
Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

author:Dream Little Fish P

The Old Devil's Record: The High Monks in the Team - The Interweaving of Power and Desire

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

In ancient history, there is a team of explorers, preachers, or members of some mysterious organization. However, in this team, there is a shocking truth hidden - that highly respected monk is actually a hidden demon.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

This eminent monk, named Zhikong, is dressed in a robe and holds a rosary, ostensibly a compassionate practitioner of profound Buddhism. However, in the depths of the ranks, he showed a different face. The Zhikong monk is actually a hypocrite with an extremely strong desire for power, and he uses his position and influence to oppress and exploit the female members of the team in an extremely perverted way.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

During the procession, the female members were like imprisoned birds, losing their freedom and dignity. In the name of spiritual practice, the Zhikong monks forced them to perform all kinds of extreme austerities, such as kneeling for long periods of time in prayer, fasting, and even self-abuse. He claimed that it was to sharpen their wills and improve their cultivation, but in fact it was to satisfy his own twisted desires.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

What's even more outrageous is that the Zhikong monks also used their religious status to mentally destroy the female members. He made up all kinds of lies to discredit their personalities and plunge them into deep inferiority and despair. He even spread rumors among the ranks that these women were the embodiment of the devil and that only after his "purification" could they be freed from evil.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

However, in this game of power and desire, the monk is not the only participant. Other members of the team have also become accomplices in this tragedy to varying degrees. Perhaps out of fear, perhaps out of ignorance, perhaps motivated by profit, they chose silence and obedience. This collective silence allowed the crimes of the Zhikong monks to be hidden for a long time until one day they were completely revealed.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

Finally, one day, a young woman in the team, when she couldn't bear it anymore, bravely stood up and exposed the crimes of the Zhikong monk. Drawing on her own personal experience, she told the other members how the Monk used the power of religion to wreak havoc on them, both physically and mentally. Her brave act, like throwing a pebble on the surface of a calm lake, caused a huge wave.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

As the truth gradually emerges, the rest of the party begins to realize their mistakes and ignorance. They begin to reflect on their past actions and think about how to avoid similar tragedies in the future. This turmoil not only exposed the crimes of the Zhikong monks, but also awakened the conscience and sense of justice in the hearts of everyone in the team.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

In this contest of power and desire, we see the complexity and diversity of human nature. The crimes of the wise monks let us see the darkest and distorted side of human nature; And the brave act of that young woman shows us the brightest and greatest side of human nature. It is this interweaving of light and darkness that constitutes the richness and complexity of human history.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

However, behind this tragedy, we should also think about some deeper issues. Why would a monk who is supposed to be compassionate become a slave to power and a slave to desire? Why did a team that should have been united fall into such a catastrophe? The answers to these questions may not be simple. But it is through constant thinking and exploration that we can better understand human nature, understand history, and understand the world.

Old devil record: The high-ranking monk in the team is the worst, forcing women to be extremely perverted

Finally, let's go back to the young woman. Her courageous actions not only earned dignity and freedom for herself, but also brought hope and rebirth to the entire team. Her story tells us that no matter what kind of adversity we find ourselves in, if we stand up bravely, face the truth, and pursue justice and light, we will be able to overcome darkness and evil, and win freedom and dignity. So, who will be the next person to come forward? This question is worth pondering and looking forward to.

In the ancient fog of history, the crimes of the high monk Zhikong are like a lightning bolt in the night, instantly illuminating the dark corners of human nature. His actions are not only a desecration of religious creed, but also a violation of the dignity of women. The incident sparked a heated debate about the abuse of power and gender equality.

Some netizens commented: "What Zhikong does is like a mirror, reflecting the corners of our society that are corrupted by power." We should be vigilant not to allow power to become a slave to desires. Another netizen quoted the famous saying: "'Power corrupts people, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.'" The story of Zhikong once again confirms this truth. ”

In my opinion, this incident is not only an exposure of the past, but also a warning to the present and the future. It reminds us that we should uphold moral boundaries and respect the dignity of others at all times and in all places, and let power be a force for social justice and progress, not a tool to destroy humanity.

The reactions of netizens were mixed, with some deeply shocked, believing that this was a serious taint of religious beliefs; There are also people who reflect on the relationship between power and desire, believing that it is a universal social problem. I deeply feel that this incident has revealed the complexity and diversity of human nature, and has also made us think more deeply about power and morality.