
The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

author:All well:


July 20, 1969 is a date that will forever be etched in the annals of human history.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

When the lights of the earth's homes are bright, a human figure stands alone on the surface of the moon. Neil Armstrong waved his hand, but an unfamiliar and solemn voice came from the microphone: "This is a small step for one individual, but one giant leap for all mankind."

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

At this moment, countless pairs of eyes around the world were filled with tears, witnessing the feat of human beings and the realization of dreams. However, at this extraordinary moment in the development of human civilization, a black cloud of ridicule is gradually converging on the other side of the earth......

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

More than half a century has passed, but the aftermath of the controversy is far from subsiding. Recently, with the successful launch of Chang'e-6, some old doubts have resurfaced on the Internet. Skeptics cite images of the Apollo moon landing, Chinese flags fluttering, multiple shadows, and other phenomena, insisting that the entire moon landing program was a "hoax." As soon as these old arguments came out, they immediately attracted widespread attention and controversy among netizens.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

The world is in an uproar: Is the greatest feat ever performed by mankind also in vain? Do we doubt or believe? Let go of prejudices and look at history with an open mind to get things as they are. Let's first understand the questionable "phenomena" in the images of the moon landing:

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

The first is the fluttering of the national flag. Skeptics believe that the surface of the moon is a vacuum environment, so why is there a "wind" to make the flag flutter?

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

The flag fluttering was not caused by the "moon wind", but the flagpole vibration caused by the astronauts when they were active on the lunar surface, and because there was no air resistance in the vacuum environment, the inertial shaking of the flag lasted for a long time, which is completely in line with the laws of physics.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

Then there is the problem of ghost ghosting in the southeast. In many images, the figure of the astronaut can be seen in more than one shadow. The reason for this phenomenon is that the metal material of the lunar module is reflected, so that in addition to the sun's rays, other light sources cast a shadow on the astronauts, so that there is ghosting.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

It has also been suggested that why astronauts of different heights have similar projections? In fact, this is due to the uneven surface of the moon. When the projection "passes" over low-lying terrain, the shadow becomes "shorter" on the photo. Finally, some skeptics argue that Armstrong's footprints on the moon are too clear to imagine.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

In fact, the surface of the moon is covered in fine lunar dust, and this powdery substance has a large diffraction coefficient, and if you step on it hard, it will clearly leave footprints and rings on the surface. It can be seen that these phenomena proposed by the skeptics are in accordance with the laws of scientific explanation. In the final analysis, it is because the earthlings have a shallow understanding of the lunar environment, which inevitably leads to some confusion and suspicion.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

In addition to the specific phenomenon-specific answers, we can also look at the matter at a macro level:

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

The Apollo program lasted several years from conception to execution, and mobilized more than $24 billion in human resources, which was used by millions of people in the United States at that time.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

A common effort. It is unimaginable that such a huge scientific project could involve so many people in the "falsification".

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

Experts from Europe, Russia, China and other countries around the world have also confirmed Apollo's results from different sources. For example, the mainland Chang'e probe photographed the lunar traces left by the Apollo spacecraft.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

More convincing evidence is that the United States has recovered more than 300 kilograms of rock samples from the moon, which have been repeatedly studied and analyzed by scientists around the world, and a large number of scientific research results have been obtained. If the moon landing was a hoax, how can these findings be explained?

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

From the available evidence, questioning the credibility of the Apollo moon landings is extremely low. But we should also understand that part of the doubts come from an instinctive national pride and suspicion, coupled with the fact that some media hype up topics for the sake of traffic, so that rumors spread.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

In the face of doubts, we should also reflect on ourselves: as citizens of the global village, are there still some narrow stereotypes? Is there a lack of rational reasoning based on facts? Is there some bias against the spirit of science? After all, the so-called "fake" of a behemoth is often much more complex than the "reality" itself. The difficulty of self-deception is to produce a flawless set of images of the moon landing, to carefully falsify a variety of physical evidence, and at the same time to conceal the sky and make a full appearance.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

For those who rest on their laurels and doubt everything, perhaps we can respond with an old saying: "Is it tolerable or is it not?"

