
The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

author:Dry-fried small flower fish said entertainment

1. The early morning when the war was raging

On an uneventful morning, Mr. Li, a glorious veteran from Guangzhou, walked into the market, carefully selected fresh ingredients, and prepared a delicious lunch to treat the children at home.

At this moment, the warm sun is shining on the earth, the breeze is blowing, Mr. Li is happily humming a little song, his steps are light, and he greets the neighbors cordially along the way, and the harmonious atmosphere permeates the whole morning.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

However, when Mr. Li was concentrating on buying vegetables, a heart-rending cry for help broke the silence! "Robbery, someone is robbing, please call the police immediately!" Mr. Li suddenly raised his head, only to see a gangster wearing a mask not far away struggling to snatch a backpack from a woman's hand.

The lady resisted with all her might, clutching her backpack with both hands, and swearing to protect her property to the death.

At this time, the flame of justice in Mr. Li's heart was instantly ignited. As a former soldier, he did not hesitate to step up and use the fighting skills he learned in the barracks to bravely challenge the gangsters.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

The gangsters were so engrossed in snatching the lady's backpack that they were not aware of Mr. Li's "surprise attack" and were caught off guard by a violent kick from him.

The gangsters realized that the situation was wrong, showed a hideous smile, and attacked Mr. Li. In an instant, the two fell into a fierce struggle. Mr. Li first performed grappling skills and successfully subdued the gangsters.

However, due to his older age and lower physical fitness than when he was younger, Mr. Li gradually felt powerless in this fierce battle, and taking advantage of his slight negligence, the gangsters broke free and attacked him again.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

Second, the battle of life and death that you fight for me

The gangsters showed no mercy this time and directly targeted Mr. Li's vital parts and launched an attack. Mr. Li hurriedly took a step back, barely avoiding the blow. He then quickly regained his composure and countered with the same heavy punches, and the two engaged in a life-or-death duel in the streets.

The gangsters are extremely vicious, agile and powerful; Although Mr. Li is old, he is skilled in martial arts and has rich experience in martial arts. One side unleashed a whirlwind leg, and the other side immediately responded with a sweeping flash leg, and the fists and feet were staggered, as if the gods had descended.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

You come and go, try your best, and it's hard to tell the winner for a while.

The surrounding audience exclaimed, some clapped their hands, some screamed in horror, and some called the police. The two warriors completely ignored the outside world and threw themselves into this desperate fight.

For a time, the smoke of gunpowder was filled, the battle situation was stalemate, and the strength of the two sides was declining.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

In the end, the fierce gangsters used ruthless tactics one after another, but under Mr. Li's firm and unremitting resistance, they were never able to affect him in the slightest. Faced with a stalemate, the criminal finally chose to retreat, snatched the wallet from the innocent lady's hand, and fled frantically into the distance without hesitation.

The two launched a thrilling life-and-death chase on the bustling road. Although the murderous gangster was still young and strong, after a fierce fight, his physical strength had been greatly depleted, and it was difficult to compete with Mr. Li.

However, Mr. Li seemed to have endless power, and his steps were steady and powerful, leaving the gangsters far behind in an instant.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

3. Saving people and injuring the pelvis

Just as Mr. Lee was about to successfully subdue the gangsters and quell the chaos, an unexpected mistake caused the unfortunate lady to suffer serious injuries. In the process of the two fighting each other and fighting each other, Mr. Li accidentally knocked the lady to the ground due to excessive force, and the huge impact caused an uproar among the surrounding crowd.

The lady screamed in pain and fell heavily to the ground. Pedestrians watched after hearing the news, only to find that the lady's pelvis had been seriously injured in the process of scuffling, and there was a fracture! The blood was pouring in, and the lady was sweating profusely in pain, and the injury was obviously very serious.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

Seeing that the situation was urgent, someone immediately called the 120 emergency number, and soon after, an ambulance came at a gallop, carefully lifted the injured woman on a stretcher, and rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Citizens who witnessed the whole process applauded Mr. Li's heroic act. Someone shouted, "Heroes are heroes, it's so good!"; Others lamented, "If it weren't for him, that lady would have suffered an even more tragic fate."

