
Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

author:Entertainment Big Mouths

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In the sea of music, there is always such an artist, who can touch the softest place in our hearts, and their notes seem to be the password of the heart, unlocking our hidden emotions.

Jay Chou is undoubtedly such a deep-rooted music giant, at a concert in Fuzhou, his tears became the focus of public opinion, causing countless fans and media heated discussions, this incident is not only a concert of tears, but also a kind of emotional blending, a sincere confession in a musical journey.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

At the concert in Fuzhou, a fan confessed his true feelings, do you know, there is a feeling, it is an encounter in the flow of years, an encounter under the resonance of the soul, as an affectionate fan, the fan told about the three times with Jay Chou.

The first time was in Ximending, when the "Twelve New Works" album was released shockingly, at that moment, his music traveled through time and space, tugged at the heartstrings of fans, and made fans intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

The second encounter was in a castle in Jay Chou's life, when he married the love of his life. As an international student in the UK, he also took a group photo at the scene, and the third time was at the Fuzhou concert that made him cry, every encounter was a heart-to-heart exchange and a common pursuit of music.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

Behind every dazzling, there are unknown ups and downs and pressures, Jay Chou, as a superstar in the Chinese music scene, his music road is not smooth sailing.

In recent years, he has been under all kinds of pressure, such as the plague of illness, the pressure of public opinion, etc., although he is always radiant in front of the public, but the pressure behind it is little known, the competition in the entertainment industry is fierce, and the pressure has doubled, but he has chosen to persist and choose to face it bravely.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

Jay Chou (Jay Chou), this name has long been deeply imprinted in the history of the Chinese music scene, his singing voice has not only spread all over the world, as a music composer, every time a new song is released, it is exciting.

From New Taipei City, Taiwan Province to the world, his musical talent gradually shines in the eyes of the world, becoming a symbol of the times, and firmly standing on Dinghua to spread all over the world.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

Behind success often hides countless ups and downs and setbacks, and when Jay Chou first started to step into the road of music, he was not smooth sailing.

As a music assistant, he has put in countless efforts, but he has repeatedly encountered setbacks, and the songs he wrote for Andy Lau and the works he wrote for Zhang Huimei have been returned.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

This kind of blow is undoubtedly huge for a young musician.

Jay Chou was not knocked down by these failures, but embarked on his own musical path more firmly.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

In 2000, a recommendation from Yang Junrong became a turning point in Jay Chou's music career, and he began to sing songs he had written, including a series of classics such as "Tears Know", "Nunchuck" and "Ninja".

These songs not only show his unique music style, but also let people see his talent and potential as a musician.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

In addition to his music career, Jay Chou's personal life has also attracted much attention, and on November 17, 2014, he made his relationship with Kunling public, which attracted widespread attention and heated discussions.

The following month, they held a grand wedding in England and tied the knot, this beautiful love story made people see his happier side, and also made him a role model in the minds of countless people.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

In 2012, Jay Chou released his 12th music album "12 New Works", which not only continued his consistent music style, but also showed his unremitting pursuit of music and innovative spirit.

Every song is the crystallization of his hard work, and every singing is the release of his emotions, this album has not only won unanimous praise from music critics, but also has been loved and sought after by the majority of fans.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

Jay Chou's music road is like a gorgeous journey, full of hardships and challenges, but also full of passion and hope, he used his talent and sweat to create a musical monument and become a legend in the Chinese music scene.

His story will continue to inspire countless young people to bravely pursue their dreams and keep moving forward, let us all look forward to the fact that every bloom on his music path can come as scheduled and move as a song.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

It was this kind of endurance and persistence that made him shed tears of emotion at the concert in Fuzhou, when he stood on the stage, looked at the familiar faces under the stage, and felt the support and love from the fans, his inner emotions could not be suppressed.

Tears are not only an affirmation of his persistence, but also a deep gratitude to his fans, his music no longer belongs only to himself, but also to everyone who is emotionally connected with him.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

Just as life is like a play, drama is like life, behind the tears, there is always a force supporting the way forward, Jay Chou's response on social media further emphasized his gratitude to fans and expressed his firm belief in the future.

This kind of positive energy transmission not only inspires fans, but also allows people to see the tenacity and perseverance of a musician, his persistence, not only for his dreams, but also for those who struggle and grow together with him.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

One might wonder why a successful musician would shed tears on stage. Some people will feel that the world is too cruel for the test of successful people.

It is this outpouring of emotions that allows us to see a more real Jay Chou, not only a music superstar, but also an ordinary person.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

His tears are the perception of life, the love of music, and the gratitude to fans, this sincerity is the most precious wealth of his music career.

There will be twists and turns on the journey of music, but Jay Chou told us with his persistence and perseverance that as long as you have a dream in your heart, don't give up easily.

Jay Chou cried! It was the first time I saw him cry like this in public

His music is not only a symphony of melodies, but also an emotional resonance; His tears are not only an emotional catharsis, but also an endless gratitude to fans.

Let us all look forward to the fact that every bloom on his musical path can come as scheduled and as moving as a song.

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