
In June, some active and retired people will be given an extra amount of money, see if you have a share?


Under the blazing June sun, the story unfolds quietly, and each character seems to be given a new life, and their stories are intertwined into vivid and profound pictures. In this season of love and care, the fates of retirees and current employees are closely linked, and together they write touching and profound stories.

In an ancient city in the south of the Yangtze River, people have long been immersed in the lively atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon boat racing, the fragrance of zongzi, but behind this traditional festival, there is a touching secret. In the corner of the city, a group of old people who have been retired for many years received an unexpected surprise - a well-prepared Dragon Boat Festival gift package. It's not just a gift, it's a deep tribute to their hard work over the years.

These old people, who were once the pride of the city, wrote their glorious chapters with youth and sweat. Many of them have made great achievements for the country and society, or have quietly dedicated themselves to ordinary posts. Today, they are entering their old age, but their contributions and dedication will always be engraved in people's hearts. This gift package is like a warm sunshine that illuminates their hearts and makes them feel the love and respect from the society.

In June, some active and retired people will be given an extra amount of money, see if you have a share?

At the same time, on the other side of the city, the in-service workers who are sticking to their posts in the heat are also experiencing a test. The scorching sun and the heat wave are rolling, but they still stick to their posts, interpreting their responsibilities and responsibilities with sweat and hard work. In appreciation of their hard work, the city government decided to give them a high temperature allowance. Although this allowance is not much, it is an affirmation and encouragement for their efforts.

Imagine how excited and proud a worker would be when he suddenly received this high temperature allowance when he sweated in the scorching sun. This allowance is not only a recognition of their hard work, but also an incentive for their future work. It made them feel the love and support from the society, and also strengthened their determination to continue to contribute to the society.

However, in this season of love and care, not everyone can enjoy such treatment. Those who have been retired for many years and have a poor life, they may not be able to receive the exquisite Dragon Boat Festival gift package; Those in-service employees who silently contribute to the high temperature may only receive a meager high temperature allowance. These facts make us wonder: should we give them more attention and love?

In June, some active and retired people will be given an extra amount of money, see if you have a share?

The answer is yes. These elderly people and working workers are the precious wealth of the society, and they have created great value for the society with their sweat and wisdom. Their efforts and contributions should not be forgotten and ignored, but should be more respected and recognized. Therefore, we should take active action to send more love and help to them.

For retirees, we can organize volunteer activities to spend a pleasant time with them on a regular basis; We can invite them to participate in community activities, so that they can feel the warmth and care of the society; We can also provide them with help and support in their lives so that they can have a happy old age.

For incumbents, we can provide them with a better working environment and benefits; We can strengthen their vocational training and upskilling; We can also focus on their physical and mental health and career development, so that they can feel cared for and supported by the company.

In June, some active and retired people will be given an extra amount of money, see if you have a share?

In addition to these concrete actions, we can create an atmosphere of care and respect through advocacy and advocacy. We can use media and online platforms to publicize their contributions and contributions; We can hold a variety of celebrations and recognition events to recognize their outstanding deeds; We can also encourage more people to join the ranks of care and respect, and work together to build a harmonious and beautiful society.

In this month of love and care, let's feel those touching stories with our hearts; Let's use our actions together to convey warmth and strength; Let's light up the world with love together! Because in this world, everyone deserves to be respected and cared for; Everyone deserves to have a happy and good life!

In June, some active and retired people will be given an extra amount of money, see if you have a share?