
Analysis of the new electricity price policy in 2024: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?

author:Xiao Fan talks about Pepsi

The scorching summer sun seems to never stop, and the sun is blazing outside the window, but the temperature inside is as cool as spring.

This is thanks to the air-conditioning system that works quietly. However, when I tried to turn up the temperature, I found that the number on the electricity bill was much higher than usual. What's going on?

I hurriedly turned on my phone and searched for relevant information. It turns out that since June 1 this year, many places across the country have introduced a policy of optimizing peak and valley time-of-use electricity prices, which undoubtedly means that our residential electricity bills will be adjusted. Will it be a price increase or a price reduction? How's that going? Let's dive in.


First of all, we need to understand what is the optimization of the peak-to-valley time-of-use electricity price policy. To put it simply, it is to formulate different electricity price standards according to the peak and trough hours of electricity consumption. Electricity prices are usually relatively high during peak hours and lower during off-peak hours.

The purpose of this is very clear, that is, it is hoped to guide the majority of residential users to reasonably arrange the time of electricity consumption and avoid centralized electricity consumption during peak hours, which will cause the power grid to be overloaded and even tripped.

I checked some information and found that the specific level of electricity price adjustment varies from region to region when implementing this policy. For example, in Anhui Province, during the peak hours of 16:00-24:00 from July to September, the electricity price of industrial and commercial users of 100 kVA and above will rise by 84.3%, while the electricity price will fall by 61.8% during the trough period of 0:00-9:00.

Another example is Zhejiang Province, where large industrial users will increase electricity prices by 65% during peak hours (8:00-11:00, 13:00-17:00) in spring and autumn, 55% during trough hours (0:00-8:00, 11:00-13:00), and 80% during deep valley hours. In summer and autumn, during peak hours (9:00-11:00, 15:00-17:00), electricity prices rise by 98%.

Analysis of the new electricity price policy in 2024: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?

For general industrial and commercial electricity, the electricity price will also be increased by 50% during the peak hours of spring and autumn (8:00-11:00, 13:00-17:00), and the electricity price will be reduced by 55% during the trough period (0:00-8:00, 11:00-13:00), and 80% during the deep valley period. In summer and autumn, during peak hours (9:00-11:00, 15:00-17:00), electricity prices will increase by 65%, and during peak hours (8:00-9:00, 17:00-23:00), electricity prices will be increased by 50%.

It can be seen that this policy has indeed brought a lot of impact to large industrial and industrial and commercial users, especially during peak electricity consumption hours, their electricity bills will increase significantly. So, as ordinary residential users, how will our electricity bills change?

I checked more information and found that there were not many adjustments in various places for residential electricity consumption. For example, in Hubei, the tiered electricity price is still implemented for residential electricity, and the electricity price for annual electricity consumption below 2160 kWh is 0.558 yuan/kWh, 2161-4800 kWh is 0.608 yuan/kWh, and above 4800 kWh is 0.858 yuan/kWh.

The situation in Hunan is similar, the residential electricity consumption is still calculated according to the step-by-step calculation of one household and one meter, and the electricity price is 0.588 yuan/kWh within 200 kWh, 0.593 yuan/kWh for 200-350 kWh, and 0.888 yuan/kWh for more than 350 kWh.

Analysis of the new electricity price policy in 2024: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?

The setting of this tiered electricity price is actually based on the amount of electricity consumed to formulate different electricity price standards. The more electricity you use, the higher the unit price, and the less electricity you use, the lower the unit price. This mechanism itself plays a certain role in power-saving guidance.

In addition to Hubei and Hunan, when I checked the data, I also found that the residential electricity policies in Shanghai, Sichuan, Liaoning and other places have basically remained unchanged, and the tiered electricity price is still implemented.

This shows that although various localities have introduced a policy of optimizing the time-of-use electricity price for large industries and industrial and commercial electricity, the adjustment of electricity prices for ordinary residential electricity is not large, and the original tiered charging mechanism is mainly maintained.

