
In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

author:Fortune Elisha 7f3o

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

The spring of 1994 was as full of life and hope as usual. In a small town, 8-year-old Xiaoqiang happily bounced home in a pair of worn old shoes. He is looking forward to getting a new pair of shoes, because tomorrow the school is going to organize a spring outing, and he wants to show off in front of his classmates.

"Auntie, I want to borrow ten dollars." Xiaoqiang stood at the kitchen door, holding his face, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

"Borrowing money? Why use it? My aunt asked impatiently while she was busy with her work.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

"I... I want to buy a new pair of shoes. Xiaoqiang said cautiously, for fear that he would accidentally knock over the indescribable unhappiness in his aunt's heart.

"Buying shoes? Look at you, your shoes are worn out and you don't know how to save a little!" The aunt rejected him categorically, "Although the shoes are torn, they can still be worn, there is no need to buy new ones now." ”

Xiaoqiang hung his head in disappointment, "But next year's school spring outing, I..."

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

"Spring outing is spring outing, what does it have to do with shoes? Others pay attention to the scenery, not your feet. My aunt couldn't help but say, apparently having lost interest in the topic.

Xiao Qiang stared at his aunt for a while, hoping to dig out a little warmth from his aunt's hard heart, but his aunt didn't even look at him. He knew that no amount of words would be in vain.

Walking alone on the path home, Xiaoqiang had unspeakable grievances in his heart, he was not without hard work, and last month he also helped Uncle Wang next door repair the fence in exchange for a few yuan of pocket money. It's just that in the end, the money was used by my aunt to buy some household items, and he didn't get any of it.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

"Hey, Xiaoqiang!" Suddenly, a familiar call interrupted his musings, "What's the matter, so listless." ”

Xiaoqiang looked up, it was Aunt Li next door, she was always smiling, giving people a warm and cordial feeling.

"Auntie, I want to buy a new pair of shoes, but my aunt won't lend me money." Xiao Qiang's eyes turned red.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Aunt Li frowned, "How could it be?" The small shoes are worn out, and the spring outing is also decent. You wait. ”

Aunt Li turned around and entered the house, and after a while, she came out with a red ten-dollar in her hand. She squatted down and handed it to Xiaoqiang, "Come, this is for you by your aunt, go buy a good pair of shoes, don't let other children laugh at you during the spring outing." ”

Xiaoqiang took the money, and his eyes were even redder, but this time it was because he was moved. "Thank you, Auntie, I will remember Auntie's good!"

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Aunt Li touched his head, "Go ahead, remember to buy it and show it to Auntie." ”

That afternoon, Xiao Qiang held the ten yuan, as if he had got the whole world. Stepping on the slanting spring day, Xiao Qiang held the ten yuan given by Aunt Li and walked quickly to the small shop in the town. His mood was like a roller coaster, rushing from the trough just now to the sky. He couldn't help but laugh out loud as he imagined himself stepping on the green grass in his new shoes.

Walking into the bustling shop, Xiaoqiang looked at the neatly placed new shoes, and his eyes lit up. He chose a pair of his favorite blue and white sneakers, touched them gently, and was so excited that he almost jumped up.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Just as Xiaoqiang picked up his shoes and walked to the cash register, a rapid cry suddenly came to his ears. Confused, he lowered his shoes and followed the sound to see a girl crying on a street corner, and several older boys laughing in front of her.

Xiaoqiang walked over, observed the boys, and asked tentatively, "What's wrong?" Why do you bully people! ”

A boy rolled his eyes: "It's none of your business, get out of the way." ”

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Xiao Qiang's brows tightened, he knew that he couldn't go away, and cautiously asked the girl, "What's your name?" ”

The girl raised her head and looked at him with teary eyes: "My name is Xiaohong." ”

Red gasps and sobs to tell Qiang that her new pair of shoes was taken away by the boys. Xiao Qiang turned his head to look at the boys, he knew that he couldn't leave Xiao Hong alone.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

After thinking about it, he decided to exchange the ten dollars given by his aunt, so he took a breath and said to the group of boys, "How about giving her back those shoes, and I'll give you money?" ”

When the boys heard the word money, they immediately came to their senses, but they still pretended to hesitate.

"Hurry up and decide, or I'll go find an adult!" Xiaoqiang's tone was firm.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

In the end, the boys let go, and Xiaoqiang exchanged the ten yuan in his hand for Xiaohong's shoes. Xiaohong took the shoe, and her eyes showed a glint of gratitude. "Thank you, Xiaoqiang."