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

More than half a century later, the spirit of Apollo is still alive and well. The journey of human beings to explore the mysteries of all things is destined to be long and full of unknowns. But looking at all things in the universe, why be afraid of the rights and wrongs of the world? In the future, perhaps one day, far-flung galactic travelers will hear similar doubts as they pursue this path. At that time, they will be as relieved as we are today: the universe is so big, why should they be so narrow-minded?

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

I believe that there will eventually be a starry sky stage that belongs to our human beings. There, science and reason will dominate everything, not suspicions and prejudices. Human civilization is striding forward, no longer hindered by any rumors, step by step, stepping on the vast sea of stars and the Milky Way.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

At that moment, the spirit of Apollo will shine forever! As a tech enthusiast, I never had the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the Apollo moon landings. On the contrary, every time I look back on that magnificent history, I am inspired and motivated.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

The Apollo program is not only one of the greatest scientific and technological feats ever performed by mankind, but also the pride of all mankind. It demonstrates the indomitable spirit of human exploration, demonstrates the power of scientific and rational thinking, and witnesses the firm execution of the national will.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

Behind the Apollo program is the hard work of generations of scientists and engineers, the ardent expectations of people all over the United States and the world, and the never-ending desire and pursuit of mankind for the unknown. This indomitable spiritual strength was the fundamental impetus for the final victory of the Apollo program.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

If the Apollo program is just a hoax, it is undoubtedly a blasphemy and an insult to the wisdom of all mankind. With millions of dollars and tens of billions of dollars invested in such a huge technology project, can you imagine the cost and difficulty of creating such a large-scale "scam"?

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

What's more, the large number of lunar rock samples brought back by Apollo have been repeatedly tested and studied by scientists around the world, and a large number of scientific research results have been obtained. Are the world's top scientists blinded? This is obviously unimaginable.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

I think that the skepticism of the Apollo moon landing was largely due to narrow-minded nationalist sentiments at work. They can't look directly at the tremendous achievements of other countries in science and technology, lest admitting this will undermine their own self-esteem. So, they simply deny the existence of the truth and comfort their hearts with lies.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

In order to seek eyeballs, some media outlets have intentionally or unintentionally exaggerated and amplified the influence of rumors on the basis of this populist sentiment. They exaggerate the facts, deliberately misinterpret the statements of experts, and create a "well-fabricated" conspiracy theory in order to gain undue profits.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

In my opinion, this is very irresponsible and contrary to the spirit of science. The power of science lies in facing the facts, exploring the unknown with an open and inclusive mind, and embracing different voices and perspectives. Only by judging and analyzing with rational thinking can we truly understand the essence of things.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

The Apollo program itself is a noble dream, and it is the best interpretation of human scientific rationality. In the process of realizing this great dream, almost the entire scientific and technological power of the United States at that time was exhausted. If even this dream is a lie, it will really be a painful blow and irony to the broad masses of the people.

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

In contrast, it is a more noble and beneficial attitude towards life to examine things with a scientific perspective and an inclusive mentality, and to maintain the yearning for the future and dreams. Let's cheer for the spirit of Apollo, praise scientific rationality, and go hand in hand to open a new chapter of human civilization!

The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors

Overall, I firmly believe that the Apollo moon landings were a real historical event. While there may be some regrets and imperfections along the way, there is no doubt about the legitimacy and authenticity of its core. Let us look at this great moment with a more open and inclusive mind, cherish the power that science brings to mankind, and be proud of the progress of human civilization! Seeing this, are you also like me, infected and inspired by the spirit of Apollo? In the future, whether we can continue to write a new chapter in the vast starry sky, let us wait and see. You are also welcome to leave a comment and speak freely, do you have any other unique insights on this topic? Let's exchange and discuss together!#这事儿|The controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing in the United States has reappeared in the field of public opinion, and the China Association for Science and Technology has repeatedly refuted the rumors#

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