
A list of must-eat delicacies in May, these 8 dishes are indispensable for the Xiaoman solar term!

author:The food life encyclopedia of the baby gecko

Hello dear friends, I'm a little gecko. It's my habit to use simple words to introduce delicious food. Today, we ushered in the Xiaoman solar term, which is the second solar term of summer, and it is also the most vigorous season for all things to grow. In traditional Chinese culture, solar terms are closely linked to diet and health, so what should we eat on the day of Xiaoman? Next, I will introduce you to 8 dishes suitable for the Xiaoman solar term, which can not only satisfy your taste buds, but also help you strengthen your spleen and dampness, and survive the hot summer.

A list of must-eat delicacies in May, these 8 dishes are indispensable for the Xiaoman solar term!

1. Winter melon and barley pork rib soup

Winter melon has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heatstroke, diuresis and swelling, and barley can strengthen the spleen and promote dampness. Stewed with winter melon, barley and pork ribs, it is both delicious and healthy.


Ingredients: winter melon, barley, pork ribs, ginger slices.

Soak the barley for 2 hours in advance.

Blanch the ribs to remove the blood.

Add enough water to the casserole, add pork ribs, barley, ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour.

Add the winter melon cubes, continue to simmer for 30 minutes, add salt to taste.

A list of must-eat delicacies in May, these 8 dishes are indispensable for the Xiaoman solar term!

2. Mung bean barley porridge

Mung bean has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating heat and improving water, and is a good product to cool off in summer with barley to cook porridge.


Ingredients: mung beans, barley, rice.

Soak mung beans, barley, and rice for 1 hour in advance.

Put them in a pot together, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook until the rice and beans are cooked.

Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

A list of must-eat delicacies in May, these 8 dishes are indispensable for the Xiaoman solar term!

3. Scrambled eggs with bitter gourd

Bitter gourd has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, nourishing blood and invigorating qi, nourishing the kidney and spleen, nourishing the liver and brightening the purpose. Scrambled with eggs is delicious and healthy.


Ingredients: bitter gourd, eggs, chopped green onions.

Slice the bitter gourd and blanch to remove some of the bitterness.

Beat the eggs and set aside.

Heat the pan with cold oil, stir-fry the chopped chives, add the bitter gourd slices and stir-fry.

Pour in the egg mixture, stir-fry quickly until solidified, add salt to taste.

A list of must-eat delicacies in May, these 8 dishes are indispensable for the Xiaoman solar term!

4. Yam and red date porridge

Yam has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs, and nourishing the kidney and astringent essence, while the red jujube can nourish the qi and nourish the blood and calm the nerves. The two cook porridge, which is both nourishing and delicious.


Ingredients: yams, red dates, rice.

Peel and cut the yam into cubes, and remove the pits of the dates.

Put the rice, yam and red dates into the pot and add plenty of water.

After the heat is boiled, turn to low heat and cook until the rice porridge is thick, and add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

A list of must-eat delicacies in May, these 8 dishes are indispensable for the Xiaoman solar term!

5. Chilled cucumbers

Cucumber is crisp and refreshing, with the effects of heat removal, diuresis, heat clearing and detoxification, which is very suitable for summer consumption.


Ingredients: cucumber, minced garlic, minced coriander.

Wash the cucumbers and pat loose and cut into cubes.

Add minced garlic, minced coriander, salt, vinegar, light soy sauce, sesame oil and other seasonings and mix well.

6. Loofah stewed tofu

The loofah has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, cooling blood and detoxifying, and is stewed with tofu, which is refreshing and delicious.


Ingredients: loofah, tofu, chopped green onion.

Peel and slice the loofah, and cut the tofu into cubes.

Heat the pan with cold oil, stir-fry the chopped chives, add the loofah slices and stir-fry.

Add an appropriate amount of water, add tofu cubes, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Add salt to taste, sprinkle chopped green onion before cooking.

7. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

Tomatoes have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and flattening the liver, and are fried with eggs, which is both delicious and healthy.


Ingredients: tomatoes, eggs, chopped green onions.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes and beat the eggs and set aside.

Heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry the chopped chives, add the tomatoes and stir-fry to bring out the juice.

Pour in the egg mixture and stir-fry quickly until set.

Add salt to taste and serve.

8. Lotus root pork rib soup

Lotus root has the effect of clearing away heat and rejuvenating Jin, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, and nourishing the spleen and stomach. Stew it with pork ribs for a nourishing and delicious taste.


Ingredients: lotus root, pork ribs, ginger slices.

Blanch the ribs and remove the blood and set aside.

Peel the lotus root and cut into cubes for later use.

Add enough water to the casserole, put the pork ribs, lotus root, and ginger slices to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour.

Season with salt and enjoy.

The above are the 8 dishes I recommend for everyone! I hope you will enjoy it and try to make it. These dishes are not only delicious, but also help us to strengthen our spleen and dampness, and survive the hot summer! At the same time, I also hope that everyone can pay attention to seasonal ingredients, follow the laws of nature for dietary care, and make the body healthier!

"Don't eat from time to time", the ancients had a deep understanding of the relationship between seasons and ingredients. In this special solar term of Xiaoman, let us use these seasonal delicacies to recuperate our body and mind and feel the gifts of nature. I hope that every friend who loves life and food can enjoy the double gift of health and deliciousness in this summer!

Pay attention to the little geckos, and the delicious recipes will not be endless. Let's find the joy of life and the taste of happiness in the world of food!

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