
Naying's live broadcast collapsed? Netizen: Add chicken legs to Yingzi, don't let her run away!

author:Small novel entertainment


Collapse and encouragement under the live broadcast: Na Ying's "Singer 2024" challenge

1. The collapse of the live broadcast system

At the recording site of "Cute Detective 2024", the audience was shocked by a sudden revelation. Na Ying, a singer who has a pivotal position in the Chinese music scene, actually revealed in front of the camera that she felt unprecedented pressure because of the live broadcast system of "Singer 2024", and even on the verge of collapse.

Naying's live broadcast collapsed? Netizen: Add chicken legs to Yingzi, don't let her run away!

It is reported that "Singer 2024" adopts a new live broadcast competition system, and every time the contestants sing, they directly face hundreds of millions of viewers. This kind of opportunity with no post-editing and no re-recording makes every contestant feel pressured. Na Ying, an experienced singer, also felt an unprecedented challenge in this live broadcast war. She revealed that whenever she stood on the stage and faced those critical cameras and audiences, she felt her heart beat faster and even a little out of breath.

Naying's live broadcast collapsed? Netizen: Add chicken legs to Yingzi, don't let her run away!

2. Sharing with Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng

After feeling the huge pressure, Na Ying did not choose to bear it alone. In between recordings, when she chatted with artists such as Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng, she couldn't help but share her mental journey. Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng are both the new generation of forces in the entertainment industry, they may not have experienced such pressure as Na Ying, but their encouragement and support gave Na Ying great courage.

Naying's live broadcast collapsed? Netizen: Add chicken legs to Yingzi, don't let her run away!

Huang Zitao said: "That sister, we all know your strength, as long as you take it easy, you will definitely be able to play your best." Xu Zhisheng also echoed: "Yes, that sister, we are all here to support you, and you will definitely be able to overcome this challenge." With the encouragement of the two young artists, Na Ying gradually regained her self-confidence and decided to face the next competition with a more positive attitude.

Naying's live broadcast collapsed? Netizen: Add chicken legs to Yingzi, don't let her run away!

3. The ridicule and encouragement of netizens

The revelation quickly sparked heated discussions on social media. Netizens expressed their concern and support for Na Ying, and at the same time, they did not forget to ridicule the eldest sister in the music world. Some netizens commented: "Sister Naying is too hard!" But this kind of challenge is also a rare opportunity for her! Some netizens joked: "Find a few security guards for Yingzi, look at it and don't let her run away!" Hahaha! ”

Naying's live broadcast collapsed? Netizen: Add chicken legs to Yingzi, don't let her run away!

Of course, more netizens still expressed their encouragement and support for Na Ying. They left messages in the comment area: "Sister Naying, come on! We always have your back! "Sister Ying, you must hold on! We're all here to cheer you on! These words of encouragement not only made Na Ying feel warm, but also made more readers feel the enthusiasm and positive energy of netizens.

Naying's live broadcast collapsed? Netizen: Add chicken legs to Yingzi, don't let her run away!

Fourth, Na Ying's response and expectations

In the face of the ridicule and encouragement of netizens, Na Ying also responded. She said: "Thank you for your care and support! I know this fight is a big challenge for me, but I believe that as long as I keep a positive mindset and strong belief, I will be able to overcome this challenge. At the same time, she also revealed her expectations for the next competition: "I hope to be able to show my best self on the stage of "Singer 2024" and bring an unforgettable audio-visual feast to the audience. ”

Conclusion: Controversial summary

Na Ying's revelation not only let us see the huge pressure on stars behind the glamour, but also let us see their tenacity and courage in the face of challenges. However, it also raises a controversial question: should celebrities be under such tremendous pressure in the highly competitive entertainment industry? Should they sacrifice their health and happiness for fame and fortune?

There may not be a clear answer to this question, but we can see from Na Ying's experience that no matter how big the challenges and difficulties are, as long as we maintain a positive attitude and firm belief, we will be able to overcome everything. At the same time, we should also give more understanding and support to celebrities, so that they are no longer alone on the road to pursuing their dreams.

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