
Standard leading! Smooth trade-in channel

author:Well-off Magazine

  Exclusive article by China's well-off network

  Text: "Xiaokang", reporter of China's well-off network, Yu Jingyuan

  Compared with the past, this round of large-scale consumer goods trade-in has an important feature, that is, it adheres to the guidance of standards.

  With the release of the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in" issued by the State Council, a new round of consumer goods trade-in action has officially begun. The plan proposes to promote the renewal and transformation of equipment in key industries, promote the replacement of consumer goods for home improvement through government support and corporate concessions, and actively cultivate new consumption such as smart homes.

  This good news made Bai Tingting, a post-80s generation in Beijing who is preparing to buy a new house, very excited. "Our family has too many old appliances and old furniture that need to be replaced, and trade-in can save us a lot of money, and it is also very environmentally friendly, so we don't need to throw away the things that are still usable. Especially our old mattress, reluctant to throw away, and want to change to a new one, and now there is finally a way. ”

Standard leading! Smooth trade-in channel

  Trade-in One of the major bottlenecks in the trade-in process is that the disposal of old items has not been effectively solved. Photo / Rice Grains

  The new one is hot, and the old one must keep up

  Industry experts generally agree that promoting the trade-in of consumer goods requires the coordination and development of strategies among all parties in the entire industry chain, including production, sales, government, enterprises and consumers. Companies themselves need to dig deep into their internal resources to ensure that trade-in services are efficient and sustainable in a way that is more in line with market rules and simplifying and convenient procedures.

  "Replacing the new" is heating up, and "collecting the old" must also keep up. Although many home furnishing companies are actively expanding the trade-in business, they still face many difficulties and challenges in the actual operation process. According to a recent survey by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, among the more than 3,000 citizens surveyed, 11.1% of the respondents will produce discarded large pieces of furniture in 2023, and nearly half of them choose to sell old furniture in addition to giving it to others and renovating it themselves. However, one of the major bottlenecks in the trade-in process is that the disposal of old items has not been effectively resolved.

  In addition, statistics show that the average kitchen area of mainland urban residents is about 7 square meters, accounting for about 70%, in the limited space, old kitchen facilities, outdated kitchen appliances, accumulation of sundries and unreasonable space layout, constitute the difficulty of kitchen and bathroom renovation to replace the old with the new.

  In response to these problems, some enterprises have begun to actively explore ways to solve them. For example, in recent years, Red Star Macalline Group has achieved preliminary results in the recycling of waste household appliances and furniture, and has gradually built a set of professional, standardized and integrated home appliances and furniture trade-in service system, covering the whole process from door-to-door disassembly, packaging, handling, protection and other front-end links, to the back-end centralized transportation to the environmental protection treatment site for classification and dismantling, and even the whole process of waste materials compressed and sent to sites that meet national standards for environmental protection.

  Tu Qi, vice chairman and secretary general of the China Furniture Association, emphasized that it is urgent to build a platform that can connect all parties, play a role as a bridge, guide the resource integration of leading enterprises in the industry, and work together to build a recycling platform for the whole industry chain of the Internet of Things.

  Jia Shaoqian, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hisense Group, said that at present, bulk durable consumer goods such as automobiles and home appliances are in a critical stage of green transformation, and it is recommended to further improve the management system and industry standards for the disposal, recycling, circulation and dismantling of waste electrical and electronic products, and promote enterprises to actively participate in making high-quality durable consumer goods more into the lives of residents. "Promoting a new round of large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods is an important benefit for home appliance companies." Jia Shaoqian said that the demand and potential for the upgrading of durable consumer goods in the mainland is very large, and it has been more than ten years since 2009 to carry out large-scale household appliances to the countryside, and has just entered the cycle of large-scale replacement of household appliances. Promote the effective implementation of specific favorable policies for trade-in, objectively require to speed up the standardization of the recycling and treatment of waste electrical and electronic products, and open up the "last mile" of the construction of green circular economy for household appliances as soon as possible.

  Jia Shaoqian suggested that the state further improve the management system and industry standards for the waste, recycling, circulation and dismantling of waste electrical and electronic products. The first is to guide consumers to discard products in accordance with regulations and prevent random discarding; Second, recycling enterprises are required to recycle products in accordance with regulations and prevent waste products from flowing to private demolition operators; Third, second-hand dealers are required to complete product refurbishment, inspection and circulation in accordance with regulations, and prevent products with quality defects from flowing to the market; Fourth, dismantling and processing enterprises are required to complete dismantling in accordance with regulations to prevent unqualified dismantling and environmental pollution.

