
Another core decision-making layer left Lei Jun

author:A cultural feast

Mr. Lei's fire burns! Xiang Zheng, vice president of Xiaomi's international business department, the general with high hopes for Mr. Lei, unexpectedly left silently! Now, what should Xiaomi's overseas journey do? Let's see, is the story behind this as simple as we think?

Another core decision-making layer left Lei Jun

Heck, let me tell you, there are a lot of dramas in Xiaomi. Back then, Mr. Lei's Weibo operation was as fierce as a tiger, and Xiang Zheng, a veteran, joined, which was the big news that Xiaomi launched the first shot in the international market. Mr. Lei was very excited at that time, saying that Xiang Zheng is coming, Xiaomi's overseas expansion can be winged, and he is optimistic that he can fly to the sky!

Although Xiaomi has been steadily rising in the international market in recent years, and its share has been maintained quite well, Mr. Lei's annual speech in 2021 was arrogant, saying that he would push Xiaomi to the top of the world in the smartphone market within three years. Seeing that the three-year limit is approaching, Xiaomi is still behind Samsung and Apple, and it can't even touch the taillights.

Another core decision-making layer left Lei Jun

No, Xiang Zheng is also aggrieved, although he is working silently behind the scenes, but his figure in the media is pitiful, and he seems to be marginalized by this stage. In the end, everyone is wondering if he can't go on because of the pressure of "three years of being the first in the world"? Or does Xiaomi's top brass have a new layout and ideas?

This matter is not over, as soon as Xiang Zheng leaves, his burden falls on Lu Weibing's shoulders. Lu Weibing is not simple, this executive who has been appearing frequently in earnings meetings, he revealed the future strategy, but to make a big fuss in the high-end market and the international market. It seems that Xiaomi is determined to try to break its wrists in these old markets in Europe.

Another core decision-making layer left Lei Jun

[Some netizens think]

"To recruit people, this may be part of the strategic adjustment of the company's top management, and it is not a big problem to change the soup without changing the medicine."

[Some netizens think]

"This is a signal that Xiaomi has a problem with its strategy for overseas markets, and Xiang Zheng has been marginalized, indicating that there may be deeper problems internally!"

[There are also netizens who think]

"Maybe Xiang Zheng felt too much pressure and couldn't achieve his goal, so he chose to quit at the right time."

Another core decision-making layer left Lei Jun

This internal personnel change, which seems to be just the departure of an executive, may actually be a turning point in Xiaomi's overseas strategy. We can't just look at the surface, Mr. Lei and Xiaomi's senior management may have more cards to play.

Another core decision-making layer left Lei Jun

So in the end, the editor would like to ask: All these changes, has Xiaomi's senior management begun to pave the way for failing to achieve the goal of "being the first in the world in three years"? Or is it really just a normal personnel adjustment? What do you think?