
Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

author:Abu talks about the world

1. Hu Ge's involvement in public welfare and environmental protection variety shows has attracted widespread attention and in-depth discussion!

Unexpectedly, the actor Hu Ge, who is loved by the audience, is also facing the crisis of "collapse"!

Since its debut, countless fans have gone crazy, and there are even more male fans than female fans. In the minds of many people, Hu Ge is a flawless existence, and his name seems to have become a symbol of "moral model".

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

When the popular drama "County Party Committee Compound" starring him was broadcast, the former "national idol" fell into a storm of controversy.

All this stems from some netizens exposing some of Hu Ge's jaw-dropping radical remarks earlier. For example, in an interview, he was honest about men's fancy behavior, and bluntly stated: "If a man marries a woman, then the man is giving everything for the woman."

If we transform one woman into multiple women, then your motivation will increase exponentially" As soon as this remark was exposed, it immediately attracted a fierce response from many netizens, who accused his views of "subverting the three views" For a while, questions about Hu Ge came like a tide.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

However, at this critical moment, Hu Ge announced that he would participate in a public welfare and environmental protection variety show "All the Way Forward". This news was like a bombshell, which instantly extinguished the enthusiasm of netizens, and also evoked people's memories of Hu Ge's controversial words and deeds in the past.

Some people unabashedly expressed their disappointment, saying that "the filter is broken all over the floor", believing that the positive image created by Hu Ge in the past is gone. However, there are also some netizens who have a tolerant attitude, believing that "young people who do not have the time when they are young and frivolous", and some of Hu Ge's gaffes should not be excessively amplified and harshly criticized.

In any case, these voices allow us to clearly see the duality of Hu Ge. He is not only the kind, sunny, and positive public figure, but also the senior boss who once publicly admitted that "it is normal for men to have a heart", and even blew himself up that he had "stepped on two boats".

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

2. The radical rhetoric in the early years caused controversy and questioning!

Those exposed radical remarks of Hu Ge in his early years are really shocking!

In addition to his public admission that "it is normal for men to be distracted", Hu Ge also revealed in another interview that he had "stepped on two boats". He confessed that it was the only time in his life that he had two girlfriends at the same time, and he was filled with deep guilt at that time.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

Today's words may be described in this way, Hu Ge can definitely be called an "irresponsible man" in his youth! Leaving aside the fact that he is torn between two women at the same time, his public comments on it make people feel extremely uncomfortable.

The most unacceptable thing may be the "nickname door" incident between Hu Ge and his friend Liu Shishi, it is revealed that Hu Ge actually gave Liu Shishi a nickname with a "yellow joke", if this is true, it is undoubtedly a serious violation of women's dignity.

In addition, the way Hu Ge interacts with another actress, Jin Sha, is even more surprising. According to people familiar with the matter, during the filming, Hu Ge actually treated Jinsha's buttocks with kicks, and the two even "flirted" at the scene.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

Some of Hu Ge's behaviors have also aroused public questions. For example, passers-by have witnessed him choosing to make a convenient stay in a narrow alley instead of looking for a toilet when he was in a hurry.

For a while, these unearthed negative news made Hu Ge's positive image in the minds of the majority of netizens collapse instantly. Someone sighed that "Hu Ge's image has been completely subverted, and our filter for him is shattered."

In the face of such a sudden storm of public opinion, Hu Ge himself was obviously stunned. At the beginning of the incident, he chose to avoid the question, and only later did he reluctantly explain in an attempt to salvage some reputation.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

3. Justify the mistakes of the early years due to the special circumstances of youth and ignorance

In response to Hu Ge's controversial remarks, some netizens also bravely stood up to defend and explain him. They believe that young people will inevitably make mistakes when they grow up, especially in the context of that particular era, and some statements may be misunderstood or taken out of context, so they need to fully understand the truth before making judgments.

For example, Hu Ge's sentence "It's normal for men to be spoiled" back then, judging from the values of modern society, there is indeed disrespect for women. However, we cannot rule out that he may have just made a joke in the interview environment at the time, or he said it on the spur of the moment.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

Furthermore, about his self-exposure of "stepping on two boats". Although this behavior was inappropriate, at least Hu Ge also admitted that he once felt guilty and did not make any quibbles or cover-ups, which shows that although he was impulsive in his youth, he was not without moral bottom line.

