
Regain responsibility and mission, say goodbye to formalism: rebuild the foundation of trust between the government and the people

author:Daily talking

Formalism refers to the phenomenon of pursuing superficial form while ignoring substance. At the government level, formalism is manifested in the pursuit of political achievements by some leaders who ignore the actual needs of the people. This situation often stems from an imbalance between power and responsibility at the top, leading leaders to focus too much on performance appraisal and neglect the responsibility to provide quality services to the public.

The imbalance between power and responsibility is one of the roots of formalism. In the process of promotion, some leaders pay more attention to winning the appreciation and recognition of their superiors than to care about the actual needs of the people. They will use some flashy means to pursue temporary political achievements, but ignore the long-term and sustainable solution of real problems.

Regain responsibility and mission, say goodbye to formalism: rebuild the foundation of trust between the government and the people

In the process of pursuing political achievements, it is often accompanied by the breeding of formalism. In order to meet performance targets, some leaders will resort to false means to cover up problems or create superficial results. This has deceived not only the higher-level leaders, but also the masses of the people. Once the problem is exposed, not only the credibility of the government will be affected, but also the society will have a negative impact.

The reasons for the imbalance between power and responsibility at the top are varied. On the one hand, competitive pressures among leaders have led them to pursue individual achievements rather than group interests. On the other hand, due to information asymmetry, it is difficult for the people's demands to be conveyed to the leadership, resulting in a lack of real understanding of the real problems.

Regain responsibility and mission, say goodbye to formalism: rebuild the foundation of trust between the government and the people

To solve the problem of the pursuit of political performance under the imbalance between power and responsibility of superiors, we need to take a series of measures. First of all, leading cadres should strengthen their professional ethics and be clear about their responsibilities and missions. It is necessary to improve the quality and ability of leaders at the source and prevent the breeding of formalism.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen communication and cooperation between levels, and establish an information transmission mechanism that meets the needs of social development. Only by truly understanding the needs of the people can we better solve problems and provide high-quality services for the people.

Finally, we need to strengthen the monitoring mechanism and conduct a comprehensive assessment of the performance of leading cadres. Establish a reasonable appraisal system, so that leaders pay more attention to solving practical problems, rather than empty pursuit of political performance.

Regain responsibility and mission, say goodbye to formalism: rebuild the foundation of trust between the government and the people

The root of formalism lies in the imbalance between power and responsibility of superiors, and the pursuit of political performance is the direct result of it. Solving this problem requires the joint efforts of the whole society, and only by changing the way of thinking of leading cadres can we achieve real people's livelihood and well-being and social progress.

Let us work together to eliminate the roots of formalism and build a more just, transparent and pragmatic society!

The root of formalism lies in the imbalance between power and responsibility of superiors, which leads to the existence of the pursuit of political performance. Only by deepening reforms, strengthening the cultivation of the quality of leading cadres, strengthening information communication, and establishing a rational appraisal system can we eliminate the root of formalism and lay a solid foundation for social development.

Regain responsibility and mission, say goodbye to formalism: rebuild the foundation of trust between the government and the people