
The 28-year-old celebrity painter Wu Rudan, married an 80-year-old doctor, and has been alone for 53 years without regrets

author:Yu Zongxiang

#以书之名#因病结缘, at the age of 28, she married a famous doctor who treated her at the age of 80. She is the female painter Wu Yidan, born in Beijing in 1924, when she was 12 years old, she suffered from tuberculosis, her father was very anxious, and sought medical treatment for her, but she never got better.

Fortunately, his uncle was Chiang Kai-shek's secretary in the presidential palace at that time, and he had a wide range of contacts, so he introduced Pei Xiye, a famous doctor from the French embassy, to treat his niece. The doctor came to China 20 years ago, and many dignitaries and celebrities have asked him to see him.

At this time, Pei Xiye was 64 years old, and when he saw Wu Rudan, he remembered his daughter who died of the same disease in his early years. Therefore, he attaches great importance to and cares for Dan, and Dr. Pei has a small three-story building in Xishan, Beijing, Peijia Garden, with a waiting room on the first floor, a reception room on the second floor, and a ward on the third floor.

The air here is fresh and the environment is beautiful, and it is a good place to treat and recuperate, that is, a private clinic. Likedan's father often takes his daughter to see a doctor, tuberculosis can not be cured in three or two days, and besides, his father is the chairman of the Sino-French Bank, so he can't accompany his daughter every day.

Dr. Pei took the initiative to take care of Dan, who also liked it. In the long process of treatment, the two fell in love and fit well, and Dr. Pei also discovered the girl's talent for painting. Therefore, after Wu Yidan recovered, at the suggestion of Dr. Pei, he went to the Fine Arts Department of Fu Jen University to study painting.

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Pei Xiye took the initiative to join the Red Cross Society of China, not only to treat the sick and save people, but also to find ways to help transport medical equipment and medicines in short supply, support the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, and solve the urgent needs of Dr. Bethune.

When Wu Rudan learned all that Dr. Pei had done for China's War of Resistance, he was deeply moved, and he also had a different kind of feeling. When she finished her studies, she came directly to Pei's Garden to study medical care and became Dr. Pei's right-hand man.

In their spare time, they talked about the situation of the Anti-Japanese War, medical knowledge, and painting. In this way, worship and faith made two men and women who were 52 years apart fall in love with each other unconsciously, perhaps because they fell in love for a long time, and no secular discussion could stop their true feelings.

In 1952, 28-year-old Wu Yidan married 80-year-old Pei Xiye. When Dan's parents learned about this, they were very angry and couldn't accept a person who could be their father at the age to be their son-in-law. has always refused to forgive them, and even severed the father-daughter relationship.

Two years later, Pei Xiye returned to France with Wu Sidan, and then gave birth to a son, Pei Xiye was very happy. But age is not forgiving, in 1960, 88-year-old Pei Xiye finished his life. At this time, Wu Yidan was only in his 30s, and his son was only 8 years old.

In the years that followed, Wu Rudan raised their children alone in a foreign country, and in order to make a living, she found a temporary job, and at the same time picked up her paintbrush. To her delight, their son later inherited his father's genes and became a famous doctor in France.

Their marriage across ages and borders made Wu Rudan have no regrets, she never remarried, nor did she leave that place, guarding the memories that belonged to the two of them, and spent more than half a century, until 2016, when 89-year-old Wu Rudan died of a heart attack.

The 28-year-old celebrity painter Wu Rudan, married an 80-year-old doctor, and has been alone for 53 years without regrets
The 28-year-old celebrity painter Wu Rudan, married an 80-year-old doctor, and has been alone for 53 years without regrets
The 28-year-old celebrity painter Wu Rudan, married an 80-year-old doctor, and has been alone for 53 years without regrets