitude and warmth. I know that no matter where I go, no matter what kind of person I become, I will remember Xiaofang's love and tolerance.

Years later, I became a successful entrepreneur, but I have never forgotten the rattan and Xiaofang's tears in that morning. Every time I think back on that experience, I feel a deep sense of pain and guilt. But I know that it was that experience that shaped my resilience and courage.

And Xiaofang, she also found her own happiness. She married a hard-working and kind farmer and lived a plain and happy life. Whenever I go back to my hometown, I visit her. Although we are no longer lovers, we both have the best memories of each other in our hearts.

90 years of resignation caused a turmoil, college freshmen were chased and beaten by their mother's rattan!

This is the story of Xiaofang and me – a story of love and pain, guilt and tolerance. It made me understand a truth: no matter how many difficulties and setbacks we encounter on the road of life, we must not forget our original intention and belief. Only in this way can we move towards a better future.