
The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

author:Fortune Elisha 7f3o

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

Thirty-five-year-old Wu Liu stood on the balcony of his old apartment in Shanghai, clutching the demolition notice that had just been handed to him. The house he had lived in for nearly two decades was about to be demolished, and his heart was filled with shock and joy, as if fate had given him an unexpected turn. But then, a sense of confusion slowly arose, and he couldn't help but think of the difficult days a year ago.

At that time, Wu Liu spent the whole long winter in the hospital bed, and no relatives came to visit except for the bare branches outside the window. He coughed, alone in the silence around him and the white walls of the ward, how he longed for a familiar figure, even if it was just to talk and ask for warmth.

"Liuzi, I heard that our building is going to be demolished?" The old Zhu Tou next door leaned out of the door and interrupted Wu Liu's contemplation.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

Wu Liu chuckled and responded: "Yes, Lao Zhu, this notice has just arrived, saying that it is going to be replanned, and we have to move." "

"That's a good thing, these days, once the house is demolished, the compensation is not a small amount." Lao Zhu's eyes were full of envy.

"yes, that's a windfall." Wu Liu said bitterly, his expression could not hide his complicated emotions.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

Over the next few days, Wu Liu's phone began to ring nonstop. First, my cousin who was far away in the countryside called, "Liuzi, I heard that you are going to be demolished, is it true?" Hey, don't forget the love we had when we grew up together. "

Then, my cousin, who had not been in touch for a long time, also came to the door: "Liuzi, I heard that you have made a fortune!" We're a family, so we have to discuss this good thing together, right? "

This sudden 'concern' made Wu Liu's heart have mixed feelings. He picked up the phone and tried to be polite: "Oh, sister, yes, I'm still thinking about this, don't worry, I'll notify you as soon as there is news." "

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

On the other end of the phone, my cousin's voice unconsciously brought a little excitement: "That's good, that's good, if you have any difficulties, remember to tell my sister, hey, I was negligent in the past and couldn't come to see you often." "

Wu Liu hung up the phone and sighed deeply. In that most helpless time, I didn't even see a shadow, but now I have become a warm relative because of a demolition notice. With a few words, it seems that yesterday's indifference has become a distant thing in the past, but Wu Liu understands in his heart that behind these sudden cares, there is more coveting of interests.

When he returned home, Wu Liu looked at the demolition notice again, and suddenly felt that it was not just an official document, but more like a test, exploring the truth and falsehood between family affection and interests. The demolition notice had already been stored in the deepest part of the drawer by Wu Liu, as if those complicated entanglements had been hidden farther. His daily focus has shifted to his hard-working online shop, a small shop that sells handicrafts, and every object on the shelves carries his delicate emotions and yearning for beauty.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

"Brother Liu, can you take a look at this batch of painted pottery?" His assistant Xiao Chen, a young man who had just graduated from college and had a childish face, walked into the house with a box of samples.

Wu Liu took the painted pottery, looked at it carefully, and nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, this process is good, the reputation is good, and there should be a market if the price is reasonable." "

Xiao Chen's face was excited, "Then I'll contact the supplier and solve the supply problem." "

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

Such a busy and fulfilling life made Wu Liu feel satisfied, and he tried to put less of those relatives in his heart. However, fate always seems to like to joke, and the discord of relatives has not subsided because of his indifference.

Suddenly, the ringing of Wu Liu's mobile phone broke the silence of the studio, it was his second aunt who had not contacted him for a long time, "Liuzi, I will go to your place in two days to sit, and by the way, I will ask you about the demolition, I haven't seen you for a long time, and everyone in my family misses you." "

This sudden warmth caught Wu Liu a little off guard, he was not used to this kind of sudden intimacy between relatives, although he agreed, "Okay, second aunt, if you come, I will entertain you well." But the doubts in my heart are layer after layer.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

Sure enough, the second aunt did not come alone, followed by a few relatives, all smiling and full of spring breeze. "Liuzi, I'm so happy to hear that you have made a fortune." The fifth uncle smiled and patted Wu Liu's shoulder, his face was warm.

Wu Liu responded with a smile, although he knew how many benefits there were in this heat, "Where is it, it just happens that the government wants to transform this area, and the money has not yet arrived." "

"That's also a good thing, between relatives, it's a blessing to share." The third aunt's words implied a deep meaning, and Wu Liu didn't know how to answer for a while.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

The conversation continued in this overt and covert temptation, with relatives trying to find out more details about the compensation, while Wu Liu tried to avoid answering the question directly. This subtle tug-of-war casts a shadow of discord on an otherwise intimate gathering.

When they were about to say goodbye, the fifth uncle suddenly said, "Liuzi, look at what you can do to help, the family has to take care of each other, don't you?" "

Wu Liu nodded, "Thank you, Fifth Uncle, I have a little favor that may trouble you, I think about the renovation of this house, can your relatives help come up with ideas and give some suggestions?" "

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

This reply made several relatives slightly stunned, and then they all said that they would do their best to help come up with ideas.