Xiao Qiang smiled and shook his head: "No thanks, it should be." ”

At this time, his heart was very calm, although he was back to the starting point of no new shoes, he felt an unprecedented warmth and satisfaction. On the way home, although he was empty-handed, his heart was full of pride and happiness.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Not far away, Aunt Li witnessed all this by chance, a kind and warm seed took deep root in her heart, and she decided to do something for Xiaoqiang. Xiao Qiang held the newly bought shoes, and his mood was as light as the shoebox in his hand. He rushed home in a hurry, wanting to share this great deed with everyone.

Rushing into the house, Xiao Qiang shouted loudly: "Mom, aunt, look! ”

Mom and aunt walked out of the kitchen and looked at the new shoes in Xiaoqiang's hand, and the aunt frowned: "Where did these shoes come from?" Didn't I give you money to buy shoes? ”

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Xiaoqiang excitedly recounted everything that had just happened, from the ten yuan given by Aunt Li to his decision to help Xiaohong. After listening to his story, my aunt's face softened a little, and my mother smiled proudly.

"You're doing the right thing, Xiaoqiang." Mom walked over and patted Xiaoqiang on the head, "You have a kind heart." ”

The aunt shook her head, although noncommittal, but there was also a hint of approval in her eyes.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

That night, Xiaoqiang slept exceptionally soundly. Even though his feet were still empty, his heart was full of satisfaction and happiness. He had a dream in which he was running on the grass on a spring outing in shabby shoes, with the wind and laughter surrounding his ears.

The next day, when he woke up, he found the shoebox resting quietly at the head of his bed. Xiaoqiang put on his new shoes, and his steps were more determined than ever. He was praised by his classmates at school, and even his usually stern homeroom teacher praised his behavior.

The sun was shining on the day of the spring outing, and Xiaoqiang and Xiaohong became the focus of everyone. Together, they were at the front of the line, and the new shoes sparkled in the sun, a glory far greater than owning a new pair of shoes alone.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Not far away, Aunt Li watched all this, and tears of relief appeared in the corners of her eyes. She knew that the small decision she made not only helped a child, but also sowed the seeds of love in the hearts of those two young people.

Time passed in a hurry like flowing water, but the simple and innocent memories of Xiaoqiang and Xiaohong became more and more vivid in their hearts. None of them will forget the bits and pieces of that spring day, that warm and sparkling afternoon with humanity. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the children who were innocent in the past have grown up. At a social event, Xiaoqiang accidentally met a beautiful female entrepreneur, who turned out to be Xiaohong, whom he had helped in childhood.

"Xiaoqiang? Is it really you? Xiaohong took Xiaoqiang's hand in surprise.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

"Xiaohong, I really didn't expect to meet you here!" Xiaoqiang was also surprised and delighted.

The two of them found a quiet corner and sat down, and began to catch up. Xiaohong told about her experience over the years, how she grew from an ordinary girl to a successful entrepreneur.

"Do you remember that day in front of the store?" Xiaohong asked suddenly, her eyes flashing with memories.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

"Of course I remember, how can I forget." Xiaoqiang replied with a smile, "That was the proudest act of my childhood." ”

Xiaohong paused and looked at Xiaoqiang deeply: "That ten yuan may be just a choice for you, but for me, it is a turning point in my life." At that moment, your kindness made me understand the warmth of the world, and made me determined to become stronger and give back to this society. ”

Xiao Qiang listened, showing a touched look. He never thought that his kindness when he was a child would have such a big impact on Xiaohong.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

"Look," Xiaohong opened her handbag and took out a ten-dollar bill, "I have kept the ten dollars back then, and it reminds me to help others with my heart just like you did that day." ”

Xiaoqiang was moved by Xiaohong's actions, and he suddenly realized that those seemingly small good deeds in life actually have the power to change fate.

The conversation between the two continued for a long time, until night fell and the banquet drew to a close. Before parting, Xiaohong invited Xiaoqiang to participate in her charity project and continue to spread love and hope.

In 94, I asked my aunt to borrow ten yuan to buy shoes, but I refused, but I didn't expect the neighbor's aunt to stop me on the way back

Xiaoqiang agreed, and his heart was full of expectation and passion. They shook hands and said goodbye, and in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the crowd, the two hearts quietly narrowed the distance, as if planting some kind of unspoken promise.

Who would have thought that on an ordinary spring afternoon, a little boy's kindness could bloom such gorgeous flowers in the long river of years?