
The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

author:Dark Horse Caiyi
The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!


Is it really as it is said on the Internet: the highest oil yield is not rapeseed, not peanuts, but farmers?

Some time ago, the topic of prohibiting farmers from planting vegetables and fruits in their own yards on the Internet sparked heated discussions, and now some experts suggest that property companies enter the rural unified management, and farmers park their cars in their yards and are charged parking fees, which is reasonable management or looting people's wealth?

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

1. Parking in your own yard becomes a charging area

In the vast countryside of China, their own yards used to be a small world of freedom for the villagers. Farmers can grow vegetables, dry grain, gather and park their hard-earned cars. After a lifetime of hard work, one's own yard may be the most proud "country" that farmers have ever laid in their lives.

However, with the introduction of the "closed smart parking fee management" policy, this land of freedom has suddenly become costly. The villagers were surprised to find that their yards and their own land had to pay a "resource occupation fee" to use them.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

Before the policy was implemented, parking was a matter of course for the villagers. They can park their vehicles in the yard at will, with no time limit and no need to worry about fees. But now they have to pay a hefty monthly fee to the utility company for them to "manage" these parking spaces.

In some villages, the monthly parking fee is as high as 150 yuan, which is undoubtedly a huge financial burden for some farming families who rely solely on agriculture for their livelihood. This fee is charged in the name of "improving the quality of property services in the village", but in reality, many villagers do not feel any improvement in the quality of service, and only feel that their wallets are getting lighter.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

In order to manage these so-called "resources", the property management company has set up toll barriers in the village and listed detailed charging standards in the villagers' convention. This top-down approach to policy implementation does not seem to consulted the villagers, let alone take into account the actual economic situation of each family.

Discontent quickly grew among the villagers, who began to question: How could their yards become someone else's "resource"? Why does a car parked in front of one's house become a burden?

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

Farmers were increasingly skeptical of this policy, and more conflicts and problems began to surface. And all this points to a core question: can this kind of "service" really improve the quality of life of farmers?

2. Rational management or looting of people's wealth?

This sudden drama of rural parking fee collection, the opacity of the policy and the loopholes in the implementation have caused the anger of the villagers. At first, the property company claimed that this was to improve the overall management level of the village and make life more orderly, but the villagers felt that this was an inexplicable looting of people's money.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

The setting of the fee standard is puzzling. 150 yuan a month may be just the cost of a dinner for city dwellers, but for most farmers who rely on crops for income, it is a significant expense.

Farmers were suddenly asked to pay this fee without notice, and the scale of the fee varied greatly from village to village. In some villages, it is 100 yuan, while in others it is as high as 200 yuan, and there is a lack of clear billing basis and detailed cost details. The villagers questioned why they also parked in front of their homes, but why the fees were so different.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

Many problems have also been exposed in the implementation of fees. Property companies rushed to execute without adequate preparation, leading to many technical and management loopholes.

What's more, some property staff have an arrogant attitude towards the villagers and do not deal with problems effectively, making the villagers feel that the service is inefficient and unprofessional. This kind of service is really difficult for the villagers to equate with the "management fee" they pay.

In the eyes of many villagers, this is not a simple fee policy, but more like a disregard for the traditional village way of life.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

The peasants were accustomed to the free space in the yard, and suddenly this free space was marked with a price, and their lives were greatly disturbed because of it. The villagers began to wonder if the so-called "management fee" was really used to improve their living conditions. Or has it just become a different kind of tax?

Some villagers chose to protest and refused to pay the unwarranted fees; Some rebelled angrily, saying that they did not want to live in such an environment for a long time. It has gradually attracted wider social attention. The online debate is getting hotter, with everyone from farmers to city dwellers questioning whether such a policy is really justified in the absence of transparency and fairness.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

3. Hot discussions on the Internet: policy repercussions and public sentiment

The issuance of a policy has caused waves not only in the affected rural areas, but also on the Internet. The news of "charging for parking in your yard" spread quickly on social media and news platforms, and various opinions emerged like a volcanic eruption.

Many netizens expressed their sympathy and support for the farmers. In popular Weibo comments and online forums, users criticized the policy for being inhumane and irrational. They believe that the peasants have an easy life in the first place, and now they have to charge for parking in front of their homes, which is tantamount to restricting and exploiting their way of life.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

Many commentators have pointed to the lack of democratic process and transparency in the implementation of this policy, and that property companies should first consider the actual affordability and living needs of farmers, rather than unilaterally imposing a fee policy.

The public began to question the fairness and efficiency of broader official policies and management practices. Some argue that if even a small parking issue is not handled fairly and transparently, how can the public trust the authorities to make the right and fair decisions in more important public matters?

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

The online discussion has gradually penetrated into the fundamental issues of public management and social justice, and many have called for greater caution and respect for public opinion when formulating such policies that affect people's livelihoods.

But there are some people who disagree. They believe that even in rural areas, there is a need for gradual regulation and modernization, and parking fees may be one way to drive this change.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

This part of the view is that charging an appropriate parking fee can be beneficial to the villagers in the long run if it can be effectively used to improve the infrastructure and service quality of the village. However, this view is often drowned out by more opposition, and the public generally feels that such charges are an unwarranted financial burden without seeing real improvements.

The controversy over parking fees has sparked deep concerns about rights, property, and social justice. The lively discussion online reflects a broader societal phenomenon: the public wants their voice to be heard and their rights respected when confronted with policy.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

4. How to balance rural property management with residents' needs?

As the controversy over parking fee policies continues to intensify, it is important to find a solution that balances the needs of farmers with the effectiveness of property management. If the property company must enter the rural management, it must solve the contradiction between services and interests.

To resolve this contradiction, policymakers and implementers need to think creatively and engage in deeper community communication to ensure that any management measures are widely understood and supported.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

Policy adjustments should focus on increasing transparency and fairness. For example, the specific charging standard of parking fees should be open and transparent, and there should be sufficient communication with the villagers to explain the purpose of the fee and the specific improvements it will bring to the village.

A monitoring group composed of village representatives could be set up to monitor the use of these revenues and ensure that every penny is used to improve the quality of the village's infrastructure and services. This can reduce misunderstandings and increase policy acceptance.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

Innovative management is also key to conflict mitigation. In order to truly improve the quality of property management in villages, a result-based management model can be introduced. For example, the property management company can work with the village committee to determine the fee standard based on the service standards reached and the satisfaction of the villagers. This performance-related approach to charging is fairer and more incentivizing property companies to provide high-quality services.

Policymakers should hold regular public meetings in the village, inviting villagers to express their views and suggestions and discuss the direction of village development. This bottom-up approach to communication helps to collect real feedback from villagers, which may promote villagers' sense of identity with the policy and enhance unity and collaboration within the community.

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!

In the future, rural property management is expected to achieve true equity and efficiency, bringing about a more harmonious and prosperous village life. In this way, the problem of parking fees in rural areas is no longer a source of burden for villagers, but a catalyst for village progress.


At least for now, it seems that the so-called "service" of the property company and the parking fee charged by the utility company are not equal. Perhaps this policy of "farmers have to pay for parking in their yards" was a mistake from the beginning.

What do you think?

The looting of people's wealth has reached the level of unreasonableness, and now farmers have to pay for parking in their own yards!
