
American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

author:Small porridge tells history
American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

In the late Shang Dynasty, a hidden historical secret was gradually revealing the true face of Lushan - the 250,000 people who had disappeared were really inextricably linked with the Olmec civilization in the Americas thousands of miles away? Don't get me wrong, this isn't a fictional story, it's an astonishing discovery that has left the academic community jaw-dropping!

American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

Imagine that while we are keen to talk about the legend of Columbus's "discovery of the New World", there may be an earlier chapter of exploration lurking in the depths of history. The paper "The Late Shang Dynasty's Eastward Crossing and the Exploration of Chinese Elements of the Olmec Civilization" is like a magic key, gently turning the mysterious door that has been sealed for a long time, leading us to the wonderful world of exchange and integration of ancient civilizations. Behind this door, there may be an ancient secret history that we have not touched that is quietly telling how the Shang Dynasty and the Olmec civilization composed a splendid symphony across time and space.

American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

The authors of the paper boldly reveal a reverie-inducing hypothesis: in the last years of the Shang Dynasty, those ancestors who had disappeared in the long river of history may have bravely sailed across the vast Pacific Ocean to the distant American continent, where they sowed the seeds of Olmec civilization. This idea is not a fabrication, but is backed up by solid archaeological evidence. In the land of the Americas, people have found bronze and jade objects that are strikingly similar to ancient Chinese civilizations, as well as the mysterious copper coin, all of which seem to whisper to us about the little-known blending and dialogue between the two civilizations thousands of years ago. This is not only a simple exploration of history, but also a deep search across time and space.

American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

Olmec, the exotic name, may have a deep connection to China's ancient civilization hidden behind it. Over the course of 1600 BC to 400 BC, this mysterious civilization took root and flourished along the Gulf Coast, producing breathtaking works of art. Take a closer look at these stone carvings and you'll be amazed to spot the faces full of oriental charm, as well as the mysterious appearance of dragon totems and gossip symbols. Are these striking similarities purely coincidental, or are there some unknown connections lurking? This has aroused great interest and in-depth discussion among scholars.

The mystery of stone carving, the secret dialogue between Olmec and Chinese civilization.

American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

The exquisiteness of the Olmec people's agricultural layout and the ingenuity of the stone farmland coincide with China's ancient water conservancy wisdom, and its stone buildings echo the historical sites of the Central Plains across time and space. All this reveals the traces of the integration of civilizations across the ocean.

Olmec and China, a cross-sea dialogue of civilizations.

American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

Some people may ask, is the ancient seafaring technology really enough to support such an earth-shattering seafaring feat? However, isn't it the fascinating story of history that was once thought to be a fantasy, but actually happened?

As a "guide" in this article, I feel the need to point out that every time we re-analyze history, we are paying homage to the extraordinary wisdom of mankind. Regardless of whether the historical facts of the "Yin people's eastward journey" can be confirmed, this hypothesis has awakened our desire to explore the endless mysteries of the ancient unknown world. This spirit of exploration into the unknown is worth far more than any established conclusion.

History is a splendid adventure into the unknown, and every step is full of wonders.

American Indian armor is decorated with ancient Chinese coins!

Therefore, my dear readers and friends, if you have a desire to explore the shining points hidden in the subtleties of history, then please do not skimp on your likes and shares, so that more people can participate in this expedition to uncover the mystery of ancient civilizations. In the torrent of history, there are always some dynamic waves that can touch the deep emotions in our hearts. Let's take the ship of time together, travel through the long river of history, and search for those forgotten treasures of civilization. Perhaps, the next astonishing discovery that will change history will be born between our exchanges and thoughts.

A journey through history, exploring the unknown, and lighting up the light of civilization.

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