  Promote the development model of circular economy from the source

  At present, the mainland is in the window period of large-scale household appliances and automobile replacement, with equal emphasis on increment and stock, and the consumer market is changing from "whether it is available" to "whether it is good or not". It is understood that the home appliance market in Jiangsu Province has accounted for about 10% of the national market over the years, of which more than 30 million household appliances are estimated to be in service for more than 30 million units, and there is huge room for replacement. In recent years, green and intelligent "new" products have replaced "old" products with high energy consumption and high pollution, which has undoubtedly increased the market demand for product upgrades. Many consumers' home appliances "trade-in" problem is stuck in the processing of old home appliances.

  On the dismantling production line of Nanjing Huanwu Resource Recycling Technology Co., Ltd., after extracting freon, dismantling the compressor to collect oil and crushing, a waste refrigerator was dismantled into copper, aluminum, plastic, foaming materials and other substances. "These dismantled ferrous metals will be sent to metallurgical plants and steel production enterprises as raw materials for processing." Peng Tao, general manager of Nanjing Huanwu Resource Recycling Technology Co., Ltd., said, "At present, the company's average daily dismantling capacity can reach 1500~2000 small household appliances and 1000 sets of major appliances. As the person in charge of the end recycling and dismantling enterprise of household appliances, Peng Tao said frankly, "After the State Council issued the 'old for new' plan in March, the number of second-hand scrapped household appliances we recycle every day has increased significantly." Among them, refrigerators, air conditioners, and LCD TVs are the majority. ”

  On March 28, the State Council held a video conference to promote large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods. At the meeting, it was proposed to focus on improving the quality and level of economic circulation, doing a good job in recycling and recycling, accelerating the development of the "new + recycling" logistics system and new models, and promoting the agglomeration and large-scale development of renewable resource processing and utilization enterprises. Peng Tao bluntly said that this is a great benefit for dismantling enterprises. "We are actively approaching the sales side, such as Suning Electric and Jingdong Five Star, hoping to reach a cooperation, so that consumers who are willing to replace them can put second-hand electrical appliances into formal channels for dismantling and recycling. At the same time, we will try to implement the 'Internet + recycling' model, so that consumers can contact us more conveniently, make an appointment online, and recycle offline." ”

  Compared with the past, this round of large-scale consumer goods trade-in has an important feature, that is, it adheres to the guidance of standards. Experts suggest that the home appliance industry should benchmark against the international advanced level, combine with the actual development of the industry, and speed up the formulation and revision of standards in the fields of energy conservation and carbon reduction, environmental protection, safety, and recycling. Comprehensively consider the affordability of enterprises and consumer acceptance, and promote the implementation of standards in an orderly manner.

  "Trade-in is a systematic project, involving a wide range of aspects, therefore, first of all, to cultivate the awareness of consumers to trade in, the relevant departments need to promote to consumers that trade-in is not only a national strategy, but also an important way for consumers to improve the quality of consumption and quality of life." Ma Chunhui, an associate professor of economics at Shenzhen University, told reporters from "Xiaokang" magazine and China's Xiaokang Network. Regarding the current situation that there are still many bottlenecks and obstacles in the whole chain of production, consumption, recycling and disposal, Ma Chunhui suggested: "We should further improve the recycling and circulation management system and industry standards for trade-in; Promote the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment and software, accelerate the construction and popularization of the industrial Internet, and cultivate a new model of digital economy empowerment. Strictly implement mandatory standards such as energy consumption, emissions, and safety, as well as the requirements of the equipment elimination catalog, and eliminate equipment that does not meet the standards in accordance with laws and regulations. Cultivate a number of product design and production enterprises, and accelerate the development of a circular economy model from the source. ”

  The relevant person in charge of the China Household Appliance Service and Maintenance Association said that in the face of the practical problems in the promotion of the trade-in policy, this year the association has begun to formulate the "Household Appliance Maintenance Management Specification for Overdue Service" and "Household Appliance Trade-in Service Management Specification" to smooth the household appliance recycling channels and promote the healthy and orderly development of the household appliance recycling system. In addition, the China Home Appliance Association will also focus on the revision of the "double carbon" standard for household appliances, smart home standards, emerging product standards, and quality standards.

  "Unblocked" trade-in channel is a big project. "It is necessary to implement various subsidy policies, and various incentive policies must be put in place. In this way, we can ensure the smooth trade-in of all links, so that the production, circulation, and consumption links are profitable. Ma Chunhui said, "It is necessary to improve the recycling network of waste products and equipment. Support the production and sales of consumer durables to build a reverse logistics system or cooperate with professional recycling enterprises to recycle waste consumer goods at home. Adhere to the market-oriented, government-guided, orderly improvement. All localities need to do what they can, and in light of the actual situation in each locality, implement equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods step by step and in stages, so as to promote the development of new productive forces as a whole. ”

  ("Xiaokang", exclusive article of China's well-off network)

  This article was published in the late April 2024 issue of Xiaokang

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