Regarding the suspicion that Liu Shishi's naming title contains "pornographic ridicule", the parties did not give a clear response to this. In fact, it is difficult for the outside world to fully understand the real situation at that time, so it is questionable whether there were inappropriate words and actions against women, as previously reported.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

Similarly, the so-called "flirting" incident between Hu Ge and Jin Sha, and later Jin Sha also came forward to relieve Hu Ge and clarify the truth. She said that the physical contact between the two was not as intimate as previously reported, but was just an innocuous joke.

Even the controversial open peeing incident deserves our consideration. Although this kind of behavior is undesirable under any circumstances, Hu Ge did have to take this move because he was filming costume dramas outdoors for a long time and sometimes couldn't find a suitable toilet.

Although this act is disgraceful, it is still within the scope of extenuating circumstances.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

Regarding some of Hu Ge's early erroneous words and deeds, should we also let go of the mustard in our hearts, no longer be overly entangled in the superficial meaning of the words, but stand in the perspective of others and put ourselves in his shoes to understand his situation and thoughts at that time?

Fourth, the positive performance in the later stage transmits positive energy

It is gratifying that although Hu Ge was criticized for some inappropriate remarks and behaviors in his early years, he showed obvious self-reflection and correction in his later words and deeds.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

During the filming of the TV series "The Pretender", an unforgettable episode occurred. An important scene in the play, the heroine Song Yi needs to be buried alive. However, due to Song Yi's frequent blinking of eyelids, the filming of this scene was extremely difficult, and many attempts failed, which seriously slowed down the progress of the entire crew.

The atmosphere at the scene was quite tense, and the staff were frightened by the director's harsh reprimand. At this critical moment, Hu Ge decisively proposed an emergency plan, he covered Song Yi's face with a handkerchief, and skillfully resolved the problem.

This seemingly ridiculous suggestion not only succeeded in saving the scene, but also unexpectedly shaped a classic moment.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

Hu Ge is full of compassion and kindness towards both employees and ordinary people. Once, at a commercial performance, a young hostess almost fell because of slipping on her high heels.

In the face of this sudden situation, Hu Ge did not hesitate, he quickly stepped forward, first enthusiastically cared about whether the other party was hurt, and then took the initiative to take a photo with the beautiful lady, and when leaving, he also carefully reminded her that "you need to be cautious when walking"!

In the busy filming period, Hu Ge is more keen to devote himself to public welfare undertakings. Whenever the crew finished their work, he always took the initiative to stay behind to sort out the garbage, clean the streets, and devote himself to maintaining a clean environment.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

In addition, Hu Ge also generously contributed to the construction of a local primary school and sponsored many schoolchildren in poor areas.

Because of this, Hu Ge was recently invited to participate in an environmental protection and public welfare variety show - "All the Way Forward". In the program, he will work with other guests to advocate for everyone to pay attention to important issues such as environmental pollution and ecosystem protection.

This is undoubtedly a great affirmation of his positive image in recent years.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

5. Correct the negligence to win recognition

Looking back on Hu Ge's inappropriate remarks and behaviors when he was young, to his active correction today, it can be called a model for the prodigal son to turn back. In the journey of life, everyone will go through the stage of impetuousness and confusion, and may even do some things that lack literacy and make people regret.

However, what really matters is whether we are able to face up to our mistakes and take the initiative to correct them when we realize that we have made mistakes.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

Hu Ge has practiced this concept with practical actions. Although he was questioned for some rash remarks and behaviors in the early days, he later justified himself through practical actions, and won the praise of the audience for his kindness and positive energy.

From his caring and considerate colleagues and thoughtful care of strangers, to his active participation in public welfare undertakings and advocacy of environmental protection, all of them show his frank admission of mistakes, unremitting pursuit of good character and full of enthusiasm for public welfare.

This is perhaps what Hu Ge deserves our most learning and admiration.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge actually "collapsed"

A person's growth process is often full of twists and turns, but as long as we can reflect in time and have the courage to correct past mistakes, we will definitely be able to win the understanding and respect of more people, just like Hu Ge, a public figure.


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