Looking at the backs of his relatives leaving, a trace of complexity flashed in Wu Liu's eyes, and he slowly understood that sometimes, treating the world with the most determined kindness may be the only way to keep his heart calm. The atmosphere of the family banquet was supposed to be warm and harmonious, but in the living room of Wu Liu's house, the air was almost frozen. Relatives sat around, and the conversation inevitably revolved around the demolition. The atmosphere gradually changed from warm to ambiguous, and the vague consideration of interests made everyone's smile with a bit of calculation behind it.

"Liuzi, why don't you want to think about the interests of the big family with this great opportunity?" The third uncle squinted his eyes, and there was reproach in his tone.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

Wu Liu was a little unhappy in his heart, but he still maintained his external calmness, "Third uncle, of course I will consider it, but this involves a lot of legal issues, and I need to plan it well." "

"Planning and planning, listening to you say this, I'm afraid that in the end, everyone won't be able to touch anything." The second aunt muttered dissatisfiedly, which immediately attracted other relatives to echo her.

The topic spilled over in this round of discontent, gradually escalating into an open quarrel. "Yanagiko, what is your attitude?" The fifth uncle stood up and said in an excited tone, "We are a family, you can't just take care of yourself!" "

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

"yes, why are you so selfish? Is there a bit of a family concept? The cousin also said indignantly.

Wu Liu finally couldn't help it, and he struggled to squeeze out the truth in his heart from his lips, "I was sick a year ago and was lying in the hospital, where are you?" How did I get over those days, do any of you know? "

The audience was silent, and the air seemed to be drained away. The relatives looked at each other, but no one said anything.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

In this embarrassing atmosphere, Wu Liu's six-year-old niece Xiao Dan ran in coughing, pestered Wu Liu and said, "Uncle, I have a cough again, and my mother said that the medicine is too expensive and we can't afford it." ”

Wu Liu softened his heart, he gently patted Xiao Dan's back, and said softly, "It's okay, uncle has some money, and I'll buy cough medicine in a while." Looking at the other relatives, they looked at each other speechlessly, understanding their selfishness just now.

"I didn't know that Xiao Dan still needed treatment, why didn't you say it earlier?" Wu Liu's voice was reproachful.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

Xiao Dan's mother lowered her head and said softly, "We don't want to trouble you. After all, you also have your own difficulties. ”

The quarrel burst like a bubble, and the hidden family pain behind it made every relative present feel upset and ashamed. Wu Liu's questioning and Xiao Dan's unintentional interjection undoubtedly sounded the alarm for everyone.

The family banquet ended earlier than expected, and the relatives left in a hurry after a few pleasantries, leaving Wu Liu and Xiao Dan behind, as well as the heavy atmosphere in the room that had not yet dissipated. A few days after the family dinner, Wu Liu's life became extremely busy. Not only does he take care of his online store, but his generous heart also makes him determined to help his niece Xiao Dan solve her medical problems.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

In order to raise money for Xiao Dan's treatment, Wu Liu increased the studio's opening hours and launched more new products to attract customers. He knows that money is not everything, but at this time, it can bring hope to the people he loves.

One evening, Xiao Dan and her mother came to Wu Liu's studio. Xiao Dan held a card in his hand that was not very rude, and walked towards Wu Liu, "Uncle, this is the card I gave you, thank you uncle for helping me see a doctor." ”

Wu Liu took the card, his heart warmed, looking at the immature handwriting on it, he couldn't help but have hot eyes, "Xiao Dan, this is what uncle should do, you get better quickly, we have to go to the park to play together." "

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

Xiao Dan's mother was also a little choked, "Liuzi, thank you for this time, our family is really causing you trouble." "

"Don't say that, we are a family, and it is natural to help each other." Wu Liu replied calmly.

At the same time, Wu Liu also began to deal with the demolition and relocation matters, actively communicating with government departments and lawyers to ensure that everything was carried out legally and fairly. He has no intention of putting his own interests above family affection, but he also does not want to see family affection tainted because of financial interests.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

In the days that followed, the attitude of the relatives quietly changed. They began to understand Wu Liu, and they also realized their own shortcomings, and the sincere care between the family gradually warmed up. Someone helped Wu Liu sort out the documents for the demolition, someone helped take care of the online store when Xiao Dan was seeing a doctor, and the fifth uncle was running around for Wu Liu in the community to coordinate the neighborhood relationship.

One night, Wu Liu was sorting out the goods in the studio, and he pondered the lessons that this series of events had brought him. Standing at this crossroads in life, he understands that the value of life is far more than simple material pursuits, and the real meaning lies in warm interpersonal relationships, those relatives who can work together and treat each other sincerely.

Looking at the flickering street lights outside, Wu Liu said to himself, "Family affection, isn't it just to help each other when they need it and treat it sincerely, no matter whether it is cold or warm?" He cleaned up his workbench and closed the door gently, his steps firm and brisk in the night. At this moment, he felt more fulfilled and calm than ever.

The house was going to be demolished, and my relatives came to see me, and I was happy: I was sick a year ago, where are you?

And for those human weaknesses that are revealed in the face of money, he chooses forgiveness rather than blame, because everyone can be lost. But in this world, is there anything more expensive than true love?