
A certain platform is flooded with "breastfeeding" videos, and it turns out that the blogger has found a loophole

author:Falling Flowers:

With the rapid development of the Internet, social media has become an important platform for people to obtain information, express their opinions, and show their lives, and also affect and change the development and progress of society to a certain extent. However, with the explosion of social media content, a variety of information has poured into people's field of vision, including both positive content and vulgar, violent, false and other bad information, which has brought challenges to the public's thinking and mental health.

A certain platform is flooded with "breastfeeding" videos, and it turns out that the blogger has found a loophole

In order to regulate the dissemination of content on social media and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the public, major platforms have formulated corresponding content review standards to review and manage the content posted by users. However, with the continuous development and progress of society, the traditional content moderation standards seem to be unable to keep up with the pace of the times, and it is difficult to fully meet the diverse information needs and expressions of the public.

Recently, a series of topics related to social media content moderation have once again been in the spotlight, with Thai business socialite Namwan'er sharing a breastfeeding video on Instagram that has attracted a lot of attention, showing the beauty and naturalness of breastfeeding, and also sparking reflections on social media content moderation standards. At the same time, on Instagram, an internationally renowned social media platform, discussions involving women's body display and content moderation have become more and more intense, and many people have begun to reflect on whether the current content moderation standards are biased and narrow, calling for a balance between individual expression and public interests, and promoting the further improvement and humanization of content moderation standards.

With the popularization of mobile Internet and smart phones, more and more people have begun to record their life bits and pieces and emotional experiences on social media, and these real and intuitive contents can often resonate and pay attention to the public, and also bring certain positive energy to the development and progress of society. This was followed by the emergence of some problems such as privacy leakage, false publicity, and vulgar pornography, which seriously affected the public's audio-visual experience and access to information, and also brought a certain negative impact on the healthy growth of minors.

A certain platform is flooded with "breastfeeding" videos, and it turns out that the blogger has found a loophole

The improvement and implementation of social media content review standards is particularly important, which is not only related to the development and future of social media platforms themselves, but also directly related to the public's right to obtain information and express themselves, as well as the ideological and moral construction of society and the improvement of cultural soft power. In order to achieve the effective improvement of content moderation standards, the platform first needs to have more sense of social responsibility and mission, and cannot simply use content moderation as a tool to "reduce dimensionality", but to think about how to better guide users to create positive content from the perspective of medium and long-term development, and stimulate the public's enthusiasm for creativity and social participation.

Namwan'er updated a video on her Instagram account of her breastfeeding outdoors. In the video, Namu Wan'er holds her baby and breastfeeds without scruples, as if everything around her has been filled with the intimate emotions between her and the child, and the picture is very warm and touching.

This real scene of breastfeeding has also been loved and liked by many netizens and fans, who have left messages in the comment area, praising and encouraging Namu Wan'er's actions, thinking that she is a brave, independent, and loving mother, and also hopes that in this way, there will be more positive energy publicity and care for breastfeeding and the establishment of parent-child relationship.

A certain platform is flooded with "breastfeeding" videos, and it turns out that the blogger has found a loophole

In addition to showing the beauty and nature of breastfeeding, it also brings certain inspiration and impact to the public's cognition and understanding of women's bodies, making people begin to reflect on the various norms and prejudices against women's bodies in the current society, as well as how to better protect women's legitimate rights and interests and space for expression in content moderation.

In fact, this is not the first time that Namwan'er's breastfeeding video has appeared on social media, and many celebrities and Internet celebrities have chosen to breastfeed in public and share it through photos, videos and other forms, which has also received a certain degree of attention and controversy. Among them, the biggest controversy is undoubtedly related to the content moderation standards of social media, some people believe that such actions violate social norms in public places, and there is also a certain suspicion of vulgar hype, which should be subject to certain restrictions and norms; Others believe that breastfeeding itself is a very beautiful and great thing, and that women have every right to breastfeed in public, and to speak up for breastfeeding and the diverse expressions of women's bodies through sharing, and that they should also be respected and supported by society.

It can be seen that there are certain differences in the concepts and attitudes of all sectors of society on such topics, and how to find a balance that can not only take care of the public interest but also protect individual expression in content moderation also requires us to think more and explore.

With the continuous progress and development of society, people's cognition and aesthetic concept of women's bodies are also undergoing subtle changes, and they have begun to gradually accept and appreciate different types and styles of women's bodies, and also pay more attention to women's inner independence and intelligent charm. In contemporary society, women are no longer willing to be defined by traditional norms and constraints, they are brave enough to express themselves, dare to break through conventions, and interpret the beauty and strength of the body in a variety of ways and perspectives, and have also become an important source of creation and expression in the fields of fashion, culture, and art.

On social media, more and more women choose to show their unique life attitude and aesthetic concepts through selfies, fashion outfits, health sports and other forms, which are also loved and sought after by the majority of netizens and fans. Their photos and videos show not only their external appearance and figure, but also their love for life and self-affirmation, and also convey positive energy and courage to others, becoming a beautiful landscape emerging in society.

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