
How much should my baby eat each time? Different babies have differences, I will teach you how to feed them

author:Eight early childcare


Hello everyone, I'm Hachi

How much should my baby eat each time?

The baby's milk volume has always been the concern of countless mothers, all hoping that the baby can develop well, but the negligence of feeding problems is easy to be reversed.

In the eyes of the elderly, only by eating more can they develop well, but this feeding method has a great impact on the baby, and it is easy to lead to stunted growth of the baby, so mothers should also standardize their feeding habits.

How much should my baby eat each time? This should not be the object of mother's comparison, because each baby's situation is different, and the amount of food is also different, and different babies are different.

How much should my baby eat each time? Different babies have differences, I will teach you how to feed them

Breast milk is fed as needed

Breastfeeding is relatively convenient, there is no need to calculate the amount of milk, and there is no need to adjust the milk, and the process is not so complicated to achieve timely satisfaction.

Breastfeeding is fine as needed, but mothers should not misjudge the baby's needs, and also pay attention to whether the baby has been met.

If the baby has been full and has been feeding, there will also be overfeeding, the baby swallowing function can not be negligent, which is also a key signal to judge whether the baby is full, when the baby swallows slowly, it also means that the baby has been satisfied.

How much should my baby eat each time? Different babies have differences, I will teach you how to feed them

How to feed milk powder

Formula feeding is also particular, and the amount of milk for the baby should also be calculated according to the baby's weight.


In addition, mothers should also know the number of times the baby drinks milk, by dividing the total number of times the baby drinks so that you can know how much milk the baby drinks each time, which is still to be noted.

Milk powder feeding is also a certain particular, so mothers should also standardize milk powder feeding habits, which should still be paid attention to, don't be negligent.

How much should my baby eat each time? Different babies have differences, I will teach you how to feed them

Formula feeding can easily cause a burden on the intestines, so don't think it's a good thing that your baby can eat it.

The amount of milk that the baby needs every day is so much, and the nutrients absorbed by the baby after reaching the standard are very comprehensive. Excessive nutrient intake is not absorbed by the baby, so eating too much is only a burden and not beneficial.

Mothers can also refer to this milk volume value:

After 90-4 months, milk production basically stabilized in the range of 120-200.

If you can follow this amount of feeding, the baby is not prone to overfeeding, but each baby is different, sometimes the baby is a little more when the amount of exercise is high.

In terms of weight, there is a big difference between babies of the same age, and the amount of milk that babies eat is also very different, so mothers should also be aware of this, not that the baby does not develop well if he eats less milk.

Although the baby's development is related to nutrition, it is also related to the baby's sleep, exercise, and all aspects, so standardize feeding habits and meet the baby's growth needs, and mothers should not be negligent.