So, why is this discrepancy occurring? In my opinion, there are several main reasons:

First, residential electricity consumption is relatively small, and the impact on grid load is not as significant as that of large industries and industrial and commercial enterprises. Therefore, the government pays more attention to the guidance and control of the industrial and commercial sectors when formulating adjustment policies.

Second, the peak hours of residential electricity consumption are concentrated around 8 o'clock in the morning and from 17 o'clock to 23 o'clock in the evening, which is also the peak time for industrial and commercial electricity consumption. If a peak-to-valley time-sharing policy is also adopted for residents, it is likely that more residents will choose to use electricity during off-peak hours, which will bring new peak loads.

Analysis of the new electricity price policy in 2024: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?

Third, the existing tiered electricity price mechanism itself can play a certain role in power-saving guidance, and the control of residents' electricity consumption is relatively easy to achieve. However, industrial and commercial electricity consumption is often linked to production and business activities, and stronger price leverage needs to be applied to guide it.

In general, when formulating electricity price adjustment policies, local governments pay more attention to the industrial and commercial fields, hoping to guide and control the peak of electricity consumption through price leverage, while for residential electricity, they are more inclined to maintain the original charging mechanism, and strive to ensure the stable operation of the power grid, but also take into account the electricity demand of residents.

However, even so, for some residents with high electricity consumption, electricity bills will still increase. For example, some households that use central air conditioning or high-power appliances may have an increase in electricity bills during peak summer hours.

Of course, we can't ignore some special groups, such as the elderly, low-income families, etc., whose electricity needs are often different from those of ordinary families. For these groups, the electricity price adjustment policy also needs more care and preferential treatment.

In general, the focus of the new electricity price policy in 2024 is still on the field of large-scale industrial and industrial and commercial electricity consumption, and in comparison, the adjustment of electricity consumption for ordinary residents is not large. However, we still need to pay close attention to the reasonable arrangement of electricity consumption time and try to avoid peak hours to reduce electricity bills.

Analysis of the new electricity price policy in 2024: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?

Of course, I also understand that there are times when we really can't fully control the time of electricity consumption, after all, the use of household appliances still needs to meet the needs of the family. However, we can take some appropriate measures, such as using energy-saving and environmentally friendly electrical appliances as much as possible, and appropriately reducing electricity consumption during peak hours. In short, the new electricity price policy in 2024 has brought some impact on the lives of our residents, but compared with the industrial and commercial sectors, the adjustment is not too large. In my opinion, when formulating these policies, the government is more concerned with the safe and stable operation of the power grid and the effective control of peak electricity consumption.

For ordinary residents, there are still some simple measures we can take to cope with the adjustment of electricity prices. For example, try to arrange the use of high-power electrical appliances during low peak hours, buy energy-saving household appliances, and develop good electricity habits. As long as we can actively adapt and cooperate, I believe that the electricity bill will not increase significantly.

Of course, for some special groups, the government should also give sufficient attention and preferential policies when formulating policies. After all, their electricity needs are often different from those of the average household and require more care.

Analysis of the new electricity price policy in 2024: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?

In general, although the focus of the new electricity price policy in 2024 is mainly focused on the industrial and commercial sectors, for our residents, electricity bills will also increase. However, as long as we can reasonably adjust the time of electricity consumption and take necessary measures to save electricity, I believe that the electricity bill can be completely controlled.

At the same time, I also hope that the government will pay more attention to the electricity needs of residents when formulating relevant policies in the future, and provide more preferential policies for special groups. Only by working together can the government and residents truly balance the load on the grid and keep the cost of electricity at a reasonable level.

Do you have any thoughts on these new tariff policies? Feel free to leave a comment below to share your views and suggestions. Let's work together to contribute to the realization of greener and more efficient energy use!

Analysis of the new electricity price policy in 2024: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?

#2024年电价新政解析: How will residential electricity bills be adjusted from June 1?