
Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!

author:Yang Tsai said finance

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Alibaba has released its latest financial report, and Taobao Tmall's performance can be described as impressive! In this era when e-commerce dividends are gradually disappearing and players from all walks of life are fighting each other, Taotian Group can still achieve double-digit growth, what is the secret behind this? That's right, that familiar Taobao seems to be returning to our sight in a new way. What makes Taobao stand out again in the fierce market competition? You never thought of what was going on!

Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!

I remember a few years ago, everyone was saying that the bonus period of e-commerce had passed, but looking at the recent Taobao Tmall, they seem to be slapping the face with their strength. In 2024, Taotian Group's performance will be outstanding, with an astonishing double-digit growth in GMV and order volume year-on-year, and 88VIP members will break through the 35 million mark.

The first is the "gentle" treatment of merchants. Unlike other platforms that squeeze merchants, Taotian Group has put forward the strategy of "profiting merchants and refusing to roll in". By improving the technical services of the platform, they reduce the operational difficulty of merchants while providing personalized services, which greatly reduces the operating costs of merchants. They have launched a commission incentive plan for manufacturers in the industrial belt, which not only improves the efficiency of the industrial chain, but also allows consumers to enjoy lower prices.

Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!

On the consumer side, Taotian Group rewards users with affordable prices and high-quality shopping experience. Do you remember that crazy "10 billion spike festival"? From Apple's family bucket to Dyson's home appliances, the price is so low that people doubt their lives, and this direct price discount has made many consumers feel the tangible benefits. And all of this is part of Taotian Group's strategy of "returning to users".

Not only that, in this year's 618 promotion, Taotian Group has canceled the previous complex pre-sale links and replaced it with a more direct sales method, which is a strategy of simplifying operations, which undoubtedly makes many consumers and merchants worry a lot. Tmall has also strengthened the control of commodity prices and launched a full price protection service, so that consumers can buy with confidence and use it comfortably.

Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!

At this point, you may ask, how effective are these strategies? Actions speak louder than words. This series of operations of Taotian Group not only greatly improved the satisfaction of users and merchants, but also allowed them to gain a firm foothold in the e-commerce platform. Moreover, in the long run, this people-oriented strategy has won a good reputation for Taobao Tmall, so that the "familiar Taobao" has returned to the hearts of consumers again.

Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!

Taotian Group has not stopped in technological upgrading. They invest heavily in AI and big data technologies to ensure that every consumer's browsing and buying experience is optimal. This seemingly invisible investment is actually bringing a more personalized shopping experience to users. Have you ever had the experience of just wanting to buy something, opening Taobao, as if it knows what you want, and the recommended products are all to your liking? That's the magic that technology brings.

Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!

Moreover, Taotian Group also pays special attention to the promotion and update speed of new products. In the "100 Cities & 100 Flavors Million Hits" activity, they not only expanded the supply of high-quality and low-cost goods, but also strengthened the investment of resources related to new products, which greatly improved the speed and quality of new product updates on the platform. In this way, whether you want to pursue fashion trends or find cost-effective products, Taobao Tmall can always meet your needs.

It has to be mentioned that the management of Taotian Group has emphasized on several public occasions that 2024 will be an important investment year for them. Wu Yongming, CEO of Taotian Group, mentioned in a conference call that they will adhere to the core positioning of "almighty Taobao" and are committed to providing more comprehensive and high-quality services for the majority of consumer groups. This kind of determination and dedication makes people look forward to the future of Taobao and Tmall.

Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!

You may ask, why does Taobao continue to lead among many e-commerce platforms? The answer is simple, that is, Taotian Group has always adhered to the concept of user-centricity, and they strive to provide users with the best quality experience, both in terms of service and technology. This spirit of perseverance is the key to Taobao's ability to stand out in the fierce market competition.

Returning to the user experience and improving the quality of service is not only a strategic choice of Taotian Group, but also their deep insight into market changes. In this era of information explosion and consumption upgrading, Taobao Tmall ensures that every user can find satisfactory answers on this platform through continuous innovation and improvement. Isn't this kind of Taobao the one we are familiar with and novel?

Double-digit growth in trading volume and order volume! The familiar Taobao is back!


This round of transformation of Taobao and Tmall is undoubtedly a success. They have not only achieved remarkable results in financial data, but more importantly, they have won the recognition of the market and the hearts of users through a series of strategic adjustments. In this highly competitive market, Taobao Tmall can still maintain its leading position, relying not only on the support of innovation and technology, but also on the careful polishing of users' deep understanding and service. We have reason to believe that the familiar Taobao will continue to write a new chapter of its own in the e-commerce world with a stronger attitude.

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