Amid a round of applause, sirens pierced the sky, and the police quickly arrived at the scene. Seeing that the gangsters had been subdued by Mr. Li, they immediately escorted him to the police car and waited for further handling.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

However, no one expected that Mr. Li's courageous action would eventually lead him to a huge claim lawsuit of up to 550,000 yuan. Originally, he thought that the matter was over and he could go home and share this interesting experience with his family, but a few days later, he received a summons from the court - the lady actually sued him, demanding compensation of 550,000 yuan for medical expenses and mental damages.

Fourth, the war of words and non-compensation

The moment Mr. Lee received the summons, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

During the course of the case, Mr. Li and the lady had a heated argument in court. They each hold their own opinions, and they all believe that they occupy the moral high ground.

The lady took the lead and violently accused Mr. Li of "malicious harm". She rebuked, if it weren't for Mr. Li's rash action, how could he have suffered such a serious injury? She suffered a serious pelvic injury and had to stay in bed for a long time, plus various expenses and mental losses during the treatment, and deserved up to 550,000 yuan in compensation.

The two sides went back and forth, their words were sharp, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Seeing this, the judge rang the gavel and signaled both parties to calm down and wait for the court's final decision.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

In the end, after careful consideration, the court made a jaw-dropping judgment: according to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, Mr. Li must pay 550,000 yuan to the lady for mental damages, hospitalization, medical expenses, etc.

In its judgment, the court clearly pointed out that although Mr. Li's actions were righteous and courageous, and upholding social justice, this is undoubtedly commendable and affirmative. However, according to the legal principle of "damage caused by emergency avoidance", there is a certain causal relationship between Mr. Li's actions and the serious injury of the lady, so he is obliged to bear the corresponding liability for compensation, and the amount of compensation of 550,000 yuan is also reasonable.

5. Disputes have been mediated

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

This unique decision of the court has caused heated debate on the Internet. Some have questioned the reasonableness of the verdict, arguing that it deviates from the original purpose of standing up for justice and may discourage people from coming forward.

On the other hand, some netizens expressed their understanding and support from a legal perspective. "Although the amount of 550,000 yuan is huge, considering the serious injuries suffered by the woman, the medical expenses alone are quite substantial.

Coupled with the financial burden and mental torture caused by long-term hospitalization, the amount of compensation is reasonable. After all, Mr. Lee, despite his good intentions, did have a direct connection to his injury.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

The dispute was eventually resolved through mediation, but the case still profoundly challenges our understanding of acts of righteousness. Is it worth "paying" so dearly for this? In the pursuit of justice, the rights and interests of the innocent cannot be ignored.

There is no doubt that we desperately hope that this society will emerge with such enthusiastic people as Mr. Lee. Whenever they face illegal and criminal acts, they can bravely stand up and stick to social order! However, the protection of the rule of law should not be overlooked, and it is necessary to support these heroes who have made outstanding contributions to society and provide adequate legal protection to prevent them from suffering excessive risks and losses after risking their lives to save them.

However, we have to admit that there are also people who have raised the voice of calm and rationality, and through this case, they have questioned the spirit of righteousness and courage that is recognized in our society. After all, the vast majority of people still know the importance of gratitude and reciprocation.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

Mr. Li's case is undoubtedly an isolated case, and we cannot deny the entire value system of righteousness and courage because of this, and the key is that the relevant departments should immediately start amending the law to create a better living environment for those who act righteously and bravely.

In-depth analysis, it is not difficult to find that many factors have jointly shaped today's social environment: there are still deficiencies in the protection of the law in the field of righteousness and courage, which need to be further improved; The dark side of selfishness, distortion and perversion in human nature occasionally emerges; Traditional moral concepts are gradually declining, and values such as warmth and warmth and the supremacy of interests are in vogue...... All of this makes people hesitate to take too much risk in the face of righteousness.

Only when the whole society truly cherishes and vigorously promotes the traditional virtue of righteousness and courage will people dare to lend a helping hand, save the lives and property of others, and defend social justice.

The man sacrificed his life to save people, but was fined 550,000 yuan in compensation by the court, who will dare to save people in the future?

Instead of the cliché that everyone is in danger and cowering, as the status quo shows, and that righteousness and courage have become "out of place", we should work together to inject new vitality into the moral nourishment of this hot land, so that positive energy can continue to thrive here.