
Why don't you have a large denomination of 1000 500 yuan? Netizen: Lose a sheet and the sky is falling

author:Xiao Zhang shares interesting stories about life
{"info":{"title":{"content":"人民币为什么不出1000 500这样的大面额钞票?网友:丢一张天塌了","en":"Why don't you have a large denomination of 1000 500 yuan? Netizen: Lose a sheet and the sky is falling"},"description":{"content":"今日看到一个话题:问人民币为什么不出1000,500这样的大面额钞票?看到这个话题时还有点匪夷所思,如果真的这样,以后丢...","en":"I saw a topic today: why don't you have a large denomination like 1000,500 yuan? It's a bit unbelievable when I see this topic, if it's really like this, I will lose it later..."}},"items":[]}