
Uncover 11 rare genetic traits and you are the "chosen one" with them!


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Uncover 11 rare genetic traits and you are the "chosen one" with them!

Every person is unique: 11 rare genetic traits are revealed.

Humans are an amazing species, and we have an endless diversity, including a rich variety of physical features. And the reason why these physical traits are so diverse is largely due to our genes. Each person's genes are unique, and it is this genetic difference that makes us look so different. In addition to common genetic traits such as eye color and hair texture, there are some rarer traits that may only be possessed by a very small number of people. Today, let's uncover these rare genetic traits and see what kind of mystery is hidden behind them.

Uncover 11 rare genetic traits and you are the "chosen one" with them!

Raise a single eyebrow

In our daily lives, we may meet people who have a pair of raised eyebrows, and usually one eyebrow rises alone, while the other remains calm. Such physical characteristics are actually determined by a physiological phenomenon called "Bell's Phenomenon". The so-called "Bell's Phenomenon" means that when the eye blinks, the eyeball will first turn downwards and then rise, and when the eyeball rises, the eyebrows will also rise, and for some people, this phenomenon will be more obvious, thus forming the appearance of a single eyebrow.

Shape the clover tongue

The tongue is an organ that everyone has, and for the average person, the appearance of the tongue is usually flat, and there are some blood vessels that appear on it. But have you ever heard of the phrase "clover tongue"? In fact, the so-called clover tongue is a very rare tongue shape, and it will have a very obvious depression in the center, and the shape of this depression, just like a clover, is very interesting.

Dimple genetics

Speaking of dimples, everyone must be no stranger, this is a very charming facial feature, many people feel that people with dimples, will look more relatable. In fact, the so-called dimple is a special structure of the facial muscles, and the dimple will only be perfectly displayed when the facial expression changes. Interestingly, dimples are a special facial feature that can be inherited genetically, and if one or both of a person's parents have dimples, then their children may also have such facial features.

wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth, as the name suggests, are a tooth that only grows when humans grow up, and it usually starts to grow around the age of 20. The so-called wisdom tooth is actually our third largest molar, because it grows late, so sometimes it will have some impact on other teeth, resulting in problems such as tooth crowding and pain. Interestingly, not everyone will develop wisdom teeth, some people will not develop wisdom teeth in their lifetime, while some people can have 4 or more wisdom teeth, this phenomenon is also determined by genes.

Palmar longus muscle

The palmaris longus muscle is a muscle located in the palm of the hand, and its presence plays a very important role in some special sports, such as monkey hanging, tree climbing and other sports. In general, the palmar longus muscle appears in the palms of ape-men, but in modern humans, such flesh no longer exists. However, in some people's palms, the palmar longus muscle still appears, which is actually a degenerative muscle called "Palmaris Longus", which does not have any impact on our daily life, but is just a special presence in the body structure.


Uncover 11 rare genetic traits and you are the "chosen one" with them!

Generally speaking, the function of the left and right hands of humans is not exactly the same, for example, right-handed people will be more accustomed to using the right hand, while left-handed people will be more accustomed to using the right hand, while left-handed people will be the opposite. However, for some people with both hands, their left and right hand functions are almost identical, whether it is writing, holding things or doing sports, they can open the bow left and right, such a special existence is also determined by genes.

Morton toes

The Morton toe is a very rare toe form, which is characterized by the fact that the second toe is longer than the big toe, and there are some deformities in the process of growth, which looks very special. Interestingly, the formation of Morton toes is actually affected by factors such as wearing inappropriate shoes and walking for a long time, and these factors have a certain relationship with genetics, so some people will form Morton toes after encountering these conditions.

Preauricular fistula

A preauricular fistula is a special tissue that grows in front of the ear and looks like a small earlobe, but in a slightly different location. Interestingly, not everyone will have a preauricular fistula, only a few people will grow such tissue in front of the ear, and this growth phenomenon is also determined by genes and has a certain hereditary nature.


Synesthesia is a very interesting sensory phenomenon that allows people to have some crossover sensations when perceiving things, such as the perception of colors when they see numbers, and the sensation of shapes when they hear music. And this special sensory phenomenon is actually a rare sensory crossover phenomenon, which only a very small number of people have, and all this happens is also determined by genes.

Free control of goosebumps

Goosebumps, in some special situations, such as hearing beautiful music, seeing touching scenes, etc., there will be some small granular protrusions on the surface of our body, which is the so-called goosebumps phenomenon. For ordinary people, goosebumps cannot be controlled autonomously, it will only appear automatically in specific situations, however, for some special people, they can freely control the appearance of goosebumps, no matter when, as long as they want, they can make goosebumps appear on the body, such free control ability, is also a very rare physiological phenomenon.


The light sneeze reflex is a very interesting physiological phenomenon that causes people to sneeze after being stimulated by bright light. Interestingly, this reflex phenomenon is not something that everyone has, and only a very small number of people will sneeze uncontrollably when they encounter bright light, and all of this is also determined by genes.

Uncover 11 rare genetic traits and you are the "chosen one" with them!

Every human being is unique, and these rare genetic traits that we possess are the embodiment of who we are. In the process of exploring these rare traits, we can not only better understand ourselves, but also understand the mysteries of human genes more deeply, and I believe that in the near future, our understanding of genes will become deeper and deeper, and more interesting discoveries will be revealed.

Uncover 11 rare genetic traits and you are the "chosen one" with them!

Learn more

If you are interested in genetics and life sciences, then you may wish to learn about the Human Genome Project, which is an important research on human genes and an important breakthrough in our understanding of genes.

Uncover 11 rare genetic traits and you are the "chosen one" with them!

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