
After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

author:Dry-fried small flower fish said entertainment

On that sunny spring day in 2018, a jaw-dropping incident caused a shocking shock in the United States! At that time, a young Chinese man who was studying in this country, Sun Anzuo, was found by the police in his rented apartment, and there were an astonishing number of guns and many weapons with great lethality! After an in-depth and meticulous investigation of this bizarre phenomenon, the police immediately arrested Sun Anzuo and took him into custody.

Again, we turn our attention to Di Ying's upbringing: the lack of love in childhood made her extremely thirsty for family affection, and this instinct to protect her shortcomings shaped her tenacious and resolute character.

Di Ying grew up in a family environment where her father's love and mother's love were scarce. Her father died young, and her mother, who was a theater actress, was on the go all day, working hard for the family's livelihood, and rarely had time to spend with Di Ying.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

The embarrassing living situation made Di Ying have to start working outside at a young age and take on the family's financial responsibilities.

Witnessing her weak mother being bullied by others for a long time but unable to resist every day, Di Ying's heart swelled with strong feelings of resistance and a firm belief in protecting her loved ones. She is determined to change the status quo with her own efforts and save her family from the fate of being oppressed.

With the passage of time, Di Ying gradually formed a tenacious, resolute, pungent and straightforward character. She often has conflicts and even fights with others over trivial matters, and even becomes a person who "only helps relatives, whether it is right or wrong", and would rather turn against others than allow anyone to hurt half of her family.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

This instinct to protect her shortcomings stems from her extreme desire to be nourished by family affection since she was a child, and her family has become her only spiritual support.

Next, we focus on the process of Di Ying's pregnancy and birth of Sun Anzuo: the 36-year-old mother finally welcomed her own child after a lot of hardships. She had tried to undergo artificial insemination three times, but each time she had failed, which undoubtedly hit her hard.

Artificial insemination is extremely damaging to the female body, requiring a large number of drugs to promote ovulation and regulate the internal environment, and the side effects are unbearable. After three failures, Di Ying almost fell into the abyss of despair, and her good desire to have a complete and happy family seemed to be out of reach.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

Just when Di Ying was about to lose all expectations, the surprise exploded like spring thunder! She inadvertently conceived a child, a precious gift through natural conception.

Although Di Ying, who was pregnant with her child at this time, had entered the stage of advanced maternal age, she was still walking on thin ice to take care of the little life in her womb, and she was always careful to avoid ingesting any potentially harmful substances during pregnancy, and to reduce the amount of daily exercise as much as possible to ensure the healthy growth of the fetus.

Finally, after waiting with great respect and expectation, his son Sun Anzuo, a treasure given by God, was born into the world and became the most cherished happiness and glory in Di Ying's life.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

Since then, Di Ying has poured her full maternal love into this son without reservation.

Fourth, describe in detail Di Ying's "deformed" doting behaviors: breastfeeding for 12 years, sharing a bed for 15 years, and conniving and covering up her son's mistakes in every way

Since the moment Sun Anzuo fell to the ground, Di Ying has devoted all her love to this son, and her love for him has almost reached the point of "deformity".

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

The most notable manifestation is that Di Ying resolutely carried out breastfeeding, and Sun Anzuo did not end the process until he was 12 years old. Every day, she would personally collect fresh breast milk for her son to feed, although this caused great harm and burden to the woman's body, but Di Ying did not care about it and turned a blind eye.

In addition, Di Ying also insisted on sharing a bed with Sun Anzuo until the child entered adolescence when she was 15 years old, and her physiological reaction made her have to rest in separate beds.

However, what is jaw-dropping is that Di Ying covered up and connived at all of Sun Anzuo's misconduct. No matter what kind of mistakes her son commits or violates laws and regulations, she chooses to swallow her anger and never pursue the guilt.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

On the contrary, she always favors her son, covers up the truth, shifts the blame to others, and is convinced that her precious son is innocent. Like some "terrifying parents", Di Ying completely lost her objective judgment and was willing to become Sun Anzuo's "personal bodyguard" and "aftermath master".

5. Analyze the negative impact of doting on Sun Anzuo: unable to shape an independent personality and sense of responsibility, and eventually go to the road of crime

Although Di Ying's actions to Sun Anzuo all stem from a fist heart, eager to give her son the most selfless care. However, this excessive doting has undoubtedly had many adverse effects on Sun Anzuo's growth.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

Growing up in Di Ying's endlessly spoiled and fully controlled environment, can Sun Anzuo develop a personality that is independent and self-controlled? The answer is clearly no! Because he has never been given the opportunity to develop his ability to be responsible, and he completely lacks basic compassion for others.

Not only that, Di Ying is also habitually taking care of all the big and small affairs in the child's life, in such a situation, Sun Anzuo can not experience the process of facing and solving problems alone, and it is naturally difficult to develop the ability to think independently and self-restraint, and they cannot establish a basic respect and sense of responsibility for others and society.

On the contrary, he gradually developed a selfish, self-willed and reckless character, lacking the ability to make correct moral judgments. What is even more worrying is that Di Ying turned a blind eye to Sun Anzuo's unusual behavior, and even if he made mistakes, he never held him responsible, but often shifted the blame to others for negligence or educational mistakes.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

In the long run, Sun Anzuo's basic vigilance against his actions was completely lost, and he believed that everything he did was correct and unafraid.

In the end, under the influence of such a "deformed" maternal love, Sun Anzuo embarked on an increasingly dangerous path. When he was arrested and imprisoned for possessing a large number of weapons in the United States, the judge sentenced him to five to twenty-one months in prison, but Sun Anzuo was indifferent to this, completely ignorant of the seriousness of his actions.

It can be seen that Di Ying's wrong education method has finally pushed the child to this road of no return.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

6. Conclusion: Only by caring for children moderately and giving appropriate guidance can we demonstrate the true meaning of maternal love and help children grow up healthily.

Looking back at Di Ying's parenting style of Sun Anzuo, it is not difficult to see that her so-called "love" is actually just an extreme self-projection, a "fortress" piled up with money and time.

She tried to fill the gap in her childhood through this almost "deformed" way, placing too many unrealistic expectations.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

However, true maternal love is not. Appropriate care and correct guidance are the keys to promoting the healthy growth of children. As a mother, of course, you need to give your children enough love so that they can feel the warmth of the family at all times; However, it is also important to learn to grasp the scale of care and leave room for children to survive and exercise independently.

Although mothers dote on their children out of deep love, this excessive care often leads to their children "like flowers in a greenhouse that cannot cope with the wind, frost, rain and snow".

Without the necessary social experience, it will be difficult for these children to develop the ability to live independently and take responsibility.

After 12 years of breastfeeding and 15 years in bed, her "deformed" maternal love eventually sent her son to prison

On the contrary, as long as we properly "let go" and let them experience the various tastes of life first-hand, and bravely face those inevitable setbacks and difficulties, then we can truly hone their ability to deal with various challenges on their own.

Therefore, as mothers, we must grasp the scale of love, give appropriate care and guidance to our children, and not fall into the shackles of excessive spoiling. Only by letting children fly freely, escorting them with the wings of love, and giving them warm hugs and encouragement in time when they encounter failure, and helping them regain their confidence, can they grow up healthily and vigorously under the nourishment of sunshine and rain, and have the ability to survive independently and a sense of responsibility to society.